出版時間:2004-12 出版社:北京大學 作者:漢斯·摩根索 頁數(shù):419
Preface to the Brief EditionPreface to the Sixth EditionPART ONE Theory and Practice of International Polttics1 A Reajist Tbeory of lnternational PoliticsSIX PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL REALISM2 The Science of International PoliticsUNDERSTANDINC INTERNATIONAL POLITICSDifferent ApproachesLimitations to UnderstandingUNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM OF INTERNATIONAL PEACEPART TWOIn,tern,ation,al Politics as a Struggle for Power3 Political PowerWHAT IS POLITICAL POWER?As Means to the Nation's EndsIts Nature: Four DistinctionsTHE DEP:RECIATION OF POLITICAL POWERTWO ROOTS OF THE DEPRECIATION OF POLITICAL POWERNineteenth-Century PhilosophyThe American ExperienceTHE SCIENCE OF PEACE: CONTEMPORARY UTOPIANISM4 The Struggle for Power: Policy of the Status Quo5 The Struggle for Power: ImperialismWHAT IMPERIALISM IS NOTECONOMIC THEORIES OF IMPERIALISMThe Marxist, Liberal, and "Devil" Theories of ImperialismCriticism of These TheoriesDIFFERENT TYPES OF IMPERIALISMThree Inducements to ImperialismVictorious WarLost WarWeaknessThree Goals of ImperialismWorld E'mpireContinental EmpireLocal PreponderanceThree Methods of ImperialismMilitary ImperialismEconomic ImperialismCultural ImperialismHOW TO DETECT AND COUNTER AN IMPERIALISTIC POLICYThe Problem of Policy: Containment, Appeasement, FearThe Problem of Detection6 The Struggle for Power: Policy of PrestigeDIPLOMATIC CEREMONIALDISPLAY OF MILITARY FORCETWO OBJECTIVES OF THE POLICY OF PRESTIGETHREE CORRUPTIONS OF THE POLICY OF PRESTIGE7 The Ideological Element in International PoliciesTHE NATURE OF POLITICAL IDEOLOGIESTYPICAL IDEOLOGIES OF FOREIGN POLICIESideologies of the Status QuoIdeologies of ImperialismAmbiguous IdeologiesTHE PROBLEM OF RECOGNITIONPART THREENational Power8 The Essence of National PowerWHAT IS NATIONAL POWER?ROOTS OF MODERN NATIONALISMRetreat from Nationalism: Apparent and RealPersonal Insecurity and Social Disintegration9 Elements of National PowerGEOGRAPHYNATURAL RESOURCESFoodRaw MaterialsThe Power of Oil……PART FOURLimitations of National Power: The Balance of PowerPART FIYELimitations of National Power: International Morality and World Public OpinionPART SIXLimitations of National Power: International LawPART SEVENInternational Politics in the Con,temporary WorldPART EIGHTThe Problem of Peace: Peace through Limitation,PART NINEThe Problem of Peace: Peace through Tran,sformationPART TENThe Problem of Peace: Peace through Accommodation,Historical GlossaryIndex
Since size of population is one of the factors upon which national powerrests, and since the power of one nation is always relative to the power of others, the relative size of the population of countries competing for power and,especially, the relative rate of their growth deserve careful attention. A countryinferior in size of population to its competitor will view with alarm a decliningrate of growth if the population of its competitor tends to increase more rapidly.Such has been the situation of France with regard to Germany between 1870and 1940. During that period, the population of France increased by fourmillion, whereas Germany registered a gain of twenty-seven million. While in1800 every seventh European was a Frenchman, in 1930 only every thirteenthwas a Frenchman. In 1940, Cermany had at its disposal about fifteen millionmen fit for military service, whereas France had only five million.On the other hand, ever since the unification in 1870, Germany has viewed some times with alarm, and always with respect, the Russian population figures,which show a greater rate of increase than Germany's. Looking at the situationas it existed at the outbreak of the First World War solely from the point of view of population trends, Cernlany could feel that time was on Russia's side, and France could feel that time was on the side of Germany, while both Austria and Russia, for other reasons already alluded to, could believe that postponement of the conflict would favor the opponent. Thus all the protagonists, with the excephon of Great Britain, had reasons of their own to prefer a war in 1914 to a peaceful settlement which they could not regard as definite, but only as a breathing spell before the unavoidable settling of a ccounts.As the shifts in the distribution of power within Europe in recent history have been roughly duplicated by the changes in population trends, so the emergence of the United States as the great power center of the West, taking the place of Western and Central Europe, can be read in the population figures of the respective countries. In 1870, the population of France as well as of Germany exceeded that of the United States. Yet,in 1940, the population of the United States had increased by 100 million while the combined increase in the populations of France and Germany in the same period amounted to only thirty-one million.It is thus obvious that a nation cannot be the first rank without a populationsufficiently large to create and apply the material implements of nationalpower. On the other hand, it has become obvious only in recent times that alarge population can also exert a drastically negative influence upon nationaJpower. This has happened in so-called underdeveloped nations, such as Indiaand Egypt, whose populations have greatly increased, by virtue of a decrease in the mortality rates,while their food supply did not keep pace with the increase in population,These countrie were continually faced with the therat of famine and with the need to take care of large masses of undernourished and diseased people ,They had to divert scarce resources from the development of their national power to the feeding and cart of ftheir populations,The largeness of their population ,far from being an asset for their national power,is anobstacle to its develppment,F(xiàn)or such nations,to bring the number of ther population into harmony with their resources is a necessity ,and if resources population in to its development,F(xiàn)or such nations,to bring the number of their cannot be increased,population control is a precondition of national power,,Trends It is obvious from what has been said thus far that in trying to assess the future distribution of power the prediction of population trends plays an important role. ……
不論國際政治的最終目的是什么,權力始終是其直接目標。為權力而斗爭在時空中無處不在,是一個不可否認的經驗事實?! 獫h斯·摩根索《國家間政治》 從最廣泛的知識意義上而言,摩根索打下了國際政治的基礎?! 夏崴肌丈ā墩维F(xiàn)實主義與世界政治危機》) 迄今為止,在流派林立的西方政治理論界,恐怕還沒有一部論著的影響能夠超過摩根索的《國家間政治》……在40年時間里,摩根索的理論在西方長盛不衰?! 蹙兯迹ㄕ浴秶议g政治》1990年中譯本序) 漢斯·摩根索……是美國國際政治學界的第一位大師,他的主要著作《國家間政治》被認為是使國際政治學成為一門獨立的、系統(tǒng)化的社會科學門類的關鍵作品。在他以后,國際政治學的發(fā)展又經歷了好些個階段,學者們又有不少新的貢獻和超越,但沒有一個階段和一個學者能夠在實現(xiàn)自己的進步時完全無視摩要索的工作,他們是“站在巨人的肩膀上”完成這種超越的?! 。ㄔ摃┮彩且徊肯到y(tǒng)的教科書,里面涉及到古典政治學的基本原理、它們在國際關系中的運用、國際體系的概念和外交的基本原則、歐洲近代國家間體系的歷史和國際史學家對它們的總結;這本書像是一部國際政治的“小百科全書”,不論你是否贊成作者的具體結論,通過閱讀你總能夠對國際政治學家研究的主要對象和基本范圍有一個總體的了解,包括國際政治學特有的范疇、術語和常識等。 ——王逸舟(《西方國際政治學:歷史和理論》)