出版時間:2011-3 出版社:中國人民大學出版社 作者:伯恩斯 等改編 頁數(shù):446 字數(shù):665000
作者:(美國)阿爾文·C·伯恩斯(Alvin C.Burns) (美國)羅納德·F·布什(Ronald F.Bush) 改編:于洪彥阿爾文·C·伯恩斯,美國路易斯安那大學E.J.Ouso工商管理學院營銷系主任。伯恩斯教授30多年來為本科生和碩士研究生講授“營銷調(diào)研”課程,為博士生開設營銷調(diào)研專題。對B2C、B2B和一些非營利組織的營銷調(diào)研項目進行指導。在多家頂級學術期刊發(fā)表了大量論文。羅納德·F·布什,美國西佛羅里達大學營銷系資深教授。作為專家,他經(jīng)常參與研究方法的論證和調(diào)研報告的鑒定。于洪彥,中山大學管理學院營銷學教授,博士生導師,中國市場學會常務理事,中國高校市場學會常務理事,教育部“市場營銷”雙語教學示范課程負責人,省級教學名師,享受國務院特殊津貼。主持國家社會科學基金項目兩項,國家自然科學基金項目一項。
第1章 引言
第2章 營銷調(diào)研過程
第3章 識別營銷問題
第4章 調(diào)研設計
第5章 二手數(shù)據(jù)和在線信息數(shù)據(jù)庫
第6章 標準化信息源
第7章 定性調(diào)研
第8章 數(shù)據(jù)收集方法
第9章 測量
第10章 問卷設計
第11章 如何選取樣本
第12章 確定樣本容量
第13章 實地訪問與數(shù)據(jù)質(zhì)量
第14章 描述統(tǒng)計分析
第15章 估計與檢驗
第l6章 差異檢驗
第17章 相關性檢驗
第18章 回歸分析
第19章 如何撰寫研究報告
版權頁:插圖:The marketing concept is a business philosophy that holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than competitors in creating,delivering,and communicating customer value to its cho- sen target markets.7 For many years,business leaders have recognized that this is the“fight philosophy.”And although the marketing concept is often used interchangeably with other terms,such as customer-oriented or market-driven,the key point is that this philosophy puts the consumer first!Some scholars have added the concept of holistic marketing,which includes four components:relationship marketing,integrated marketing,internal marketing,and social responsibility marketing.8 Time has proven that a philosophy focusing on the consumer is superior to one in which company management focuses on production,the product itself,or highpressure selling.If you satisfy consumers.they will seek to do business with your company.What does all this mean?It means that having the"right philosophy" is an important first step in being successful.But just appreciating the importance of satisfying consumer wants and needs is not enough.Firms must put together the"fight strategy."The"Right Marketing Strategy"The term strategy was borrowed from military jargon and means developing plans of attack that would minimize the enemy’s ability to respond.So,by strategy,we mean a plan,and one that should anticipate competitors’reactions.Firms may also have strategies in many areas other than marketing.Financial strategy,production strategy,technology strategy,for example,may be key components of a firm’s overall strategy.Here,however, we focus on marketing strategy.How do we define marketing strategy?A marketing strategy consists of selecting a segment of the market as the com pany’s target market and designing the proper“mix”of product/service,price, promotion,and distribution system to meet the wants and needs of the consumers withinthetargetmarket. Note that this definition of strategy assumes that we have alma~adopted the market-ing concept.A manager who does not embrace the marketing concept,for example,would not be concerned whether the plan addressed any particular market segmefit and certainly would not be concerned with consumers’wants and needs.So,to continue,we are think, ing like enlightened managers;we have adopted the marketing concept.Now,as we shall see,because we have adopted the marketing concept,we cannot come up with just any strategy.We have to develop the“right'’strategy-me strategy that allows ourfirm to truly meet the wants and needs of the consumers within the market segment we have chosen. Thinkofthemanyquestionswenowmustanswer:Whatisthemarket,andhowdowe seg- ment it?What are the wants and needs ofeach segment,and what is the size ofeach segment?Who are our competitors,and how are they already meeting the wants and needs of consumers?Which segment(s)should we target?Which model of a proposed product will best suitthetargetmarket?Whatisthebestprice?Whichpromotionalmethodwillbethe most efficient?How should we distribute the product/service?