出版時間:2010-5 出版社:中國人民大學(xué) 作者:(美)約瑟夫·R·多米尼克|改編:傅玉輝 頁數(shù):355
Some of the impetus for this ninth edition of Dynamics came from my own media behav-ior. In the time span between the eighth and ninth editions I have bought the followingitems: a digital video recorder (DVR), satellite radio, a camera phone, an iPod, and a lap-top computer equipped for wireless. It eventually dawned on me that my individual pur-chasing behavior mirrored larger trends that were happening in the media world. (Ofcourse, it dawned on me much more quickly that keeping up with the latest technologiescan be expensive, but thats another story.) The larger trends I refer to are discussed inChapter I of the ninth edition: convergence, disintermediation, increasing audience con-trol, and media mobility. The camera phone is a good example of device convergence one devive does the workof two. With the iPod I can purchase and download songs from iTunes, and theres noneed to visit a record store disintermediation at its basic level. The digital video recorderand satellite radio give more control over my media exposure. I can record programs onthe DVR and watch them on my schedule, not the networks. If I dont want to see com-mercials, I can fast-forward through them. Satellite radio gives me dozens of commercial-free music channels to listen to. I am no longer chained to the tight playlists andcommercial interruptions of local radio stations. The iPod lets me program my own musicand take it with me. The laptop keeps me linked to the Internet when on the go and canalso play DVDs to help pass the time on long airline trips. All the above demonstrates once again that the word dynamic in the title of this ninthedition has never been more appropriate. It also demonstrates that its important fortodays students to know something about the new media environment that will confrontthem when they graduate, no matter what their career direction. As in past editions, this edition of Dynamics recognizes that the introductory course inmass media generally attracts two general types of students. One type ultimately wants topursue a career in some branch of the media. These students are more interested in thestructure, organization, and operations of the media. The other type will pursue a career insome other field but will still become consumers of media content. These students aremore interested in developing what is termed "media literacy," the ability to analyze andcritically evaluate information presented in a variety of media and to understand the con-texts within which media are produced, distributed, and consumed. One of the original goals for the first edition of Dynamics and for its successors was topresent a thorough and up-to-date treatment of the various media and media-related top-ics that would be helpful to aspiring professionals and also foster the development ofmedia literacy among those who chose other careers. It is hoped that the ninth edition alsofulfills this goal.
作者:(美國)約瑟夫·R·多米尼克(Joseph R.Dominick) 改編:傅玉輝
約瑟夫·R·多米尼克(Joseph R.Dominick),從伊利諾伊大學(xué)(University of Illinois)獲得學(xué)士學(xué)位,于1970年從密歇根州立大學(xué)(Michigan State University)獲得哲學(xué)博士學(xué)位。他在紐約市立大學(xué)
第九版前言第一部分 大眾傳播的本質(zhì)與歷史 第1章 傳播:大眾與其他形式 第2章 研究大眾傳播的視野 第3章 歷史與文化背景第二部分 媒介 第4章 報紙 第5章 雜志 第6章 圖書 第7章 廣播 第8章 電影 第9章 電視 第10章 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)與萬維網(wǎng)第三部分 特定媒介職業(yè) 第11章 新聞采集與報道第四部分 大眾媒介規(guī)制 第12章 常規(guī)控制:法律、法規(guī)和規(guī)制 第13章 道德倫理和其他非正式控制第五部分 媒介影響 第14章 大眾傳播的社會影響
Source Until the advent of the Internet and the Web, the source in the traditional masscommunication situation was typically a group of individuals who acted in predeter-mined roles in an organizational setting. In other words, mass communication was theend product of more than one persons efforts. For example, think about how a newspaperis put together. Reporters gather news; writers draft editorials; a cartoonist draws an edi-torial cartoon; the advertising department lays out ads; editors lay out all these things on asample page; technicians transfer this page to a master; other technicians print the finalpaper; the finished copies are given to the delivery staff; and, of course, behind all this is apublisher who has the money to pay for a building, presses, staff, trucks, paper, ink, andso on. This institutional nature of mass communication has several consequences that wewill consider later in this book. The advent of Internet-based mass communication changes this situation. Thanks to the World Wide Web, one person can become a mass communicator. The full implications ofthis change may take some time to become clear. For both traditional and Internet-based mass communication, the source usually has lit-tle detailed information about its particular audience. The author of a Web site has littledetailed information about the individual people who visit the site. Traditional massmedia may have collective data, but these are typically expressed as gross audience char-acteristics. The newspaper editor, for example, may know that 40 percent of the readersare between 25 and 40 years old and that 30 percent earn between $20,000 and $50,000, butthe editor has no idea about the individual tastes, preferences, quirks, or identities of thesepeople. They are an anonymous group, known only by summary statistics.
以系統(tǒng)、動態(tài)、宏觀的視野分析研究大眾傳播。 把握數(shù)字時代大眾媒介的本質(zhì)和規(guī)律,捕捉大眾傳播的時代特征和發(fā)展趨勢?! 娬{(diào)大眾媒介的經(jīng)濟屬性及社會影響,分析各媒介領(lǐng)域的職業(yè)體系及職業(yè)前景。