
出版時間:2009-7  出版社:中國人民大學出版社  作者:賈衛(wèi)國 編  頁數(shù):147  


  隨著我國高等教育的迅速發(fā)展、國際化進程的不斷加快,高校英語教學越來越強調學生的語言綜合應用能力特別是聽說能力的培養(yǎng)?!缎掠⒄Z視聽說教程》即是根據(jù)研究生和本科生英語教學的實際和社會對高級人才的外語需求而編寫的教材,適合各類高等院校的非英語專業(yè)研究生和本科生使用?!  缎掠⒄Z視聽說教程》為視聽說一體化的教材,共分10個單元。每個單元為一個主題,圍繞每個主題下設三個主要部分:影視時段(VideoTime)、聽力活動(ListeningActivities)和口語實踐(OralPractice),各個部分內容相互貫通,練習相互銜接,強調語篇水平上的聽說能力訓練?!缎掠⒄Z視聽說教程》具有以下特點:  1.編排新穎  全書強調以信息輸入帶動輸出,重視視聽說相結合,通過視頻和音頻媒介傳播大量的語言、文化信息,讓學生在主動學習中加以提煉和運用,在實際使用中去完成交流的話題。本書還特別注意學習技能、學習策略的培養(yǎng),每個單元都有針對性地設計了不同的練習和講解,使學生在反復練習中逐步掌握聽說的基本技能。為了方便學生理解,對于難度較大的語言點和文化點都作了注釋,并提供了與主題相關的詞匯表。每個單元還特設了“信息箱”(Information:Box)和“學習者辭典”(Learher’Dictionary)欄目,為學生提供更多的語料信息,拓寬學生語言文化知識?! ?.內容豐富  本書內容十分豐富,涉及西方校園生活、風俗習慣、學校教育、個人理財、衛(wèi)生與健康、工作和休閑等多個方面。同時各主題加入中國元素,展現(xiàn)中國傳統(tǒng)文化場景,使學生不僅掌握英語表達方式,而且增強跨文化交際的能力。


《新英語視聽說教程》吸收最新的英語教學理念,為視聽說一體化的教材,內容豐富,實用性強,涉及西方校園生活、風俗習慣、學校教育、個人理財。衛(wèi)生與健康。工作和休閑等多個方面。全書共分10個單元。每個單元為一個主題,圍繞每個主題下設三個主要部分:影視時段(Video Time),聽力活動(Listening Activities)和口語實踐(Oral Practice)。各個部分內容相互貫通,練習相互銜接,強調語篇水平上的聽說能力訓練。


Unit 1 Differences Between Cultures Unit 2 Lectures and Reports Unit 3 Schools and Universities Unit 4 Gatherings and Parties Unit 5 Careers and Professions Unit 6 Traveling and Sightseeing Unit 7 Holidays and Vacations Unit 8 Family and Society Unit 9 Survival Environment Unit 10 News and Events


  1. How do you think about the word "culture "? Culture is a word for peoples "way of life", meaning the way they do things. A group of people has a separate culture when that group sets itself apart from others through its actions. Cultures are what make countries unique. Each country has different cultural activities and cultural rituals. Culture is more than just material goods, that is things the culture uses and produces. Culture is also the beliefs and values of the people in that culture. Culture also includes the way people think about and understand the world and their own lives.  2. Why should we study cross-cultural communication? Cross-cultural communication refers to the study of successful communications across different cultures. It concerns the understanding of tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing. The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication.  The challenge is that even with all the good will in the world, miscommunication is likely to happen, especially when there are significant cultural differences between communicators. Miscommunication may lead to conflict, or aggravate conflict that already exists. So it is very important that we should study cross-cultural communication.



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用戶評論 (總計11條)


  •   這本教師用書是對我上英語課課本的很好的補充。。當當現(xiàn)在送貨比原來快了,很滿意
  •   這本書是老師指定用書,外教上課的參考書目,感覺挺好的
  •   當時沒買到學生版,買了本教師用戶。
  •   書本不錯,是正版,內容詳細
  •   不錯,,,,,!,,,,
  •   我上課用的
  •   發(fā)貨很快,贊一下
  •   還不錯,推薦一下~~~
  •   正版教科書,不錯
  •   書里的答案有錯的和我們老師的書印刷不大一樣
  •   我不小心買錯,為啥不給換,兩次申請兩次被駁回

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