
出版時(shí)間:2012-6  出版社:中國(guó)人民大學(xué)出版社  作者:張伯敏 編  頁(yè)數(shù):205  字?jǐn)?shù):298000  




chapter 1 第一章
a general survey of hainan province 海南概覽篇
lesson i the construction of hainan international tourism
第一課: 海南國(guó)際旅游島的建設(shè)
lesson 2 the location and history of hainan
第二課: 海南地理位置和歷史
lesson 3 tourist resources of hainan
第三課: 海南旅游資源
lesson 4 hainan nationalities and their languages
第四課: 海南民族及其語(yǔ)言
chapter 2 第二章
hainan provincial regionalism 海南省行政區(qū)域劃分篇
lesson 5 the capital city in hainan: haikou city
第五課: 海南省會(huì)城市 -- 海口市
lesson 6 the deer city: sanya city
第六課: 鹿城 -- 三亞市
lesson 7 six county-level cities in hainan
第七課: 海南6縣級(jí)市
lesson 8 ten counties in hainan
第八課: 海南10縣
chapter 3 第三章
hainan scenic zones and scenic spots 海南省景區(qū)景點(diǎn)篇
lesson 9 the scenic zones and spots in haikou city
第九課: ??谑新糜尉皡^(qū)與景點(diǎn)
lesson 10 the scenic zones and spots in sanya city
第十課: 三亞市旅游景區(qū)與景點(diǎn)
lesson 11 the scenic zones and spots in the eastern part of
lesson 12 the scenic zones and spots in the western part of
lesson 13 the scenic zones and spots in the central part of
chapter 4 第四章
hn ethnic arts & culture , traditional festivals and
traditional cuisines海南民俗文化藝術(shù)、傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日和飲食篇
lesson 14 hainan ethnic arts & culture
lesson 15 hainan traditional festivals and local festive
lesson 16 hainan traditional cuisines & special snacks
chapter 5 第五章
hainan tourism market 海南旅游市場(chǎng)篇
lesson 17 hainan tourism market and travel agencies
lesson 18 tour routes and tourist attraction
lesson 19 a pleasant trip provided by good hotel services
lesson 20 hainan tour guide qualification test and its market
lesson 21 hainan travel products
lesson 22 hainan special tours
bibliography 參考文獻(xiàn)
附錄1 課文練習(xí)答案
附錄2 海南各市縣政府網(wǎng)網(wǎng)站
附錄3 海南各市縣旅游管理機(jī)構(gòu)電話
附錄4 海南五星酒店
附錄5 海南百景


版權(quán)頁(yè):   1 Hainan Island is named a sunny island,a healthy island,a longevity island and an epidemicfree island.Its greenery,together with its beautiful beaches and clean air,earns it a nickname of Oriental Hawaii.In 2010,Hainan Island was affirmed an International Tourism Destination and the province issued a visa-upon-arrival policy for foreign tourist groups,which is available to citizens of twenty-six different countries. 2 The tourist resources in Hainan are abundant.They feature sunshine,beaches,mountains,national forest parks,wildlife conservation zones,tropical landscapes and other attractions. 3 Sandy beaches are great attractions to the visitors.With an average temperature 23.8℃ and warm sunshine,swimming in the sea or bathing on the beach is possible during most times of the year.Along the east coastline from Haikou to Sanya,over 60 places show potential as bathing areas.They are good for seawater,sand,wind and sunbaths. 4 The province has a total coastline of about 1,529km and covers a sea area of about 2.1 million square kilometers.A highway along the coastline will be built so that visitors will be able to enjoy the beautiful sea views while taking a bus ride.In addition,coral reefs and mangrove forests are big tourist attractions.So far,four mangrove forest protection zones have been set up in Qiongshan District of Haikou and Qinglan Port of Wenchang city. 5 There are 81 peaks with an altitude of over 1,000 meters in Hainan.Those mountains present a unique view.Wuzhi Mountain(Five Finger Mountain),shaped like five fingers,becomes a focus of many visitors.Yingge Ridge,Dongshan Ridge,Taiping Mountain,Qixian Ridge,Jianfeng Ridge,Diaoluo Mountain and Bawang Ridge are some ideal places for holidays and summer retreats,where you can enjoy the lush tropical primitive rainforests.They are homes to many precious animals and birds. 6 Wildlife is well protected in Hainan.There is a conservation zone for gibbons in Bawang Ridge of Changjiang County,Hainan Eld's Deer in Dongfang City,swiftlets in Wanning City,rhesus monkeys on the Nanwan Peninsula in Lingshui County and deer breeding in Tunchang County.These are all open to the tourists.





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