Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server 群集服務 含盤

出版時間:2001-9  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:Microsoft 公司  頁數(shù):435  


本書為微軟指定教材,通過學習本書,您將學會如何最大化網(wǎng)絡應用程序和數(shù)據(jù)的可用性,同時為MCP 考試做準備。書中模式化系列課程和自學練習將使您獲得在Windows 2000 Advanced Server中實現(xiàn)和管理群集技術的實際經(jīng)驗。


1,Introduction to Microsoft clustering technologies
2,Preparing windows 2000 server for cluster service
3,Installing and configuring cluster service
4,Administering and managing a cluster
5,Managing and supporting a cluster
6,Implementing Applications and network services on a cluster
7,Trobleshooting cluster service
8,Installing and supporting exchange server 2000 in a cluster Environment
9,Installing and supporting SQL server 2000 in a clustered Environment
10,Introduction to network load balancing
11,Implementing network load balancing
A,Questions and answers
B,Cluster.exe command reference



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