
出版時(shí)間:2011-4  出版社:中國人民大學(xué)  作者:羅伯特·B·登哈特  頁數(shù):224  




作者:(美國)羅伯特·B·登哈特(Robert B.Denhardt)羅伯特·B·登哈特(Robert B.Denhardt),現(xiàn)為美國亞利桑那州豆大學(xué)公共事務(wù)學(xué)院教授、美國國家公共行政研究院院士,并且擔(dān)任美國許多州政府和地方政府在質(zhì)量管理、戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃和公共生產(chǎn)率等方面的咨詢顧問。作為國際著名的公共行政學(xué)家,登哈特博士曾經(jīng)擔(dān)任美國公共行政學(xué)會(ASPA)會長、中佛羅里達(dá)大學(xué)公共行政系主任、密蘇里-哥倫比亞大學(xué)副校長以及密蘇里州長的生產(chǎn)率咨詢委員會主席,他還是美國公共行政學(xué)會全國公共服務(wù)運(yùn)動組織的創(chuàng)始人和第一任主席。登哈特博士著述甚豐,迄今為止,已經(jīng)出版了16部專著,其中有代表性的著作包括《新公共服務(wù)》、《公共組織理論》等。


中文版序言作者簡介第1章 認(rèn)識公共組織知識的學(xué)習(xí)正式的公共組織理論建構(gòu)公共組織理論復(fù)雜組織的研究公共行政的重新界定結(jié)論參考資料第2章 思想傳承:馬克思、韋伯和弗洛伊德卡爾·馬克思向社會主義的過渡工業(yè)組織與個(gè)體的發(fā)展異化的擴(kuò)展馬克斯·韋伯社會理論的理性化:“理想模型”的概念西格蒙德·弗洛伊德我們可以學(xué)到什么結(jié)論參考資料第3章 政治傳承:從威爾遜到沃爾多公共行政理論的發(fā)端政治-行政模式政治-行政二分法的持久影響企業(yè)管理技術(shù)的應(yīng)用科學(xué)管理方法行政管理與組織結(jié)構(gòu)集權(quán)與整合效率:成功的主要衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)民主行政結(jié)論參考資料第4章 理性的組織模型行為科學(xué)行政學(xué)的一般方法行政諺語理性行政模型決策和政策制定封閉系統(tǒng)與開放系統(tǒng)結(jié)論參考資料第5章 組織人本主義和新公共行政組織中的人本主義主題人格與組織公共部門的組織發(fā)展新公共行政結(jié)論參考資料第6章 政策要義和新公共管理公共政策取向的發(fā)展公共政策中的回應(yīng)性公共政策的有效性政策執(zhí)行的發(fā)現(xiàn)政策分析的方法知識危機(jī)新公共管理結(jié)論參考資料第7章 公共行政與新公共服務(wù)對理性模型的批判解釋/行動理論批判的社會理論……第8章作為理論家的實(shí)務(wù)者附錄版權(quán)申明


版權(quán)頁:We have indicated that both academicians and practitioners have sought to solvethe problem of knowledge acquisition in pubfic administration.In order to under-stand in a practical manner the issues they have raised,we will examine two casesthat illustrate some of the central topics in pubfic adminisation theory.In each case,you might begin by asking how you as an observer would characterize the Vari OUS actors and how you would analyrze thek relationshipS with one another.What kind of information(complete or incomplete,objective or subjective,and SO on)do you have available?(Typically,students reviewing cases such as出ese comment that they need more information thaat the case did not tell them enough.But,of course,tllose involved would say the same thing;it just seemsthat there iS never enough in for mation.Does your asking for more information suggest出at you hold a certain view of organizations that would be made more complete with the addition of this information?If your questions reflect a set of assumptions about life in public organizations,how would you characterize t110se assumptions?  You might then consider the case from the standpoint of也os einvolved.Try to understand,from their point of view,exactly what was taking place.Specifically.you might try to reconstruct their analysis of the situation.on what knowledge orunder standing of organizational life did they act?What information did tlley have?What information(1id they lack?How would they have characterized t}1eireneralapproach to life in public organizations?What expectations about human be havior didtheyhold?How didthey see the primary tasks f their organization?What was their understanding of the role of government agencies and those working in suchagencies?What wase relationship between their frame of reference and their behavior?  Our first case illustrates出e relationship between the way we view or Raniza-tion M life and the wav we act in public organizations.Ken Welch was a summerintern in the management services division of a large federal in stallation.Durinhis three-month assignment,Ken was to undertake a variety of projects related to management concerns in the various laboratories at the center.The  managementservices division was part of the personnel department,but personnel in the division often acted as troubleshooters for top management,SO the unit enjoyed considerable prestige within the department and,correspondingly,received specialaention from its director.






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