出版時間:2009-4 出版社:中國人民大學(xué)出版社 作者:Alvin A. Arens,Randal J. Elder,Mark S. Beasley 頁數(shù):536 譯者:雷光勇 改編
《審計學(xué):一種整合方法》是美國最經(jīng)典的現(xiàn)代審計學(xué)教材之一,被公認(rèn)為系統(tǒng)學(xué)習(xí)和全面掌握現(xiàn)代西方特別是美國審計理論和實務(wù)的最佳圖書,被全球多所著名大學(xué)采用。該書由于首次提出并倡導(dǎo)“交易循環(huán)審計”的思想而備受審計理論界、教育界和實務(wù)界的推崇。在中國,該書曾受到我國已故著名會計學(xué)家楊時展先生的高度重視、推介和運用,并組織了最初的引介和翻譯工作。 第12版突出了以下特點:(1)將新的風(fēng)險評估準(zhǔn)則及與公司治理負(fù)責(zé)人溝通的準(zhǔn)則覆蓋全書的各個方面;(2)將美國《薩班斯一奧克斯利法案》中第404分部和公眾公司會計監(jiān)督委員會第2號審計準(zhǔn)則的基本要求貫穿全書;(3)繼續(xù)貫徹”交易循環(huán)審計”的思想;(4)注重舞弊審計在當(dāng)代審計學(xué)中的地位與作用,反映最新的舞弊審計技術(shù)發(fā)展;(5)繼續(xù)強調(diào)審計中最基本的概念在于,審計人員在考察某個特定審計環(huán)境時需要搜集的證據(jù)的性質(zhì)和數(shù)量;(6)對屬于非傳統(tǒng)審計業(yè)務(wù)內(nèi)容的其他鑒證業(yè)務(wù),也給予了足夠的重視, 本書適合會計學(xué)高年級本科生、研究生、MBA、MPAcc以及有興趣的教師、研究人員使用或參考。中國人民大學(xué)出版社同時配套出版了該書的中文翻譯版。
阿爾文·A·阿倫斯(Alvin A.Arens)密歇根州立大學(xué)會計學(xué)院普華永道審計學(xué)教授.曾擔(dān)任美國會計學(xué)會(AAA)主席、美國注冊會計師協(xié)會(AICPA)審計準(zhǔn)則委員會委員。曾獲多項殊榮.包括AAA杰出教育家獎、AICPA杰出教育家獎、美國BetaAlpha Psi教授年度獎等。具有豐富的大學(xué)
PART1 The Auditing Profession 1 The Demand for Audit and Other Assurance Services Learning Objectives Nature of Auditing Distinction Between Auditing and Accounting Economic Demand for Auditing Assurance Services Types of Audits Types of Auditors Certified Public Accountant 2 The CPA Profession Learning Objectives Certified Public Accounting Firms Activities of CPA Firms Structure of CPA Firms Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Securities and Exchange Commission American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Statements on Auditing Standards International Standards on Auditing Quality Control 3 Audit Reports Learning Objectives Standard Unqualified Audit Report Combined Reports on Financial Statements and Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Under Section of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Unqualified Audit Report with Explanatory Paragraph or Modified Wording Departures from an Unqualified Audit Report Materiality Discussion of Conditions Requiring a Departure Auditor's Decision Process for Audit Reports Impact of E-Commerce on Audit Reporting 4 Professional Ethics Leamlng Objectives What Are Ethics? Ethical Dilemmas Special Need for Ethical Conduct in Professions Code of Professional Conduct Independence Independence Rule of Conduct and Interpretations Other Rules of Conduct Enforcement 5 Legal Liability Learning Objectives Changed Legal Environment Distinguishing Business Failure, Audit Failure, and Audit Risk Legal Concepts Affecting Liability Liability to Clients Liability to Third Parties Under Common Law Civil Liability Under the Federal Securities Laws Criminal Liability The Profession's Response to Legal Liability Protecting Individual CPAs from Legal Liability PART2 The Audit Process 6 Audit Responsibilities and Objectives Learning Objectives Objective of Conducting an Audit of Financial Statements Management's Responsibilities Auditor's Responsibilities Financial Statement Cycles Setting Audit Objectives Management Assertions Transaction-Related Audit Objectives Balance-Related Audit Objectives Presentation and Disclosure-Related Audit Objectives How Audit Objectives Are Met 7 Audit Evidence Learning Objectives Nature of Evidence Audit Evidence Decisions Persuasiveness of Evidence Types of Audit Evidence Audit Documentation 8 Audit Planning and Analytical Procedures Learning Objectives Planning Accept Client and Perform Initial Audit Planning Understand the Client's Business and Industry Assess Client Business Risk Perform Preliminary Analytical Procedures Summary of the Parts of Audit Planning Analytical Procedures Five Types of Analytical Procedures Common Financial Ratios 9 Materlallty and Risk Learning Objectives Materiality Set Preliminary Judgment about Materiality Allocate Preliminary Judgment about Materiality to Segments(Tolerable Misstatement) Estimate Misstatement and Compare with Preliminary Judgment Risk Types of Risks Assessing Acceptable Audit Risk Assessing Inherent Risk Relationship of Risks to Evidence and Factors Influencing Risks Evaluating Results ……PART3 Application of the Audit Process to the Sales and Collection CyclePART4 Application of the Audit Process to Other CyclesPART5 Completing the Audit
