出版時間:2010-4 出版社:中國人民大學出版社 作者:(美)布魯克斯,(美)平森,(美)西索斯 著,李靜瀅,劉英凱 改編 頁數(shù):302
This 8th edition of TAe Art of Editing is the most extensive revision yet undertaken. The text has been altered to reflect the rapid changes taking place in the media industry and the changes we detect in editing courses nationwide?! hile the fundamental editing skills taught herein are still those honed for decades at the nations best newspapers and magazines,editing skills are now in great demand throughout the media industry.Therefore,in this edition we place more emphasis on editing for radio,television and the World Wide Web. Convergence also is a key to this revision,as the new subtitle of the text would suggest。Convergence means many things to many people, but we define it here as cooperative ventures among print media,radio and television,and the Web. While most editors for the foreseeable future will find iobs in one of the existing media,already there is demand for multimedia editors who can edit for print,editaudio and video,and cope with the nuances of the Web. Demand for that new breed of iournalist iS likely to grow as the governmentproposes relaxation of cross-media ownership rules,approved by the FederalCommunications Commission but challenged by many in Congress as anti-com-petitive.Relaxation of the rules likely would lead to companies increasing owner-ship in newspapers and television stations within the same market to expediteconvergence.
《編輯的藝術》第八版于2005年出版,與此前的第七版相比,在內(nèi)容和形式上都有很大變化,所做的改動反映了媒體產(chǎn)業(yè)變革的現(xiàn)狀。全書分五大部分:第一部分“整合時代的編輯操作”,第二部分“編輯操作基礎”,第三部分“編輯的視覺藝術”,第四部分“為不同的媒體編輯”,第五部分“編輯的其他角色”。第一部分介紹了新聞業(yè)界的最新變化,尤其突出當今的媒體整合對新聞編輯的影響,以及編輯和受眾的關系。媒體整合是這一版本明確強調(diào)的概念。不論在西方國家還是在中國,媒體整合都是大勢所趨,文化的變遷和新的技術手段導致了媒體產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構的整合變化,新聞傳播隨之朝著便利快捷、與受眾互動并凸顯主體個性的方向發(fā)展,媒體產(chǎn)業(yè)已經(jīng)步入融合與創(chuàng)新的時代。但是就國內(nèi)媒體產(chǎn)業(yè)而言,不同媒體在資源的調(diào)用與配合上尚未形成習慣,仍然需要尋找比較好的整合方式和方法。因此這部分的背景知識介紹很值得讀者深思?! 〉诙糠值降谒牟糠质潜緯闹黧w,全面細致地介紹了作為編輯必須掌握的基本專業(yè)知識和編輯的藝術技巧,包括標題該怎么確定,導語該怎樣寫作,如何制作新聞圖表,怎樣利用圖像效果與網(wǎng)上資源等。掌握諸如此類的規(guī)定性內(nèi)容是編輯工作的基礎。第二部分篇幅較長,首先解析編輯的過程與編輯的三R原則,然后從宏觀范疇介紹新聞報道編輯需要注意的問題并闡述新聞自由、法律的制約與新聞倫理,同時強調(diào)微觀范疇上報道的精確性,最后提出宏觀編輯與微觀編輯結(jié)合的整體編輯觀念,依次講述了多種報道類型的編輯重點。第三部分針對的是標題、篇名、題注和提要的編輯寫作,以及在編輯中如何處理照片與圖表,從而利用圖形的吸引力等細節(jié)問題。第四部分針對報紙、雜志、廣播電視、公共關系以及廣告設計等其他不同媒體領域的特點,探討在這些媒體形式中進行編輯的特殊情況。本書的最后一部分則超出普通意義上的編輯實踐操作,回答了作為個體的編輯如何更好地在所屬的團隊中與他人協(xié)作或領導他人更有目標、更有效率地工作。
布雷恩·S·布魯克斯(Brian S.Brooks)美國密蘇里大學新聞學院教授,主要研究興趣與教學方向為新聞學與新聞學教育中計算機的應用、國際新聞報道、新聞寫作技巧提高和報刊編輯,并且有豐富的新聞實踐經(jīng)驗。主要作品包括《新聞報道與寫作》(News Reporting and Writing,合著
前言第一部分 整合時代的編輯操作 第1章 當今媒體變革下的編輯操作 第2章 編輯與受眾第二部分 編輯操作基礎 第3章 編輯過程 第4章 宏觀范疇下的編輯 第5章 法律、倫理與適宜性的宏觀編輯 第6章 整體編輯:宏觀編輯與微觀編輯的結(jié)合第三部分 編輯的視覺藝術 第7章 標題,篇名,題注以及提要 第8章 使用照片和圖形第四部分 為不同的媒體編輯 第9章 編輯報紙 第10章 編輯雜志和業(yè)務通訊 第11章 編輯網(wǎng)頁 第12章 編輯廣播電視媒體 第13章 在其他領域從事編輯第五部分 編輯的其他角色 第14章 作為指導者的編輯 第15章 作為管理者與領導者的編輯
For generations, news was produced and distributed in assembly-line fashion. Re-porters gathered and wrote it, editors edited it, and publishers produced and distributed it in print or broadcast form to mass audiences. This one-to-many model was born in the Industrial Revolution. Editors in that environment served as gatekeepers. The editor decided when to open the gate, allowing information to flow to the public. Editors had total control over what was published or broadcast. They determined which stories were news worthy——those they deemed useful, relevant or interesting to their audiences. Editors controlled the gate, and consumers got only what editors gave them. Editors also controlled the play a story received. Was it newsworthy enough for Page One, where almost everyone would notice it, or should it be relegated to a brief on Page 37, where few would read it? Did it make the cover of Time, or did it not make the magazine at all? Did it warrant top billing on the evening news-cast, or was it left to the local newspaper? Editors were powerful. They called all the shots. Today, all that is changing. Newer media forms such as the Internet and wire-less devices (mobile telephones and personal digital assistants) allow users to choose what news they want to consume from multiple providers——some traditional and some not-and from digital databases of information vastly larger than the content of the nations largest newspaper or even the capacity of a 24-hour-a-day cable television news channel. In this environment, the one-to-many model disappears, and the user takes control. Consumers now have almost unlimited access to millions of daily news items on the Internet. Sophisticated software allows them to program computers or wireless devices to receive only the news they want. That software, not an editor, serves as the gatekeeper.
總體上說,我一直認為這是一本非常優(yōu)秀的教材。我欣賞該書全面的章節(jié)。它很有助益、簡明扼要,而且忠于新聞工作的理想?! 駛悺·布萊斯克(Glen L.BleSke)加利福尼亞州立大學奇科分?! ∥蚁嘈牛毒庉嫷乃囆g》對入門者來說是扎實精深的文本,是編輯新聞文本的基礎課教材。本書實現(xiàn)了編輯哲學與編輯基礎知識完美的融合?! 葼枴じジ裆˙ill ferguson)哥倫比亞大學