
出版時間:2010-7  出版社:中國人民大學出版社  作者:郭慶民 等主編  頁數(shù):276  


  培養(yǎng)高校英語專業(yè)學生的文化素養(yǎng)要有合適的教材:不是那種僅僅文字漂亮卻沒有太多文化內(nèi)涵的傳統(tǒng)教材,而是具有時代特征,選自政治、經(jīng)濟、社會真實交往,含有豐富文化內(nèi)涵的讀本,同時兼有能夠啟發(fā)學生思考和分析的活潑、互動的教學方法以及配套的課外實踐活動。這就是中國人民大學出版社推出“超越概念”這套英語專業(yè)系列教材的宗旨?!  俺礁拍睢笔且惶淄暾母咝S⒄Z專業(yè)本科系列教材,涵蓋了2000年教育部頒布執(zhí)行的《高等學校英語專業(yè)英語教學大綱》中規(guī)定的“英語技能”和“英語知識”兩大課程板塊中的所有課程,由一批長期從事國內(nèi)高校英語專業(yè)本科教學的中國教師和一批美國學者(均為20世紀80年代赴美留學,而后在美國大學獲得博士學位和終身教職的華裔教授)合作編寫而成。  與國內(nèi)高校當前使用比較廣泛的幾套英語專業(yè)教材相比,“超越概念”有以下幾個特點:  第一,教材采用了中美教授、學者合作編寫的形式。由中外學者合編教材國內(nèi)已有先例,但是本套教材無論從編撰者的數(shù)量到編寫人員的素質(zhì),從雙方合作的廣度到相互交流的深度,從教材種類所涵蓋的范圍到其內(nèi)容的真實性,都是前所未有的。編寫初始由中方編者提出編寫思路、選材要求,之后將要求交付美方編者,由美方編者在美國選材。在選材過程中,雙方經(jīng)過多次討論,最后確定每一篇課文的內(nèi)容與長度。然后由中方編者根據(jù)所選內(nèi)容編寫配套的練習,最后由美方審讀并潤色。這種分工方式最充分地利用了雙方的優(yōu)勢:中方編者不但有在國外學習、工作、獲取學位的經(jīng)歷,而且長期在國內(nèi)高校從事英語教學,對國內(nèi)學生的需求以及國內(nèi)現(xiàn)有教材的情況了如指掌,可以準確地把握教材的內(nèi)容和難易程度。而美方編者的優(yōu)勢在于對西方,特別是美國的英語教學和文化的認知與了解。他們出國前均為國內(nèi)高校英語教師,并有在美國大學英語系不低于20年的教學經(jīng)驗。他們不但對國外的英語教學了如指掌,更重要的是對英語語言和文化有一種直覺的感知,而這種感知是從任何教科書中學不到的。憑著這種感知,他們不但可以在教材的最終審定過程中杜絕那種語法全對但讀起來不像英語的中式英語,更能夠在選材的過程中準確把握住西方文化核心的東西。  第二,教材以主要英語國家的文化為切入點,全部課文采用英文原文。教材的配套練習有很強的針對性,適合我國高校英語專業(yè)課堂教學使用。以精讀教材為例,從第一冊的第一課起,全部的課文均采用有實質(zhì)內(nèi)容的英文原文,從而徹底摒棄了無文化內(nèi)容的以句型練習為主的課文。另外,語法講解和練習均出自課文中出現(xiàn)的語法現(xiàn)象,而不是脫離課文內(nèi)容、為語法而講語法的訓練。這樣安排語法的講解和練習就是將語法放在一個從屬的地位。語法僅僅是對語言現(xiàn)象的描述與詮釋,而不是規(guī)范語言對錯的標準。與課文的文化內(nèi)涵和語言的活力相比,語法理應(yīng)處于從屬地位。無論是以書面語為主的精讀、泛讀課文,還是形式活潑的聽力、口語課文,有很多句子是“不符合語法規(guī)則”的。然而正是這些看似不符合語法的句子才是語言的生命,是有血有肉的活生生的語言。而我們的學生就是要感悟、學習并掌握這種有生命力的活的語言,而不是那些完全按語法規(guī)則編造出來的僵死的語言。


