
出版時間:2005-7  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:海曼  頁數(shù):741  


  在當前經(jīng)濟全球化的背景下,中國經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展需要大量具備扎實理論功底、了解國際規(guī)則、能夠適應國際競爭需要的優(yōu)秀的經(jīng)濟管理人才,所以,大力開展雙語教學,適當引進和借鑒國外優(yōu)秀的原版教材,是加快中國經(jīng)濟管理教育步伐,使之走向國際化的一條捷徑。為此,北京大學出版社與國外著名出版公司麥格勞一希爾教育出版公司和湯姆森學習出版集團合作推出了《經(jīng)濟與金融經(jīng)典入門教材》和《管理學經(jīng)典入門教材》兩套系列叢書,這兩套叢書的大部分均同時包含英文版和翻譯版,主要針對本科層次,目前首先推出英文版(英文影印版/英文改編版)。叢書的篩選完全是本著“出新、出好、出精”的原則,均經(jīng)過北京大學及國內其他著名高校相關學者的精心挑選,分別匯集了國外經(jīng)濟與金融和管理學領域的經(jīng)典教材,稱得上是一套優(yōu)中選精的叢書?! ¤b于外版教材大多篇幅過長,且其中某些內容不適合我國的教學實際需要,因而我們對部分所選圖書進行了必要的刪節(jié),成為英文改編版。在選書和刪節(jié)的過程中,我們得到了許多老師的大力支持和幫助,在此,我們對他們表示衷心的感謝:  北京大學光華管理學院:張一弛、張志學、楊云紅、雷明、武常岐、張紅霞、陸正飛、黃慧馨  中國人民大學:李先國、楊波、胡波  中國農業(yè)大學管理學院:陸娟  中山大學嶺南學院:賈佳  天津財經(jīng)大學財政系:張進昌  哈爾濱工業(yè)大學工商管理學院:張莉、李國鑫  這兩套叢書是對國外原版教材的直接或刪節(jié)后影印,由于各個國家政治、經(jīng)濟、文化背景的不同,對于書中所持觀點還請廣大讀者在閱讀過程中注意加以分析和鑒別。另外,我們在對原版圖書進行刪節(jié)、重新編排頁碼的同時,為了便于讀者核對使用索引,仍保留了原書的頁碼,因此讀者在閱讀過程中可能會發(fā)現(xiàn)有跳頁現(xiàn)象,而且由于刪節(jié),某些文中提到的頁碼或內容有可能無法找到,對于由此給讀者帶來的諸多不便,我們深表歉意,懇請您的諒解?! ∥覀兤谕咎捉滩牡某霭婵梢詫ξ覈?jīng)濟管理學科的教學,尤其是經(jīng)濟管理專業(yè)本科的教學有所裨益,能夠對我國經(jīng)濟管理學科的發(fā)展有所貢獻?! ∫惶讌矔耐瞥龊筒粩嗤晟齐x不開大家的支持和幫助,我們也歡迎所有關心中國經(jīng)濟管理學科教育和發(fā)展的專家和學者及廣大讀者,給我們提出寶貴的意見和建議,誠摯地希望您能向我們推薦您所接觸到的國外優(yōu)秀的經(jīng)濟管理類圖書。


  本書系統(tǒng)地介紹了公共經(jīng)濟學和財政學的基本原理,并討論了理論在公共政策中的當代應用,將理論與實踐有機地結合起來。全書共分五篇,分別為:政府活動的經(jīng)濟基礎、美國的政府支出與政策的若干問題、為政府支出融資、稅收的理論與結構、州和地方政府財政?! ≡摃幻绹敶髮W、加州州立大學洛杉磯分校、波士頓大學第一百余所大學選做財政教材。