fore useful. For example, knowledge of a large misstatement in fixed assets might affecta user's willingness to loan money to a company if the assets were the collateral. A mis-statement of inventory does not mean that cash, accounts receivable, and other ele-ments of the financial statements, or the financial statements as a whole, are materiallyincorrect.To make materiality decisions when a condition requiring a departure from anunqualified report exists, the auditor must evaluate all effects on the financial state-ments. Assume that the auditor is unable to satisfy himself or herself whether inventoryis fairly stated in deciding on the appropriate type of opinion. Because of the effect of amisstatement in inventory on other accounts and on totals in the statements, the audi-tor needs to consider the materiality of the combined effect on inventory, total currentassets, total working capital, total assets, income taxes, income taxes payable, total cur-rent liabilities, cost of goods sold, net income before taxes, and net income after taxes.When the auditor concludes that a misstatement is material but does not over-shadow the financial statements as a whole, a qualified opinion (using "except for") isappropriate.Amounts Are So Material or So Pervasive That Overall Fairness of the Statements Is inQuestion The highest level of materiality exists when users are likely to make incorrectdecisions if they rely on the overall financial statements. To return to the previousexample, if inventory is the largest balance on the financial statements, a large misstate-ment would probably be so material that the auditor's report should indicate the finan-cial statements taken as a whole cannot be considered fairly stated. When the highestlevel of materiality exists, the auditor must issue either a disclaimer of opinion or anadverse opinion, depending on which conditions exist.When determining whether an exception is highly material, the extent to which theexception affects different parts of the financial statements must be considered. This iscalled pervasiveness. A misclassification between cash and accounts receivable affectsonly those two accounts and is therefore not pervasive. On the other hand, failure torecord a material sale is highly pervasive because it affects sales, accounts receivable,income tax expense, accrued income taxes, and retained earnings, which in turn affectcurrent assets, total assets, current liabilities, total liabilities, owners' equity, gross mar-gin, and operating income.As misstatements become more pervasive, the likelihood of issuing an adverseopinion rather than a qualified opinion increases. For example, suppose the auditordecides a misclassification between cash and accounts receivable should result in aqualified opinion because it is material; the failure to record a sale of the same dollaramount may result in an adverse opinion because of pervasiveness.Regardless of the amount involved, a disclaimer of opinion must be issued if theauditor is determined to lack independence under the rules of the Code of ProfessionalConduct. This strict requirement reflects the importance of independence to auditors.Any deviation from the independence rule is therefore considered highly material.Table 3-1 summarizes the relationship between materiality and the type of opinionto be issued.In concept, the effect of materiality on the type of opinion to issue is straightforward. In application, deciding on actual materiality in a given situation is a difficult judg- ment. There are no simple, well-defined guidelines that enable auditors to decide when something is immaterial, material, or highly material. The evaluation of materiality also depends on whether the situation involves a failure to follow GAAP or a scope limitation. Materiality Decisions——Non-GAAP Condition When a client has failed to follow GAAP, the audit report will be unqualified, qualified opinion only, or adverse, depending on the materiality of the departure. Several aspects of materiality must be considered.Dollar Amounts Compared with a Base The primary concern in measuring material-ity when a client has failed to follow GAAP is usually the total dollar misstatement inthe accounts involved, compared with some