
出版時(shí)間:2006-8  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:桑德拉·艾爾鮑姆  頁數(shù):422  字?jǐn)?shù):800000  


這是一本通過語境學(xué)習(xí)英語的好教材。使用這本教材,學(xué)習(xí)者不僅可以熟練掌握英語語法,運(yùn)用英語語言;而且還可以學(xué)習(xí)美國文化背景知識,在語境中學(xué)習(xí)英語,在語境中使用英語……本書內(nèi)容包括:·學(xué)生用書的全部內(nèi)容——以清晰易讀格式顯示,方便查閱?!⒖即鸢浮趯W(xué)生用書的基礎(chǔ)上直接插入答案,便于快速查找。·逐頁編寫的教學(xué)建議——針對每一個語法點(diǎn)和課堂活動?!r(shí)間節(jié)約建議——適應(yīng)高效率課堂的需要?!ね卣菇ㄗh——擴(kuò)展語法點(diǎn)、主題和教學(xué)活動?!みx擇性項(xiàng)目——提供可選擇的語法項(xiàng)目、閱讀和課堂活動?!じ郊诱n堂教學(xué)建議——以閱讀術(shù)語表和文化注釋為平臺,延伸教學(xué)內(nèi)容。     本書是《英語語境語法》系列之一,該套書通過語境學(xué)習(xí)英語的好教材。使用這套教材,學(xué)習(xí)者不僅可以熟練掌握英語語法,運(yùn)用英語語言;而且還可以學(xué)習(xí)美國文化背景知識,在語境中學(xué)習(xí)英語,在語境中使用英語。幫助學(xué)習(xí)者學(xué)得更多,記住更多,更加有效地運(yùn)用語言。


DedicationAcknowledgmentsWelcome to Grammar in ContextFrequenthly Asked Questions About Teaching with Grammar in ContextLesson 1   GRAMMAR The Present Tense of the Verb Be; Prepositions of Place;This, That, These, Those  CONTEXT College Life  READING Community College Life in the U.S.    1.1 Forms of Be    1.2 Uses of Be    1.3 Word Order with Be    1.4 The Subject  READING Letter from College    1.5 Contractions with Be    1.6 Be with Descriptions    1.7 Be with Definitions    1.8 Prepositions    1.9 Negative Statements with Be  READING Instant Message from a Student in the U.S.    1.10 Be in Yes~No Questions and Short Answers    1.11 Wh- Questions with Be; Question Words    1.12 Comparing Statements and Questions with Be    1.13 Questions with What and How  READING In the School Cafeteria    1.i4 This, That, These, Those    Summary of Lesson 1    Editing Advice    Lesson 1 Test/Review    Expansion ActivitiesLesson 2   GRAMMAR The Simple Present Tense  CONTEXT The U.S. Government  READING Washington, D.C.    2.1 Simple Present Tense Forms    2.2 Simple Present Tense--Uses    2.3 Spelling of the -s Form    2.4 Pronunciation of the -s Form    2.5 Comparing Affirmative Statements--Be and Other Verbs    2.6 Negative Statements with the Simple Present Tense    2.7 Comparing Negative Statements with Be and Other Verbs  READING The IRS    2.8 Yes/No Questions and Short Answers with the Present Tense    2.9 Comparing Yea/No Questions--Be and Other Verbs    2.10 Or Questions    2.11 Wh- Questions with the Simple Present Tense    2.12 Comparing Statements and Questions in the SimplePresent Tense    2.13 Questions About Meaning, Spelling, and Cost    2.14 Comparing Wh- Questions--Be and Other Verbs    Smnmary of Lesson 2    Editing Advice    Lesson 2 Test/Review    Expansion ActivitiesLesson 3   GRAMMAR Frequency Words with the Simple Present Tense;Prepositions of Time  CONTEXT American Holidays  READING Three Special Days    3.1 Frequency Words with the Simple Present Tense    3.2 Position of Frequency Words and Expressions  READING The Fourth of July    3.3 Prepositions of Time    3.4 Questions with Ever    3.5 Questions with How Often and Answerswith Frequency Expressions    Summary of Lesson 3    Editing Advice    Lesson 3 Test/Review    Expansion Activities    ……Lesson4Lesson5Lesson6Lesson7Lesson8Lesson9Lesson10Lesson11Lesson12Lesson13Lesson14AppendicesIndex




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