  海曼是北卡羅來納州立大學的經(jīng)濟教授,自1969年以來,一直為該校的本科生和研究生講授財政學課程。海曼教授在普林斯頓大學獲得經(jīng)濟學博士學位。他曾經(jīng)獲得伍德羅·威爾遜獎學金、埃爾哈特獎學金和福特基金會獎學金。1980年,他以富布賴特獎學金高級研究學者的身份前往意大利。1997年曾任意大利費拉拉大學的經(jīng)濟學客座教授。海曼教授是北卡羅來納州立大學杰出教師學會的會員,并獲得過1982年和1996年度的校友聯(lián)合會杰出教師獎。由海曼教授主編的幾部經(jīng)濟學科書正被廣泛使用。他曾先后在《國家稅收雜志》、《公共選擇》、《經(jīng)濟教育雜志》和其他一些重要學術刊物上發(fā)表過多篇論文?! 『B淌谠?jīng)擔任總統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟顧問委員會的顧問,1988-1989年曾任該委員會的高級經(jīng)濟學家。他還是布魯金斯研究所的客座研究員,并且擔任過政府預算分析師、聯(lián)邦儲備系統(tǒng)州長委員會經(jīng)濟學家和美國貨幣審計師。


PART ONE  THE ECONOMIC BASIS OF GOVERNMENT ACTIVITYCHAPTER 1 Individuals and GovernmentCHAPTER 2 Efficiency, Markets, and GovernmentsCHAPTER 3 Externalities and Government PolicyCHAPTER 4 Public GoodsCHAPTER 5 Public Choice and the Political ProcessPART TW0  GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES AND POLICY IN THE UNITED STATES: SELECTED ISSUESCHAPTER 6 Cost-Benefit Analysis and Government InvestmentsCHAPTER 7 Government Subsidies and Income Support for the PoorCHAPTER 8 Social Security and Social InsuranceCHAPTER 9 Government and Health CarePART THREE FINANCING GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURESCHAPTER 10 Introduction to Government FinanceCHAPTER 11 Taxation, Prices, Effidency and the Distribution of IncomeCHAPTER 12 Budget Balance and Government DebtPART FOUR TAXATION: THEORY AND STRUCTURECHAPTER 13 The Theory of Income TaxationCHAPTER 14 Taxation of Personal Income in the United StatesCHAPTER 15 Taxation of Corporate IncomeCHAPTER 16 Taxes on Consumption and SalesCHAPTER 17 Taxes on Wealth, Property, and EstatesPART FIVE STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCECHAPTER 18 Fiscal Federalism and State and Local Government FinanceGiossaryIndex


  To be eligible for benefits, a worker must have worked and paid the tax on acertain minimum amount of earnings. Forty quarters of coverage (10 years of covered work) qualifies a worker for Social Security retirement benefits. The monetary amount of the pension that a worker receives depends on previous earnings history, marital status, dependents, and the amount of time that Social Security taxes have been paid by the worker.  Unemployment insurance benefits are financed by a special tax on payrolls levied on employers alone. They are administered by state governments, and some variation in eligibility and benefits paid exists among the states. On average, how-ever, the unemployment benefits equal about one-third of the wages previously earned, up to a certain limit. Benefits are usually paid for a maximum period of26 weeks; however, they can be extended automatically during a period of high unemployment. In periods of deep recession and other extraordinary circumstances, Congress can enact legislation that extends benefits for even longer periods. Benefits are available to all workers who, through no fault of their own, involuntarily lose their jobs and whose previous employers paid unemployment insurance taxes on the workers behalf. No means test is required to be eligible for benefits.  Social insurance and Social Security pensions are transfer programs open toall workers regardless of their income. However, the way in which benefits repaid can affect the income distribution somewhat, because they are distributed according to the workers wages. Low-income workers receive benefits that are higher proportions of their preretirement earnings than higher-income workers or workers for whom nonwage sources of income are relatively important. All workers in jobs covered by the Social Security system must pay the Social Security tax, as must their employers, regardless of their own personal circum-stances or evaluation of the programs future benefits.




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