
出版時間:1996-10  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:(英  頁數(shù):105  


  Intermediate-level studets who have studied the basics basics of English grammar often make grammatical errors in everyday speech and writing.Communicative Grammar Practice is designed to help those students improve their accuracy,use English more creatively,and extend their range of expression.


Welcome!1 Yes/No questions2 Wh-questions3 The qast:What happened?The present perfect:What has happened?4 The past continuous:What was happening?The present perfect continuous:What has been happening?5 Past,present,and future6 Quantity7 Articles-I8 Articles-‖9 Comparison10 Requests and obligation11 Ability12 Advice and suggestions13 Doing or to do?-I14 Doing or to do?-‖15 Prepositions-I16 Prepositions-‖17 The future18 Possibility and probability19 Verbs+prepositions20 Phrasal verbs21 If...sentences-I22 If...sentences-‖23 The passive-I24 The passive-‖25 Prepositional phrases-I26 Prepositional phrases-‖27 Reported speech:statements28 Reported speech:questions and requests29 Relative clauses30 Joining sentences-I31 Joining sentences-‖32 Word orderGrammar SummariesCommunication ActivitiesAcknowledgmentsIndex



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