
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:中國人民大學出版社  作者:劉秋梅,高海燕 編著  頁數(shù):115  


隨著改革開放的不斷深入和中國加入WTO,社會對各行各業(yè)人才的英語水平要求越來越高,職業(yè)英語的發(fā)展成為必然趨勢。本教材是根據(jù)這一新趨勢專門為中職學生編寫的英語聽說教材。    本教材以銀行活動為背景,內(nèi)容涉及儲蓄、兌換、掛失、租用保管箱、匯款、貸款等多項銀行業(yè)務。    注重從實際出發(fā),引導學生迅速而準確地掌握實際應用的本領,是本教材的宗旨。本教材每一課包含兩個對話,由淺至深,簡單、實用;課后設有形式多樣的練習并附有參考譯文。本教材于2005年8月作為校內(nèi)教材開始使用,至今已5年,得到廣大師生的認可。現(xiàn)在原有教材基礎上進行修訂,對課文內(nèi)容進行補充和調(diào)整,增加背景知識介紹。本教材具有較強的針對性、應用性及可操作性,適合未來從事銀行職業(yè)的中職學生及相當水平人士使用。


Lesson One  Making InquiriesLesson Two  Opening an AccountLesson Three  Handling Time DepositLesson Four  Handling WithdrawalsLesson Five   Exchanging Foreign CurrenciesLesson Six   Cashing a Traveller's CheckLesson Seven  Handling ReconversionLesson Eight  Reporting a Lost PassbookLesson Nine  Renting a Safe Deposit BoxLesson Ten  Handling Outward RemittanceLesson Eleven  Handling Inward RemittanceLesson Twelve  Offering a Housing LoanLesson Thirteen  Offering a Foreign Exchange Loan附錄  附錄一  對話參考譯文  附錄二  主要國家或地區(qū)貨幣名稱中英文對照表  附錄三  主要大銀行名稱中英文對照表  附錄四  聽力練習原文主要參考文獻


  The most common banking service is the checking account (支票賬戶). People deposit their money in the bank, and then they can write checks to buy things. A check is a piece of paper. It tells the bank to pay the seller. The bank must pay the seller from the customers account. The customer usually pays the bank a service charge (服務費) for a checking account.  Another banking service is the savings account (儲蓄賬戶). People can de-posit some of their money in a savings account. They do not usually need this money right now. They leave the money in the bank and withdraw it when they need it. The bank will pay interest on the savings account, Interest is the money that the bank gives to the customer.  Loans (貸款) are an important banking service. Banks give money to businesses and individuals (企業(yè)或個人). A bank may loan money to a business to buy more machines or tools. Some people borrow money from the bank to buy a house or a car. The bank always charges interest on loans (收職貸款利息). The borrower must repay the loan (償還貸款) plus the interest. The interest on loans is always higher than the interest on savings accounts.



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