出版時間:2004-5 出版社:北京大學出版社 作者:周其鳳等編 頁數(shù):461 字數(shù):700000
The Packing of Polymers in the Cold Glassy StatePolymer Hilical Self-Assembhy :from Asymmerric Chimistry to Asymmitric PhyiscsSurface Thermal Molecular Motion And glass Transition Temperature of Polymeric SolidsCharged Uncharged and Chargeable Polymers at SurfacesPhase Structures and Transitions Of Lipuid Crystalline Polymers Baesd on 2vinyterephthalic AcidEntropic "Diplrtion"Force Induced Self -Aggregation of PolymerStatistical Thermodynamic Theory of Threading Unthreading Transitions of Molecular Nanotubes by Linear Flexible Polymer ChainAdvances in 2D and 3D Pattering for NanotechnologyA Brief Review on Auxegen Baesd Molecular Design of AuxeticsForce Stectroscopy on MacromoleculesNew Polymer Materials by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerixation and Other Controllde New Initiating Systems for Atom Transfer Radical PolymerizationLinear Pllycetylenes and Hyperbranched polyarylenes……