出版時間:2010-12 出版社:中國人民大學出版社 作者:巴德,帕金 著 頁數(shù):437
由著名經濟學者帕金和巴德夫婦合著的《微觀經濟學原理(英文版第4版)》是一部國際公認的基礎微觀經濟學優(yōu)秀教材,具有如下特色: 簡明扼要 區(qū)別于許多大部頭的同類教材,《微觀經濟學原理(英文版第4版)》力求以最簡潔的方式將初學者領入經濟學的門檻。內容編排簡明清晰,理論闡述扼要概括,有助于讀者在最短的時間里掌握微觀經濟學的要點和基本知識。 聯(lián)系實際 本書在強調微觀經濟學核心原理的同時,提供了豐富的現(xiàn)實內容。大量更新的案例及實證分析幫助讀者運用所學理論來分析現(xiàn)實經濟問題,增加學習興趣。 讀者導向 本書緊緊圍繞讀者的學習需要,精心設置了章首學習要點,各節(jié)檢查站,各章檢查站等欄目,在闡述重點概念時特別采取曲線圖、文字和表格三種方式。
前言第Ⅰ篇 導論 第1章 開始上路 第2章 經濟問題 第3章 需求與供給第Ⅱ篇 近觀市場 第4章 需求彈性和供給彈性 第5章 市場的效率與公平第Ⅲ篇 政府對市場的影響 第6章 現(xiàn)實中的市場 第7章 外部性 第8章 公共物品與共有資源第Ⅳ篇 近觀決策制定者 第9章 消費者的選擇和需求 第10章 生產和成本第Ⅴ篇 價格、利潤和產業(yè)績效 第11章 完全競爭 第12章 壟斷 第13章 壟斷競爭 第14章 寡頭第Ⅵ篇 收入、不確定性和不平等 第15章 生產要素市場 第16章 不確定性和信息 第17章 不平等與貧困術語索引
插圖:The 1980s and 1990s were years of extraordinary economic change that have beencalled the Information Revolution. This name suggests a parallel with the IndustrialRevolution of the years around 1800 and the Agricultural Revolution of 12,000 yearsago.The changes that occurred during the last 25 years were based on one majortechnology: the microprocessor or computer chip. Gordon Moore of Intel pre-dicted that the number of transistors that could be placed on one integrated chipwould double every 18 months (Moore's law). This prediction turned out to beremarkably accurate.The spin-offs from faster and cheaper computing have been widespread.Telecommunications became much faster and cheaper, music and movie record-ing became more realistic and cheaper, millions of routine tasks that previouslyrequired human decision and action were automated. You encounter these auto-mated tasks every day when you check out at the supermarket, use an ATM, orcall a government department or large business. All the new products andprocesses and the low-cost computing power that made them possible were pro-duced by people who made choices in the pursuit of self-interest. They did notresult from any grand design or government plan.When Gordon Moore set up Intel and started making chips, he wasn'tthinking how much easier it would be for you to turn in your essay on time ifyou had a faster PC. When Bill Gates quit Harvard to set up Microsoft, he was-n't trying to create the best operating system and improve people's computingexperience. Moore and Gates and thousands of other entrepreneurs were in hotpursuit of the big payoffs that many of them achieved. Yet their actions didmake many other people better off. They did advance the social interest.But could more have been done? Were resources used in the best possible way during the information revolution? Did Intel make the best possible chips and sell them in the right quantities for the right prices? Or was the quality of the chips too low and the price too high? And what about Microsoft? Did Bill Gates have to be paid almost $50 billion to produce the successive generations of Windows and Word? Were these programs developed in the social interest?