
出版時間:2005-4  出版社:北京大學  作者:J·M·卡龍  頁數(shù):372  




PREFACEPART 1 An Introduction to Social Problems 1 An Introduction to the Study of Social Problems 2 How Do We Decide What Are Social Problems? 3 What's Wrong with Declaring War on Social Problens?PART 2 Social Problems:Econimic Inequality 4 What's Wrong with the American Dream 5 The Have-Mores and Have-Lesses 6 The Invisible Poor 7 Some Thoughts on HomelessnessPART 3 Social Problems:Racial and Ethnic Inequality 8 Laissez-Faire Racism 9 The Definition of Asicn Americans as Foreigners 10 Lation Live in a Changing America 11 From Institutional to Jobless Chettos 12 The Revolution is about Basketball 13 Elimination the Waste of RacismPART 4 Social Problems:Gender Inequality 14 A Theory of the Division of Labor by Cender 15 Sexual Harassment in the Worle of Professional Women 16 Socialization into Cender 17 The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood 18 The Betrayal of the American ManPART 5 Social Problems in the Political Order……PART 6 Social Problems Related to the FamilyPART 7 Social Problems Related to EducationPART 8 Social Problems Related to Healthe CarePART 9 Social Problems Related to WorkPART 10 Social Problems Related to Crime and Criminal Justice


  本英文原著是一本供社會學和其他專業(yè)學生修讀社會學課程的系列讀物之一,它主要圍繞四個核心問題展開討論:第一,什 么是社會問題?第二,是什么將一個問題變成社會問題?第三,社會問題的成因是什么? 第四,針對社會問題人們可以有何作為?通過對這四個問題的探討,它可以幫助人們從社會學的角度批判性地檢視社會及其問題。




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  •   我是社會學的門外漢,但是看這本書不影響理解,是本深入淺出的書。
  •   女兒讀社會學的,老師推薦購買的,很好!
  •   是教材的形式,課后還有問題。略失望吧,畢竟是教材
  •   書是好書,然而卻是少文章了
  •   專業(yè),有用
  •   很好,不過是由于我的知識太欠缺了
  •   還好,英文讀起來不是特別費勁
  •   書有點舊,但還行。
  •   開闊眼界,開闊思維
  •   到貨時間挺快的。 這本書的膠水裂開了。
  •   為什么網(wǎng)上流傳的是13部分58篇文章,而書上只有十個部分42篇文章,有一篇南京大屠殺的也刪掉了?。?/li>

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