
出版時間:2012-12  出版社:中國人民大學(xué)出版社  作者:趙雁麗 主編  頁數(shù):239  字?jǐn)?shù):292000  




unit 1 why i love wisconsin
unit 2 conciliation with america
unit 3 silent spring
unit 4 the west: unique, not universal
unit 5 end the university as we know it
unit 6 our way of life makes us miserable
unit 7 active and passive euthanasia
unit 8 education as a necessity of life
key to worksheet


  [5]Lastly,we have no sort of experience in favor of force as an instrumentin the rule of our colonies.Their growth and their utility has been owing tomethods altogether different.Our ancient indulgence has been said to bepursued to a fault.It may be so;but we know,if feeling is evidence,that ourfault was more tolerable than our attempt to mend it,and our sin far moresalutary than our penitence.  [6]These,Sir,are my reasons for not entertaining that high opinionof untried force by which many gentlemen,for whose sentiments in otherparticulars I have great respect,seem to be so greatly captivated.But thereis still behind a third consideration concerning this object,which serves todetermine my opinion on the sort of policy which ought to be pursued in themanagement of America,even more than its population and its commerce: Imean its temper and cbaracter.  [7]In this character of the Americans a love of freedom is the predominatingfeature which marks and distinguishes the whole;and as an ardent is alwaysa jealous affection,your colonies become suspicious,restive,and untractablewhenever they see the least attempt to wrest from them by force,or shufflefrom thereby chicane,what they think the only advantage worth living for.Thisfierce spirit ofliberty is stronger in the English colonies,probably,than in anyother people of the earth,and this from a great variety of powerful causes;which,to understand the true temper of their minds,and the direction which this spirit takes,it will not be amiss to lay open somewhat more largely.  [8]First,the people of the colonies are descendants of Englishmen.England,Sir,is a nation which still,I hope,respects,and formerly adored,her freedom.The colonists emigrated from you when this part of your characterwas most predominant;and they took this bias and direction the moment theyparted from your hands.They are therefore not only devoted to liberty,but to liberty according to English ideas and on English principles.Abstract liberty,like other mere abstractions,is not to be found.Liberty inheres in some sensible object;and every nation has formed to itself some favorite point,which by way of eminence becomes the criterion of their happiness.  ……



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