
出版時間:2001-8  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:李巖  頁數(shù):271  字數(shù):220000  


《英語專業(yè)聽力教程系列》以培養(yǎng)“積極主動會聽之人”為教學目的,實踐一種全新的教學理念,并且已經(jīng)在北京師范大學等院校的英語聽力教學中適用多年。全套聽力素材全部取自國外最新教科書和廣播電視節(jié)目,語言語音語調(diào)多樣化,融知識性、趣味性于一體。    本書為該系列教程中的第三冊,供英語專業(yè)三年級半學年或一學年使用。全書共分10單元,引導學生提高筆記能力,了解掌握聽學術(shù)報告和講座的方法技巧,學會記筆記。并配有磁帶。


Text Unti 1 Evaluation on Your Note-taking Skills  Section 1 Listen and take notes   Section 2 Do the exercises accroding to your notes   Section 3 Make evaluation on your notesUnit 2 Introduction to Listening and Note-taking         Section 1 Listen and take note-taking   Section 2 The skills of not-taking in listening   Section 3 The process of lecture comprehensionUnit 3 Basic Note-taking Skills 1  Section 1 Choose key words to write   Section 2 distinguish main points from supporting details   Section 3 Recongnize tangents Unit 4 Basic Note-taking Skills 2  Section 1 Use note-taking symbols and abbreviations  Section 2 Organize while you are tading notes Unti 5 Basic Note-taking Skills 3   Note numbers and statisticsUnit 6 Listening for Oganization within Lectures 1  Section 1 Introduction  Section 2 Organization within lectures  Section 3 conlusion Unit 7 Listening for Oganization within Lectures 2  Section 1 Breaking a topic down into subtopics by enumerating or listing   Section 2 Breaking a topic down into subtopics by classifying Unit 8 Listening for Oganization within Lectures 3   Section 1 Describing a process or sequence of events  Section 2 Describing the causal relationship between eventsUnit 9 Listening for Oganization within Lectures 4   Section 1 Dscribing characteristics   Section 2 Making a generalization and providing evidenceUnit 10 Listening comprehension and Note-taking Practice   Lecture 1 Acid Rain  Lecture 2 Nicotine   Lecture 3 Origin and Diversity  Lecture 4 The World's changing Climate:fire or Ice?  Lecture 5 PerfectionismTranscript Key and outline



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