
出版時間:2010-5  出版社:中國人民大學出版社  作者:布魯克斯,鄧恩 著,任明川 改編  頁數(shù):386  字數(shù):797000  






倫納德·J·布魯克斯(Leonard J.Brooks)加拿大多倫多大學羅特曼管理學院(Rotman School of Management)商業(yè)倫理與會計學教授,商業(yè)倫理研究中心主任。長期為Journal of Business Ethics.Accounting,Organizations and Soclety Business&Society等雜志撰稿,曾擔任Journal


前言 第1篇 道德環(huán)境  第1章 道德期望  第2章 由安然事件引發(fā)的公司治理與道德改革 第2篇 道德行為  第3章 道德行為的哲學含義  第4章 道德決策的實際運用 第3篇 道德的治理、責任與管理  第5章 公司的道德治理與道德責任  第6章 以公眾利益為導向的職業(yè)會計:后安然時期 第4篇 企業(yè)和會計職業(yè)面臨的道德挑戰(zhàn)  第7章 道德的風險與機遇管理  第8章 次貸危機暴露的道德問題


插圖:It is dear that the 2008 model is different from the original 2007 model. But what if thedifferences were not readily apparent to the consumer? Assume that the selling price decreasesbecause of production efficiencies. Are you prepared to make a rebate every time the cuirent pricefalls because the current costs of production have decreased? This may be the perception of Applecustomers if the company begins to pay rebates.Remember, from a deontological perspective the consequences are unimportant. Whatis important is that the decision was made for the right reasons. The fact that customerscannot differentiate between overcharging and production efficiencies is irrelevant. The onlyrelevant aspect is that the decision maker knows the difference between overcharging andproduction efficiencies, and that the decision maker makes a rebate in the former case but notin the latter. The fact that the presence or absence of a rebate may influence future sales isirrelevant.I Justice & Fairness I Distributive justice argues that equals should be treated equally andunequals should be treated unequal in relationship to their relevant inequalities and dif-ferences. Are all customers equal? This would depend on your timeframe. If you assume thatthere will be no repeat business from any customer, then they are not equal. A fair price isdefined as one that a willing buyer and willing seller would accept in a noncoercive arm'slength transaction. Assuming there was no undue sales pressure, then the custohaers whobought the iPhone at $599 thought that that was a fair price. The ones who bought theiPhone at $399, also, presumably, considered that to be a fair price. So, both groups werewilling to pay fair value for the product at the time of purchase. There is no ethical reason toreverse those transactions. There were both at fair, albeit different, prices.By contrast, if a business is attempting to establish an ongoing relationship with itscustomers, who will be buying numerous products over a long period of time, then all customersare equal. AS such they need to be treated equally. This means that a business does not want toalienate any of its customer base and so it will offer a rebate to make everyone equal.Rawls argues that social and economic inequalities are just if these inequalities are toeveryone's benefit. This means that a price differentiation is just if it relates to production costdifferences. Assume that the cash flow from the $599 sales were used to fund productionefficiencies that permitted the company to maintain the same profit margin while reducing theprice of the product to $399. If this had been the case, then the price inequality is to everyone'sadvantage. The higher price permitted the lower price to occur. However, the actual pricedecrease occurred two months after the launch of the product. Presumably, there were noproduction changes during the summer. So, this price differentiation is not to everyone'sadvantage and as such would not be considered just. I Virtue Ethics I Virtue ethics focuses on the moral character of the decision maker. Whatvalues does Steve Jobs want his company to project? The website of Apple Inc. has separateweb pages concerning responsible supplier management and Apple's commitment to theenvironment. The company projects an image of high quality with high ethical standards.The last thing this company wants is criticism that it is not behaving responsibly.Two days after the price of the iPhone was dropped to $399 Steve Jobs publicly apologizedfor the pricing error and offered a $100 in-store rebate to those customers who had paid $599 forthe product. What values is Steve Jobs demonstrating by making a public apology? By admittinghis pricing error and atoning for the error by offering a rebate he is demonstrating rectitude. Bybeing honest and straightforward in his apology, he is taking person.al responsibility for the mistake.On the other hand, you might say that he is not demonstrating integrity because he isrecanting under pressure. This was not a free decision. He was reacting to public pressure.






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