
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:中國人民大學  作者:(美)卡羅爾·里奇|改編:傅玉輝  頁數(shù):310  


  We are living in an age of rapid changes in the media, but the basic princi ples of good writing, accurate reporting and ethical behavior are timeless.This book is designed to teach you how to acquire the writing and reporting skills you will need to excel in your career no matter which media field you choose to enter. The book also emphasizes media ethics in every chap ter so that you can gain an understanding of the problems you might encounter and learn ethical principles that will help you resolve them.  The coaching method, which is the foundation of this book, is a way of helping writers discover their problems and learn techniques to solve them. The book features tips from leading writing coaches and award-winning journalists.  This fifth edition is the first book in which author Carole Rich has collaborated with another author. Because media careers now require a convergence of print, broadcast and online skills, Rich worked with Christopher Harper, who has more than 20 years of experience in print, broadcast and international media. Harper revised the chapters on broadcast journalism and Web journalism and wrote a new chapter on global journalism.


本書從新聞本身、如何采集信息、新聞報道結(jié)構、媒介倫理和各種類型的新聞寫作技巧五個方面著手,詳細介紹了新聞采集和寫作的方法與技巧?! 娬{(diào)利用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)輔助新聞調(diào)研和報道,并在每一章之后提供了相關網(wǎng)絡的網(wǎng)址資源?! 嵗牧县S富翔實,精選自數(shù)百家媒體,極大地增強了本書的可讀性和趣味性?! ∽⒅匦侣剛惱韱栴},在每一部分都有所涉及并辟有專章論述?! ”緯m用于新聞學科的學生,對相關的從業(yè)人員也有很好的借鑒作用,是一本不可多得的、極具使用價值的新聞采訪與寫作教材。


卡羅爾·里奇(Carole Rich),現(xiàn)為阿拉斯加安克雷奇大學(University of Alaska Anchorage)的新聞學教授。她從1970年開始其新聞生涯,在《費城公報》(Philadelphia Bulletin)做記者,從事教育和政府新聞報道;在《勞德代爾堡新聞/太陽一前哨報》(Fort Lauderdale News/S


前言第一部分 理解新聞  第1章 不斷變化的新聞概念  第2章 基本的新聞報道 第二部分 采集信息  第3章 報道選題  第4章 消息源和網(wǎng)絡調(diào)查  第5章 采訪技巧 第三部分 組織報道結(jié)構  第6章 導語和核心段  第7章 報道結(jié)構 第8章 敘事和特寫技巧  第9章 廣播電視新聞寫作和報道  第10章 網(wǎng)絡新聞 第四部分 應用技巧  第11章 專業(yè)報道  第12章 演講、新聞發(fā)布會、會議新聞  第13章 政府新聞和統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)新聞  第14章 犯罪報道與刑罰報道   第15章 災害、天氣和悲劇事件報道  第16章 人物專訪


  Some story ideas are assigned by editors, but most editors expect reporters to provide their own story ideas, especially if the reporter covers a beat. The daily "story budget" contains a brief description of each story planned for the next days newspaper, TV news show or online news site. Each budget item, or "budget line," begins with a "slug" (a one-word title) and is followed by a few sentences describing the story. Many news organizations also use a planning story budget, describing story ideas for the week and long-range stories.  The budget line is also a tool to help you focus your ideas. As you write your budget lines, you should be keeping the focus——the "so what" factor—— in mind. Your budget line is your way of selling the story idea to your editor, so you need to make it sound like an essential news story or a compelling idea.  To write a budget line, give your story a slug, and describe the idea in a paragraph or two. Include potential sources and possibilities for photos or graphics. Heres an example of a budget line by Buddy Nevins, a reporter who covered the transportation beat for the Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.  Pedestrians. Broward has one of the highest rates of pedestrian deaths in the nation. One problem is that the roads havent been designed for pedestrians, and many dont have sidewalks or crosswalks because of a lack of money.  What is being done to solve the problem?  Graphics: Charts, maps of worst roads  A good budget line should summarize the main point of your story. It will also give you a head start in writing your lead or nut graph.






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用戶評論 (總計18條)


  •   純英文的,本來是想買來看看新聞寫作,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)是純英文的啊,為啥不介紹的時候稍微提一下呢,只說雙語教材還以為是中英雙語的呢
  •   西方新聞寫作的思維!
  •   很想買這本書,這本書與其他的新聞教科書有很大的不同。
  •   書本的質(zhì)量很好,紙張也不錯
  •   挺好的 英文不難 通俗易懂 很滿意
  •   老師規(guī)定要買的教材,內(nèi)容不錯,英語挺簡單的
  •   老師推薦的,買來增加課外學習的讀物,不錯的選擇。
  •   硬著頭皮看吧,鍛煉英語,有很多專業(yè)名詞,找不到 解釋
  •   都是我喜歡的書,價格也實惠!
  •   ~~~還不錯~
  •   全英文版不錯
  •   原汁原味的英文哦!對于立志從事新聞事業(yè)的同學很有幫助。英文內(nèi)容,淺顯易懂??偟膩碚f,是一本非常好的業(yè)務指導用書!
  •   其實我本來打算買中文版的,唉!隨便當英語教材瞅瞅吧,話說這本書的第三版中文版我看過,還不錯。
  •   英文很簡單,不同于國內(nèi)人寫書愛掉書袋、裝深沉之類的。這本書寫的很實在,個人覺得很像工作手冊,比較實用。但是注重理論的話就不推薦這本了。
  •   很想買這一本書~~~~
  •   還行,全英文,可以學英語了
  •   真的沒有注意,竟然全英文版的······
  •   沒注意,竟然是英文版的,希望給大家一個提醒。

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