
出版時間:2011-3  出版社:中國人民大學(xué)  作者:威廉·N·鄧恩  頁數(shù):382  


  《公共政策分析導(dǎo)論(第4版)》英文版于l981年首次出版,被譯為多種語言,是公共政策研究領(lǐng)域公認的經(jīng)典著作,也是該領(lǐng)域文獻引用率最高的著作之一?!  豆舱叻治鰧?dǎo)論(第4版)》集公共政策分析的概念與方法之大成,運用“以問題為中心的政策分析”方法架起公共政策理論與實踐的橋梁,體現(xiàn)了作者獨到的見解和深刻的認識。作者對  公共政策分析領(lǐng)域進行了全面的梳理和總結(jié),從宏觀到微觀,深刻、系統(tǒng)地闡述了政策分析的方法及政策分析在制定過程中的作用和功能;同時對政策分析方法的運用進行了詳細介紹,包括政策問題構(gòu)建、政策前景預(yù)測、政策行動建議、執(zhí)行結(jié)果監(jiān)測和政策績效評價等?!豆舱叻治鰧?dǎo)論(第4版)》被公認為公共政策專業(yè)的經(jīng)典教材,不僅可以使讀者掌握政策分析的主體理論,而且有助于讀者了解和運用政策分析的具體方法。  《公共政策分析導(dǎo)論(第4版)》配有中文翻譯版。


作者:(美國)威廉·N·鄧恩(William N.Dunn)威廉·N·鄧恩(William N.Dunn),美國匹茲堡大學(xué)教授,國際知名政策分析專家。鄧恩教授長期致力子教學(xué)和研究工作,同時還從事廣泛的政策分析實踐活動,他曾為美國聯(lián)邦、州和地方政府做過大量政策分析及其他應(yīng)用研究工作,并參與國內(nèi)、歐盟國家、中東、北非和和南美一些國家的高級公務(wù)員培訓(xùn)活動。他在理論研究和實際應(yīng)用方面的突出貢獻使其在同行學(xué)者中享有很高的聲譽。


序言第1章 政策分析過程1.1 政策質(zhì)詢過程1.2 跨學(xué)科的政策分析政策相關(guān)信息政策信息的轉(zhuǎn)換政策分析方法1.3 政策分析的三個案例1.4 政策分析的形式回溯性分析與前瞻性分析描述性分析與規(guī)范性分析問題發(fā)現(xiàn)與問題解決局部分析與整體分析1.5 政策分析的實踐重構(gòu)邏輯與應(yīng)用邏輯方法論的機會成本1.6 批判性思考與公共政策政策論證的結(jié)構(gòu)論證、公共話語與辯論的動力本章小結(jié)學(xué)習(xí)目標關(guān)鍵術(shù)語與概念復(fù)習(xí)題參考文獻第2章 政策制定過程中的政策分析2.1 歷史背景早期起源19世紀的演變2.世紀2.2 政策制定過程2.3 政策模型的變化全面理性次優(yōu)理性不連續(xù)漸進主義有限理性混合掃描疑問理性判別性聚斂斷續(xù)性平衡2.4 政策過程中的政策分析分析的潛在作用分析的實際作用本章小結(jié)學(xué)習(xí)目標關(guān)鍵術(shù)語與概念復(fù)習(xí)題參考文獻第3章構(gòu)建政策問題3.1 政 策問題的本質(zhì)超越問題解決問題的特征問題與議題政策問題的三種類型3.2 政策分析中的問題構(gòu)建問題構(gòu)建中的創(chuàng)造性問題構(gòu)建的步驟第三類錯誤3.3 政策模型與問題構(gòu)建描述性模型規(guī)范性模型……第4章 預(yù)測政策結(jié)果第5章 建議優(yōu)先政策第6章 監(jiān)測可觀察的政策結(jié)果第7章 評估政策績效第8章 開發(fā)政策論證第9章 政策分析的溝通


版權(quán)頁:插圖:Even the most simple descriptions of problem situations are based on the classification of experience through inductive reasoning, a process where general (abstract) concepts, such as poverty, crime, and pollution, are formed by experiencing particular (concrete) objects or situations. When we classify a problem situation in one way, we often foreclose opportunities to classify it in another way, as the nine-dot problem illustrates so well.Classificational analysis is based on two main procedures: logical division and logical classification. When we select a class and break it down into its component parts, the process is called logical division; the reverse process, which involves the combination of situations, objects, or persons into larger groups or classes, is called logical classification. The basis of any classification depends on the analyst's purpose, which in turn depends on substantive knowledge about a problem situation.Consider, for example, the analysis of poverty in the United States. All families in the United States may be broken down into two subclasses: those whose incomes are above and below a poverty line established by the U.S. Social Security Administration. If an analyst stops at this point in the process of logical division, he or she will reach the conclusion that poverty in the United States is gradually declining and perhaps claim that the progressive reduction of poverty is a consequence of the operation of a healthy economy. Yet when the process of logical division is carried one step further, and poverty families are divided into two additional subclasses on the basis of income before and after government transfer payments, the analyst will reach an altogether different conceptualization of the problem. Here the analyst will no doubt conclude that the reduction of poverty is a consequence of public welfare and social security programs and probably claim that problems of poverty cannot be resolved by the private enterprise system, because the number of families below the poverty line increased absolutely and relative to the total population between 1968 and 1972 (Table 3.3).






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