
出版時間:2003-1  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:毛思慧 編  


《解析當代英國:文學與文化研究(英文版)》主要內容:The study of Briain-its history,geography,politics,economy,language,literature and culture-has been conducted both in and outside the classroom of English in China for many decades and even centurise.But since late 1980s,British Studise as a Growing and dynamic interdisciplinary subject has been going through drastic changes,powerfully moving beyond a study of mainly canonical masterpieces.Indees,the complex processes of glocalisation(globalisation and localisation)of the economy,of images,of discourses,and of risks and problems have given rise to an urgent need to cross geographical,national,political and cultural as well as disciplinary boundaries.This book features 25essays and reflections on British(mainly contemporary)literary and cultural texts,engaging a host of critical perspectives in gender,postcolonial,humanistic,discourse,and cultural studies.They are organized into four parts,“Drama of Shakespeare and Beyond,”“Revisiting British Poetic Kingdom,”“Rereading Tales of Britain,”and“Globalizing Culture and British Cinema.”Generally or specifically,these essays and reflections address issues such as class,gender,ethnicity,orienalism,aesthetic,social,political,and cultural identity,indicating the complexity of contemporary debates over BVritish written and visual consturctions of the Other as well as themselves.




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