
出版時間:2003-7  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:榮斌年 編  頁數(shù):294  


《基礎(chǔ)英語教程》(2)是全國高職高專公共英語教材系列之一。本套教材采用兩種教程(《基礎(chǔ)英語教程》與《交際英語教程》)平行的教學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu),實行分級制。全套教材分四級,共八本,可供不同程序的學(xué)生選用。該教材是按照最新《高職高專教育英語課程教學(xué)基本要求》與《考試大綱》編寫的高職高專公共英語教材,由北京大學(xué)英語系教授孫亦麗主編。    《基礎(chǔ)英語教程》(2)在吸取“語法??翻譯法”教學(xué)優(yōu)點、注重培養(yǎng)學(xué)生語言基本功的基礎(chǔ)上,更加注重語言基本技能的培養(yǎng)與訓(xùn)練。全書共16個單元,每單元分精讀、語法與翻譯、閱讀練習(xí)三大部分,以讀為中心展開,包括詞匯、語法、翻譯等教學(xué)內(nèi)容。各部分圍繞《基本要求》規(guī)定的教學(xué)內(nèi)容與任務(wù)展開教學(xué)活動。本書選材新穎,貼近生活與時代,是廣大高職高專學(xué)生和英語學(xué)習(xí)者的理想教材。


Unit One Study and Language Learning   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Two Language and Culture   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Three Companies   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Four Great Characters   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Five Stories of Famous Characters   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Six Modern American Country Music   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Seven Credit Cards   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Eight Animals   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Nine Political Events   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Ten World Trade Organization(WTO)   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Eleven Computer Science   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Twelve Environment & Pollution   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Fourteen Digital Camera and Multimedia   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Fifteen Biology and Medicine   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading PracticeUnit Sixteen Buying a New House and the Property Management   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Grammar and Translation   Section Three Reading Practice詞匯表





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用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   對于我這個英語初學(xué)者來說,比較難,而且很單一。
  •   適合英語基礎(chǔ)一般的人進(jìn)行自學(xué)

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