本書為“超越概念——高等院校英語專業(yè)系列教材”之泛讀教材,供大學本科一、二年級學生及同等水平學習者使用。泛讀教材共四冊,每冊分16個單元,供任課教師每周處理一個單元?! ”緯木帉懸浴镀胀ǜ咧杏⒄Z課程標準》對各種技能、知識和詞匯量的要求為起點,以教育部頒布的《高等學校英語專業(yè)英語教學大綱》對各個級別的閱讀量、難度和速度的要求為依據(jù)。其獨特設(shè)計充分體現(xiàn)了泛讀課程自身的特點,注重體裁和題材的多樣化和視角的多元性,同時兼顧題材的系統(tǒng)性,旨在開闊學生的視野,增強其閱讀能力和分析能力。


  何其莘,博士,北京外國語大學教授,博士生導(dǎo)師。1994年-2005年任北外副校長,現(xiàn)為中國人民大學外國語學院院長、清華大學雙聘教授、廣東外語外貿(mào)大學等29所院校的客座教授、教育部高校英語專業(yè)教學指導(dǎo)委員會主任、全國翻譯碩士專業(yè)學位教育指導(dǎo)委員會副主任、全國英國文學學會會長、全國有突出貢獻的中青年專家。主要成果包括:Listento This,《新概念英語》,《文化透視英語教程》,《英國文藝復(fù)興時期文學史》,《英國戲劇史》,《英國中古時期文學史》,《中國學者眼中的英國文學》等。  楊孝明博士,教授。畢業(yè)于西安外國語大學,后獲英國諾丁漢大學英語碩士學位、美國鮑陵格林州立大學英語博士學位。在俄亥俄州鮑陵格林大學和新澤西州海洋郡學院任教二十余年,教授英文寫作、英美文學和語言學等課程,現(xiàn)為新澤西州海洋郡學院英語系終身教授。主要成果包括:The Rhetoric Propaganda、Error of Creativity A Hundved Flowers Blossoming,《中國式英語錯誤分析》,《文學批評理論的運用》等。


UNIT ONE  Thinking Starters  Text A: Will Spelling Count?  Text B: How to Read Better and Faster  Reading Skills: Contextual Clues to Word Meaning  Readings and Self-testing UNIT TWO  Thinking Starters  Text A: The Book That Changed My Lives: An Introduction  Text B: For the Love of Books  Reading Skills: Guessing Word Meaning from Word Formation (I)  Readings and Self-testing UNIT THREE  Thinking Starters  Text A: Giving Disorganized Boys the Tools for Success  Text B: The Traditional Approach and Why It Doesn't Work  Reading Skills: Guessing Word Meaning from Word Formation (II)  Readings and Self-testing UNIT FOUR  Thinking Starters  Text A: Bringing the Best out of People  Text B: Putting Feelings into Words  Reading Skills: Guessing Word Meaning from Synonyms and Antonyms (I)  Readings and Self-testing  FIVE  Thinking Starters  Text A: Independence Day  Text B: Independence Day (continued)  Reading Skills: Guessing Word Meaning from Synonyms and Antonyms (II)  Readings and Self-testing UNIT SIX  Thinking Starters  Text A: Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self  Text B: Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self (continued)  Reading Skills: Recognizing Examples and Illustration  Readings and Self-testing UNIT SEVEN  Thinking Starters  Text A: The Threat of Secondhand Smoke Justifies Smoking Restrictions  Text B: Smoking Should Be Treated as Nicotine Addiction  Reading Skills: Prediction  Readings and Self-testing UNIT EIGHT  Thinking Starters  Text A: Channelled Whelk  Text B: Never Say Never  Reading Skills: Recognizing Restatement  Readings and Self-testing UNIT NINE  Thinking Starters  Text A: An Honest Doubter  Text B: My Friend Lodovico  Reading Skills: Skimming  Readings and Self-testing UNIT TEN  Thinking Starters  Text A: Own This Child  Text B: Barbie to Baby Einstein: Get Over It  Reading Skills: Scanning  Readings and Self-testing UNIT ELEVEN  Thinking Starters  Text A: Australia: An Underappreciated Nation  Text B: Towards One Destiny  Reading Skills: Summarizing (I)  Readings and Self-testing UNIT TWELVE  Thinking Starters  Text A: On Seeing England for the First Time  Text B: Welcome to St Paul's  Reading Skills: Summarizing (II)  Readings and Self-testing UNIT THIRTEEN  Thinking Starters  Text A: A Granddaughter's Fear  Text B: On the Verge of Adulthood: Older Teens and the Library  Reading Skills: Recognizing Sequence (I)  Readings and Self-testing UNIT FOURTEEN  Thinking Starters  Text A: Joyas Voladoras  Text B: Leader of the Pack: The Fascinating Lives of Wolves  Reading Skills: Recognizing Sequence (II)  Readings and Self-testing UNIT FIFTEEN  Thinking Starters  Text A: 86,400 Hours  Text B: Men and Women Talking on the Job  Reading Skills: Signal Words (I)  Readings and Self-testing UNIT SIXTEEN  Thinking Starters  Text A: Gravity  Text B: What If It Happens in Your Family?  Reading Skills: Signal Words (II)  Readings and Self-testing


