
出版時間:2004-1  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:Charles W.Kegley,Jr.  頁數(shù):374  




1 The Neoliberal challenge to Realist Theories of World Politics: An Introduction   Charles W.Kegley JrPART 1 The Foundations of Intetnational relations theory and the Resruuection of the Realist-Liberal debate  2.Theories of International Relations and foreign Policy: Realist and Its     Challengers    Ole R.Holsti  3.Realist Thought and Neorealist Theory     Kenneth N.Waltz  4.Liberalism and World Politics Revisited    Michael W.Doyle  5.Liberal International Theory:Common Threads ,Divergent Strands    Mark W.Zacher and Richard A.Matthew  6.Anarchy and the limits of cooperatin:A Realist Critique of the Newest Liberal     Institutionalism    Joseph M.GrecoPART 2 Reevaluating Institutios in the Post-Cold War World   7.Peace in the Liberal world:Does Democracy Matter?    Nicholas G.Onuf and Thomas J.Johnson  8.The United Nations in a New World Order:Reviving the thory    and Practice of International Organization    J.Martin rochester  9.Evolving Patterns of European Integration and Governance:    Implications for theories of World Polictics    Barry B.HughesPART 3 The Porblematic Future Peace:Arms and Commerce as contributing Factors?  10.Wwords into Plowshares:Can Fewer Arms Yield More Security?     Robert C.Johansen  11.International Trade as a Force for Peace     Neil R.richardsonAPRT 4Normative constraints on International Conduct?Law and Morality in Internation-al Affairs   12.International Law and International Order     Harvey Starr  13.Rethinking the Moral Dimensions of Foreign Policy      Joel H.RosenthalPART 5International Relations Theory and the Glogal Future  14.Promise or Peril?Neorealism,Neoliberalism,and the Future of International      Polictics     James Lee Ray  Index   About the Contributors




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