
出版時間:2003-9  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:李巖  頁數(shù):250  


  《新世紀(jì)英語專業(yè)聽力教程》是為了在英語專業(yè)聽力教學(xué)中實(shí)現(xiàn)培養(yǎng)“積極主動會聽之人”這一課程目標(biāo)而編寫的教材,其教學(xué)理念和素材已在北京師范大學(xué)外語系英語聽力教學(xué)中運(yùn)用數(shù)年,得到了學(xué)生的認(rèn)可和歡迎,對他們順利通過四、八級專業(yè)英語的聽力測試,提高聽的能力起到了較好的作用?! ≡谘芯亢头治鰧W(xué)生的聽力水平,聽力訓(xùn)練中出現(xiàn)的問題的同時,我們特別關(guān)注和比較了“聽”的技能在母語和外語中表現(xiàn)出的極大反差。在相關(guān)的聽力教學(xué)理論的指導(dǎo)下,確定了聽力教學(xué)的關(guān)鍵是如何采取行之有效的措施,幫助學(xué)生盡快成功地將母語中運(yùn)用自如的聽力技能轉(zhuǎn)換到聽英語的活動中來。這套教材就是以此為教學(xué)中心,系統(tǒng)安排和指導(dǎo)學(xué)生在相關(guān)的訓(xùn)練中,學(xué)會以聽的手段獲取知識和信息,交流情感和經(jīng)驗(yàn);在聽的實(shí)踐中,了解和熟悉以口語形式出現(xiàn)的英語,摸索出適合自己的聽力策略和技巧,養(yǎng)成良好的聽的習(xí)慣,掌握聽的方法,提高聽的效率,成為“積極主動會聽之人”?!  缎率兰o(jì)英語專業(yè)聽力教程》全套教材共四冊,每學(xué)年一冊。第一冊Accumulate Your?Listening Experience,第二冊Challenge Your Listening Ability,第三冊:Note-taking in Academic Listening。第四冊Critical Thinking in Advanced Listening。第一冊和第二冊是聽力課的基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練,第三冊和第四冊是高級聽力訓(xùn)練。第一冊教材力圖指導(dǎo)學(xué)生系統(tǒng)地從理性和感性兩方面學(xué)習(xí)不同類型英語口語的特點(diǎn),積累聽英語的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。第二冊教材的重點(diǎn)是讓學(xué)生意識到聽力策略和技巧的必要性、重要性和可行性,引導(dǎo)他們在實(shí)際生活中靈活并熟練地運(yùn)用這些策略和技巧。


《新世紀(jì)英語專業(yè)聽力教程》系列以培養(yǎng)積極主動會聽之人為教學(xué)目的,實(shí)踐一種全新的教學(xué)理念,并且已經(jīng)在北京師范大學(xué)等院校的英語聽力教學(xué)中運(yùn)用多年。全套聽力素材全部取自國外最新教科書和廣播電視節(jié)目,語言語音語調(diào)多樣化,融知識性、趣味性于一體。    本書為該系列教程中的最后一冊,供英語專業(yè)四年級學(xué)生第一學(xué)期使用。全書有20單元,按主題設(shè)置了訪談節(jié)目的基本訓(xùn)練和綜合練習(xí)。并配有磁帶。


TextChapter 1 A Special Study on Interviews  Unit 1 What is good interviewer?  Unit 2 How are questions used in an interview?(1)  Unit 3 How are questions used in an interview?(2)  Unit 4 How does an interviewee speak?(1)Choice of words in a talk  Unit 5 How does an interviewee speak?(2)Pause used in a talk  Unit 6 How does an interviewee speak?(3)Hesitations used in a talk  Unit 7 How does an interviewee speak?(4)Markers used in a talk  Unit 8 How to follow the topic of an interview?(1)Education  Unit 9 How to follow the topic of an interview?(2)Making sense of smell  Unit 10 How to follow the topic of an interview?(3)A big traveler  Unit 11  Unit 12  Unit 13  Unit 14  Unit 15  Unit 16  Unit 17  Unit 18  Unit 19  Unit 20Chapter 2 Comprehensive Listening PracticeTranscriptKey


  Unit 4  Sue Lawley: Richard, tell me just a little bit more about your family life before we hear about making the first million. Where were you brought up?  Richard Branson: Well, I was brought up in a very small village called Shamley Green which was south of Guildford in Surrey. I was brought up by two very loving parents who are still two very loving parents and so was very fortunate in having a vory stable background. My father would never tell me off for, you know, anything I ever did and somebody you can always turn to, and is always interested, and my mother is very much, you know, get- ting up and going, pushing you forward——nobodys allowed to sit and watch the telly——you know, youve got to being doing all the time.  Sue Lawley: And you have two sisters, so you were a very spoilt boy.  Richard Branson: Yes, very spoilt, I suppose.  Sue Lawley: Quite a legal family, though, I gather——your father was a stipendiary magistrate.  Richard Branson: That s right.  Sue Lawley: And your grandfather was a high court judge.  Richard Branson: Thats right. Ive got, I think, seven generations of judges behind me.  Sue Lawley: So you left school Richard, you said, at fifteen and you were a millionaire by the age of 19?



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