  Despite the current high demand for M.B.A. graduates, many international students still struggle to get a job offer——-or even an interview. At Kenan-Flagler, for instance, only about 40% of the recruiters will meet with foreign nationals. The chief reasons for such resistance: the limited number of U.S. work visas and language deficiencies.  Business schools cant do much about visas, but they can try to overcome language barriers. North Carolina is sending audiotapes of its international students to recruiters and counting on their feedback to establish benchmarks for English proficiency for specific industries. For example, students might receive a rating of five out of nine on the English test and learn that they must raise it to seven to be hired by a technology company or to eight to satisfy a banks requirements.  Kenan-Flaglers career-services office finds that English fluency is especially important in investment banking, consulting and consumer-products marketing. But other industries expect fluency in English as well. Were a global company and we look to foreign students for their international business knowledge and cultural experiences, says Clive Pinto, human- resources manager for W.R. Grace, a chemical manufacturer. But our ability to capitalize on their knowledge depends on their English proficiency.  In the HEELS classes at North Carolina, students are grouped by their native regions, such as Western Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Africa or Latin America, because they tend to share similar problems with accent and pronunciation. The program also addresses nonverbal communication and body language, which may vary from culture to culture. The classes attempt to change behavior that might be misinterpreted by U.S. managers, co-workers or clients. For example, a U.S. recruiter would expect direct eye contact and a firm handshake, says Mindy Storrie, interim director of Kenan-Flaglers career management center, but that isnt a universal norm in other countries business dealings.


  超越權(quán)威:凝聚全國英語專業(yè)教學指導(dǎo)委員會主任何其莘教授數(shù)十年教學、科研及教材編寫經(jīng)驗,是何其莘教授的又一次自我超越。  超越國界:匯集眾多中美名家的經(jīng)驗與智慧,吸收國際先進理念,旨在提升本土教學水平?! 〕絺鹘y(tǒng):打破以功能訓練為主的傳統(tǒng)教材編寫模式,充分考慮當前教學實踐,創(chuàng)新教學方法和手段,突出文化特征,培養(yǎng)學生人文素質(zhì)和文化意識。



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用戶評論 (總計3條)


  •   還不錯,對于非英語專業(yè)可能有點難 呃
  •   發(fā)貨速度挺快的,就是快遞稍稍不給力,書不錯~
  •   很不錯,無法用語言表達

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