
出版時(shí)間:2009-11  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:周學(xué)藝 編  頁數(shù):305  


  《美英報(bào)刊文章選讀》(上、下冊)首版于1987年,是迄今在全國所有英語報(bào)刊文選課本中惟一曾經(jīng)教育部高校外語專業(yè)教材編審委員會(huì)英語編審小組批準(zhǔn)的正式教材,并獲得過北京大學(xué)科研成果獎(jiǎng)。2006年8月,它與《美英報(bào)刊導(dǎo)讀》和《美英報(bào)刊文章閱讀》(精選本)一起被列為“普通高等教育‘十一五’國家級規(guī)劃教材”,故它為全國許多高校所采用,并受到廣大英語自修者的歡迎。  現(xiàn)在出版的《美英報(bào)刊文章選讀》(上、下冊)第四版,與前三版一樣,是供大專院校英語和新聞專業(yè)及其他涉外專業(yè)三年級以上學(xué)生使用的教材,也可供具有相應(yīng)程度的從事外事、新聞、國際問題研究、報(bào)刊翻譯等工作者及英語愛好者自修之用。  《美英報(bào)刊導(dǎo)讀》第二版與報(bào)刊文選相輔相成?!秾?dǎo)讀》是教科書,又是文選的導(dǎo)讀,其有的章節(jié)又以文選課文作閱讀理解習(xí)題。授文選課的教師覺得有的課文語言點(diǎn)和知識(shí)點(diǎn)不多時(shí),也可將《導(dǎo)讀》作補(bǔ)充指導(dǎo),這就大大豐富了教學(xué)內(nèi)容?!  睹烙?bào)刊文章選讀》(上、下冊)和《美英報(bào)刊文章閱讀》(精選本)分別為不同英文水平的高年級學(xué)生而編寫?!渡?、下冊》課文多,題材更為多樣廣泛,學(xué)生和授課老師對課文有更多的選擇余地;《精選本》對課文的注釋更為詳細(xì),并配有《學(xué)習(xí)輔導(dǎo)》,學(xué)生更易讀懂。這兩套書的部分課文相同,自修和初次教授《上、下冊》者可將《精選本》的《學(xué)習(xí)輔導(dǎo)》用作參考。2009年10月出版的《大學(xué)英語報(bào)刊文選》為非英語專業(yè)用書。


《美英報(bào)刊導(dǎo)讀》(第二版)是周學(xué)藝先生進(jìn)入古稀之年對第一版進(jìn)行徹底重編的一本力作。作者在第二版里盡量將文化背景知識(shí)與語言知識(shí)相結(jié)合,在理論上和系統(tǒng)性上都大大提高一步,對讀者在閱讀報(bào)刊文章時(shí)具有啟發(fā)性和指導(dǎo)性。全書增加了許多新內(nèi)容,并力圖將報(bào)刊語言表達(dá)法的主要特點(diǎn)與語言的變化和發(fā)展規(guī)律加以總結(jié),使它成為一本既是報(bào)刊閱讀的入門書,又是報(bào)刊語言研究的一本重要參考書?!  秾?dǎo)讀》與《報(bào)刊文選》兩者相得益彰?!秾?dǎo)讀》,是教科書,又是《文選》的導(dǎo)讀?!秾?dǎo)讀》中有的章節(jié)以一些文選課文作閱讀理解習(xí)題,授《文選》課的教師若認(rèn)為有的課文語言點(diǎn)和知識(shí)點(diǎn)不多時(shí),可將《導(dǎo)讀》作補(bǔ)充,這就大大豐富了教學(xué)內(nèi)容?! ≡摃髡唛L期從事報(bào)刊英語研究,是此領(lǐng)域的專家。他主編了一套完整的、與時(shí)俱進(jìn)的報(bào)刊系列教材和參考書,并列入“普通高等教育‘十一五’國家級規(guī)劃教材”。應(yīng)有志于此業(yè)者的要求,他在《導(dǎo)讀》中還特地增加了“編書經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn)談”一節(jié)。相信此節(jié)定會(huì)對有志于此業(yè)的青年教師有很大幫助。  《導(dǎo)讀》適合大學(xué)英語,新聞和涉外專業(yè)的高年級學(xué)生、研究生作為教材,也適于青年教師及對英文報(bào)刊有興趣者自修之用。




Unit One China(Ⅰ)  Lesson One  Lesson Two  Lesson ThreeUnit Two China(Ⅱ)  Lesson Four  Lesson Five  Lesson SixUnit Three United States(Ⅰ)  Lesson Seven  Lesson Eight  Lesson NineUnit Four United States(Ⅱ)  Lesson Ten  Lesson Eleven  Lesson Twelve  Lesson ThirteenUnit Five United States(Ⅲ)  Lesson Fourteen  Lesson Fifteen  Lesson SixteenUnit Six United States and Britain  Lesson Seventeen  Lesson Eighteen  Lesson NineteenUnit Seven Prominent Figures of the U.S. and Britain  Lesson Twenty  Lesson Twenty-one  Lesson Twenty-two


  3. Connections made while abroad could easily lead to future opportuni-ties. ——Relationships that the students have developed while they arestudying abroad could easily lead to future employment opportunitiesor success.  4. Uncle Sam wants YOU to go abroad —— This sentence is an imitationof the very famous army recruiting poster. "I Want You for U. S.Army. " Uncle Sam is a national personification of the United States(U. S), often portrayed as a tall, white-haired man with a goatee.He is often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat.  5. The U.S. Open Door policy was officially introduced as far back as 1899—— By the late 19th century, Japan and the European powers had carvedmuch of China into separate spheres of influence, inside of which each heldeconomic dominance. The U.S. , coming late to imperialism, held nosphere of influence in China. In 1899 U.S. Secretary of State John Hayproposed an "Open Door" policy (門戶開放政策) in China in which allnations would have equal trading and development rights throughout all ofChina. It reflects American political and economic self-interest.  6. Commodore Perrys visits to Japan in 1853 —— In 1853, CommodoreMatthew C. Perry sailed a small American steam-powered navalsquadron (中隊(duì)) into Yedo (later Tokyo) Bay. The mission entrus-ted (委托/任) to him by the President of the United States was topersuade Japan to open ports for trade and to cease cruel treatment ofship-wrecked American seamen.  7. Despite extensive U. S. -Asian involvement, heavily U. S. -Europe-an focused. —— Though the U.S. and Asia have a close connection orrelation, for business or political purposes, the educational system inthe United States is mainly focused on European history and the cor-relation between U.S. and Europe because the early settlers in thecountry were from Europe.




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用戶評論 (總計(jì)14條)


  •   文章符合時(shí)代特征,質(zhì)量也很好。
  •   還不錯(cuò),正在閱讀中。。。
  •   書里面的印刷不是特別清晰 但是總體還好
  •   好書,值得一看,但仍然需要細(xì)看!書剛到,速度很快——————
  •   不賴。書挺好。
  •   還木有看 不過應(yīng)該不錯(cuò)
  •   不錯(cuò),老師推薦!
  •   不錯(cuò),貨很快到手。包裝得好,沒破損。
  •   真題小冊子很方便,答案解析很詳盡,就是預(yù)測為啥不一樣裝訂呢~
  •   早就聽說過周學(xué)藝教授,買得此書,欣喜不已,速速一翻,確定是本力作。
  •   裝訂,印刷質(zhì)量都不錯(cuò)
  •   印刷不錯(cuò),考級要用的。
  •   上下冊的,內(nèi)容比較老舊,但是是老師叫買的教科書
  •   書的印刷質(zhì)量不是很好

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