base. A $10,000 misstatement might bematerial for a small company but not for a larger one. Therefore, misstatements mustbe compared with some measurement base before a decision can be made about themateriality of the failure to follow GAAP. Common bases include net income, totalassets, current assets, and working capital.For example, assume that the auditor believes there is a $100,000 overstatement ofinventory because of the client's failure to follow GAAP. Also assume recorded inventoryof $1 million, current assets of $3 million, and net income before taxes of $2 million. Inthis case, the auditor must evaluate the materiality of a misstatement of inventory of 10percent, current assets of 3.3 percent, and net income before taxes of 5 percent.To evaluate overall materiality, the auditor must also combine all unadjusted mis-statements and iudge whether there may be individually immaterial misstatementsthat, when combined, significantly affect the statements. In the inventory example justgiven, assume the auditor believes there is also an overstatement of $150,000 inaccounts receivable. The total effect on current assets is now 8.3 percent ($250,000divided by $3,000,000) and 12.5 percent on net income before taxes ($250,000 dividedby $2,000,000).When comparing potential misstatements with a base, the auditor must carefullyconsider all accounts affected by a misstatement (pervasiveness). For example, it isimportant not to overlook the effect of an understatement of inventory on cost of goodssold, income before taxes, income tax expense, and accrued income taxes payable.Measurability The dollar amount of some misstatements cannot be accurately mea-sured. For example, a client's unwillingness to disclose an existing lawsuit or the acqui-sition of a new company subsequent to the balance sheet date is difficult if not impos-sible to measure in terms of dollar amounts. The materiality question the auditor mustevaluate in such situations is the effect on statement users of the failure to make thedisclosure.Nature of the Item The decision of a user may also be affected by the kind of misstate-ment. The following may affect a user's decision and therefore the auditor's opinion ina different way than most misstatements:1.Transactions are illegal or fraudulent.2.An item may materially affect some future period, even though it is immaterial when only the current period is considered.3.An item has a "psychic" effect (for example, the item changes a small loss to asmall profit, maintains a trend of increasing earnings, or allows earnings to exceed analysts' expectations).4.An item may be important in terms of possible consequences arising fromcontractual obligations (for example, the effect of failure to comply with a debt restriction may result in a material loan being called).Ma~eriatity Decisions——Scope kirnitations Condi~i0n When there is a scope limitation inan audit, the audit report will be unqualified, qualified scope and opinion, or dis-claimer, depending on the materiality of the scope limitation. The auditor will considerthe same three factors included in the previous discussion about materiality decisionsfor failure to follow GAAP, but they will be considered differently. The size of potentialmisstatements, rather than known misstatements, is important in determiningwhether an unqualified report, a qualified report, or a disclaimer of opinion is appro-priate for a scope limitation. For example, if recorded accounts payable of $400,000was not audited, the auditor must evaluate the potential misstatement in accountspayable and decide how materially the financial statements could be affected. The per-vasiveness of these potential misstatements must also be considered.It is typically more difficult to evaluate the materiality of potential misstatementsresulting from a scope limitation than for failure to follow GAAP. Misstatementsresulting from failure to follow GAAP are known. Those resulting from scope limita-tions must usually be subjectively measured in terms of potential or likely misstate-ments. For example, a recorded accounts payable of $400,000 might be understated bymore than $1 million, which may affect several totals, including gross margin, netearnings, and total assets.