出版時間:2006-6 出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社 作者:何平 頁數(shù):210
本教材由北京語言大學(xué)富有漢晤語音教學(xué)經(jīng)驗的資深教師編寫。包括“ 基礎(chǔ)篇”、“提高篇”兩冊?!盎A(chǔ)篇”主要講解語音常識,共9課;“提高篇”以分辨難音為主,包括漢語語音要素的難點,共11課。 本教材吸收最新的聲調(diào)教學(xué)科研成果,突出聲調(diào)教學(xué),真正使聲調(diào)教學(xué)貫穿于語音教學(xué)的全過程,可以幫助學(xué)習(xí)者在短期內(nèi)掌握正確的漢語發(fā)音方法,更快、更扎實地學(xué)好漢語語音。
第一課 聲調(diào)和單韻母 Lesson One Tile’Fones and the Simple Finals 一、漢語的4個聲調(diào) The 4 Tones in Chinese 二、漢語的8個單韻母及聲調(diào) The 8 Simple Finals and the Tones in Chinese 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Self-test Exercises第二課 聲母 Lesson Two The Initial 漢語的21個聲母及聲調(diào) The 21 Initials and the Tones in Chinese 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Self-test Exercises第三課 復(fù)韻母 Lesson Three The Compound Finals 漢語的13個復(fù)韻母及聲調(diào) The 13 Compound Finals and the Tones in Chinese 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Self-test Exercises第四課 鼻韻母 Lesson Four The Nasal Finals 漢語的16個鼻韻母及聲調(diào) The 16 Nasal Finals and the Tones in Chinese 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Selbtest Exercises第五課 變調(diào) Lesson Five The Changes of Tones 一、第三聲的變調(diào) The Changes of the 3rd Tone 二、第四聲的變調(diào) The Change of the 4th Tone 三、“一”的變調(diào) The Tone Changes of“一” 四、“不”的變調(diào) The Tone Changes of“不” 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Self-test Exercises第六課 輕聲 Lesson Six The Neutral Tone 一、漢語的4種輕聲 The 4 Neutral Tones in Chinese 二、輕聲的作用 The Functions of the Neutral Tone 三、必讀輕聲的詞 The Words that Must Be Read in a Neutral Tone 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Self-test Exercises第七課 兒化 Lesson Seven The r—Ending Retroflexion 漢語的4類兒化韻 The 4 Kinds of r-Ending Retroflexion in Chinese 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Self-test Exercises第八課 “啊”的音變 Lesson Eight 1he Changes in the Pronunciation 0f“啊” “啊”的6種音變 The 6 Changes in the Pronunciation of“啊” 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Self-test Exercises第九課 語調(diào) Lesson Nine Intonation 一、重音 Stresses 二、停頓 Pauses 三、句調(diào) The Tunes of Sentences 綜合練習(xí) Comprehensive Exercises 課后自測題 After Class Self-test Exercises 附錄 Appendix 一、“一”的變調(diào)詞語 The Words with“一”Whose Tone Changes 二、“不”的變調(diào)詞語 The Words with“不”Whose Tone Changes 三、必讀輕聲的詞 The W0rds that Must Be Read in a Neutral T0ne 四、兒化詞 The r-Ending Retroflex WoMs 五、漢語聲韻調(diào)配合表 Table of Combinations of the Initials Finals and Tones in Chinese 六、部分練習(xí)答案 Answers to Parts of the Exercises 七、課后自測題答案 Answers to After Class Self-test Exercises
外國人學(xué)習(xí)漢語,首要是學(xué)好漢語語音。語音是外國人學(xué)習(xí)漢語的難點之一。發(fā)音的正確與否將直接影響到學(xué)生的“聽”和“說”,影響到學(xué)生使用漢語的質(zhì)量。本教材就是為外國人編寫的一部漢語語音教材,它可以幫助學(xué)生更快、更扎實地學(xué)好漢語語音,少走或者不走彎路,養(yǎng)成正確的發(fā)音習(xí)慣,為學(xué)好漢語奠定基礎(chǔ)?! ”窘滩奈樟俗钚碌穆曊{(diào)教學(xué)科研成果,注重聲調(diào)教學(xué),加強聲調(diào)練習(xí),真正使聲調(diào)教學(xué)貫穿于對外漢語語音教學(xué)的全過程。