
出版時間:2012-10  出版社:中國人民大學出版社  作者:宋利芳 等主編  頁數(shù):310  字數(shù):434000  


  《大學專業(yè)英語系列教材:經(jīng)濟學專業(yè)英語教程(第3版·下)》適合目前在校的大學二至三年級學生,是較為理想的英語加專業(yè)知識的“大學英語”教材。本書兼顧英語語言的學習應用和經(jīng)濟學專業(yè)知識兩個方面。學生在鍛煉英語應用能力的同時,又可學到經(jīng)濟學方面的知識?! ”緯灿?4單元,每一單元包括主課文和副課文,內(nèi)容涉及應用經(jīng)濟學以及經(jīng)濟管理和經(jīng)濟實務方面的主要問題。各單元的主課文內(nèi)容分別為:第一單元:收入和工作;第二單元:人口;第三單元:人力資源管理;第四單元:環(huán)境保護;第五單元:投資;第六單元:保險;第七單元:市場營銷;第八單元:國際貿(mào)易;第九單元:世界貿(mào)易組織;第十單元:非關(guān)稅壁壘;第十一單元:跨國公司;第十二單元:外國援助;第十三單元:經(jīng)濟全球化;第十四單元:歐洲聯(lián)盟?! 【蛢?nèi)容而言,下冊比上冊的涉及面廣。不僅有宏觀經(jīng)濟學和微觀經(jīng)濟學的內(nèi)容,同時增加了當今世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)展所涉及的話題,如:跨國公司、環(huán)境保護、WTO以及歐盟概況等。下冊各單元主課文的語言難度比較適中。主課文難度沒有大的跳躍,前后較一致,是經(jīng)濟學專業(yè)的入門課程。課文注釋包括兩個方面:英語語言點和經(jīng)濟學術(shù)語。  各單元生詞的釋義基本采用英、漢雙解形式。生詞起點以教育部公布的《大學英語教學大綱通用詞匯表》中的四級以上詞匯為準?! 「鲉卧毩暤脑O計和編排旨在培養(yǎng)和提高學生應用英語的能力,幫助學生掌握經(jīng)}濟學基本概念和基本理論以及專業(yè)術(shù)語。教師在要求學生掌握基本經(jīng)濟學知識的同時,還應強調(diào)學生的口頭交流能力和筆頭表達能力,盡可能在課上多給學生一些語言實踐的機會,應注意口頭練習和筆頭練習的結(jié)合,個人發(fā)言和小組討論的結(jié)合。根據(jù)學生的專業(yè)情況和英語水平,教師可對課文和練習內(nèi)容進行靈活處理。本書結(jié)構(gòu)嚴謹,內(nèi)容權(quán)威,知識通俗,是經(jīng)濟學專業(yè)本科生的參考教材、非經(jīng)濟學專業(yè)本科生的通識課教材。


Unit One
Text: Income and Work
Additional Text: Income Distribution and Poverty
Unit Two
Text: Population
Additional Text: The Coequences of High Fertility:
Some Conflicting Opinio
Unit Three
Text: Human Resources Management
Additional Text: The Exteive Brain Drain
Unit Four
Text: Environmental Protection
Additional Text: Methods of Pollution Control
Unit Five
Text: Investments
Additional Text: The Major Types of Investo
Unit Six
Text: Iurance
Additional Text: Types of Iurance Businesses Need
Unit Seven
Text: Marketing
Additional Text: Marketing Strategies
Unit Eight
Text: International Trade
Additional Text: National Competitive Advantage and Diamond
Unit Nine
Text: WTO
Additional Text: GATT and Multilateral Trade Negotiatio
Unit Ten
Text: Nontariff Barrie
Additional Text: Dumping and Antidumping
Unit Eleven
Text: Multinational Corporatio
Additional Text: Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational
Unit Twelve
Text: Foreign Aid
Additional Text: Tne World Bank Group and the International
Monetary Fund
Unit Thirteen
Text: Economic Globalization
Additional Text: Regional Economic Integration
Unit Fourteen
Text: The Ruropean Union
Additional Text: The Broad Economic Guidelines of the EU
Appendix Ⅰ Awe to Exercises
Appendix Ⅱ Chinese Tralation of the Texts


  The free-trader's first instinct is to welcome dumping and thank the exporting country. After all, we do not usuaLly argue when someone tries to sell us something at a low price. This instinct seems clearly correct for persistent dumping. Compared to the high price in the exporting country, the importing country gets the gains from additional trade at the low export price. The importing country's terms of trade are better, and the benefits to consumers are larger than the losses to the importcompeting producers. To see this, consider what will happen to the importing country if it imposes a tariff on the dumped imports, to force the tariff-inclusive price up to about the level in the exporting country. For example, the duty would be 140 percent (=(60-25)/25). This duty is prohibitive: The Japanese firm ceases all exports to the United States, and the United States thus loses all gains from trade in this product. Through similar logic, the importing country generally should welcome seasonal and introductory-price dumping.  Cyclical dumping raises an additional issue for the importing country. If the foreign exporter is particularly aggressive, then it will gain export sajes that permit it to maintain production and employment. Since the import-competing firms lose sales, the exporting country is in effect "exporting unemployment." The importing country is harmed temporarily, and there may be a case for temporary government policies to fight cyclical dumping.  However, viewed in another way, the case of cyclical dumping is not so clearcut. Much of the time cyclical dumping is not an aggressive strategy to export unemployment, but rather the normal working of a competitive marketplace. When there is a temporary downturn in demand, price falls in a competitive market, and firms move down their supply curves. For a competitive industry, price will fall below full average cost in this situation, because firms will continue to produce and sell as long as the market price is above average variable cost. This is exactly what we want to happen when there is a recession in demand, so there is little economic basis for the importing country's government to fight cyclical dumping ifit reflects the normal working of competitive markets.  Predatory dumping is the most troubling type of dumping for the importing country. Although the importing country gains from low-priced imports in the short run, it will lose because of high-priced imports once the exporting firm succeeds in establishing its monopoly power. A key question is how frequently foreign firms use predatory dumping. Predatory dumping of manufacturing goods was widely alleged during the international chaos of the 1920s and 1930s. In truth, there is no clear evidence that widespread predatory dumping has been practiced, despite a rich folklore about it. Predatory dumping is likely to be rare in modern markets. The firm considering predatory dumping must weigh the losses from low prices that are certain in the short run against the possible but uncertain profits in the more distant future. Indeed, even if the firm drives out its current competitors in the importing country, it may find that, once it raises prices, new firms, including new exporters from other countries, enter as competitors. Recent research suggests that no more than 5 percent of all cases of alleged dumping in the United States and the European Union show even a moderate possibility for predation (and it is possible that none of these cases involves predation).  ……



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