
出版時間:2009-2  出版社:中國人民大學(xué)出版社  作者:約翰·麥考密克  頁數(shù):253  


  A major European power, a leading voice in world affairs, birthplace of the parliamentary system, the pioneer of industrialization, and a dominating influence on Western culture, British society has shaped the world and continues to do so, even as today it finds itself adapting to a new globalized order.   In this completely revised and updated second edition of Contemporary Britain. best-selling author John McCormick provides an authoritative and thought-provoking introduction to British society, geography, politics and culture. discussing the evolution of economic and social policy, and Britain' s new place in Europe and the world.   Its major theme is change and the often dramatic upheavals that Britain has undergone, from reconstruction after the Second World War through the legacies of Thatcher and Blair to today' s challenges of multiculturalism and integration with the rest of Europe. Rejecting the thesis of decline, it argues that Britain has become a more successful society whose citizens are looking less at the past and more at present challenges and future possibilities. Assuming no prior knowledge and illustrated throughout with figures and tables, boxes focusing on key issues, and an extensive guide to further reading and relevant websites. Contemporary Britain is the ideal starting point for students and interested general readers alike.


List of Illustrations, Maps, Figures, Tables and BoxesPreface and AcknowledgmentsList of AbbreviationsIntroduction1 The Historical Context The Emergence of the British State Postwar Adjustment, 1945-79 The Thatcher Revolution, 1979-90 Blair and Beyond2 Land and People The Geography of Britain Natural Resources The Environment The People of Britain Nationalism and Regionalism Immigration and Race3 The Social System Social Class The Changing Family Social Services and Health Care Education Law and Order4 Government and the Political System Principles of Government The Constitution The Monarchy Prime Minister and Cabinet Parliament The Judiciary The Bureaucracy Local Government5 Politics and Civil Society Political Culture Elections Political Parties Interest Groups6 The Media The Economy The Structure of the Economy From Hands-off to Hands-on, and Back Again Britain in the International System The Economic Implications of Europe7 Culture and Lifestyle Culture The Identity of Britain The Arts Sports and Leisure Religion8 Britain and the World The Changing British Role in the World The Commonwealth The Atlantic Alliance Britain and the European Union The Changing Role of the British MilitaryConclusionsRecommended ReadingBritain OnlineBibliography


  However, that attitudes may be changing, and the owners and operators oflarge businesses are becoming increasingly prominent in public life, if notnecessarily admired.  A prime example of the rise of the modern British business celebrity isoffered by Sir Richard Branson, whose Virgin business empire has grown toinclude many different interests. Virgin began in the late 1960s as a cut-pricerecord store in London. Branson then moved into the recording industry,becoming known more widely for the launch of the low-cost airline VirginAtlantic, and expanding to areas as diverse as fashion, soft drinks, publishing,property, hotels, cinemas, and even railway services. Virgin Atlantic hasbeen in a struggle against British Airways in its attempt to capture a greatershare of the transatlantic air travel market through an alliance with AmericanAirlines. Bransons ventures have not always been successful, but a flairfor publicity has made him a well-known public figure, contributing to areassessment of public attitudes towards business, and of business as a careeroption.Despite criticism that the Thatcher administration failed to take care ofthe needs of the underclass, and despite continued problems with poverty,a growing income gap between rich and poor, and homelessness (see Box3.1 in Chapter 3), the flee-market philosophy had become so popular andinstitutionalized by the time Thatcher left office that when Tony Blair becameleader of the Labour Party in 1994, he set about modernizing the partyand committing it to the maintenance of some of the more popular aspects.




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