
出版時間:2008-6  出版社:芭芭拉·巴納德、 戴維·F .溫 中國人民大學(xué)出版社 (2008-06出版)  作者:(美)巴納德,(美)溫 著  頁數(shù):1540  


  With 53 stories,314 poems,and 12 plays,Access Literature is designed to provide students witha g rounding in the traditional canon that is a vital part of our literary heritage,while at the same time presenting the diverse voices that are an essential part of our cultural record and an exciting force in contemporary literature?! nIike other introdUctory texts。Access Literature Iinks the traditionaI elements of Iiterature to the everyday CUlture students aIready know weII。Chapter openers and in-text boxes introduce the elements USing everyday images。inviting students to draw the connections between them。The chapter on plot,for example。begins with storyboards from a television commerciaI:word—choice,word—order,and tone,with a collection of personaI ads;setting and staging with street murals。By showing that even pop culture uses the elements of the Iiterature they study in class。Access Literature heIps students reaIize that the literary concepts simply reflect jdeas that we alI encounter in our dailV Iives,and that Iiterature itself iS simply a reflection of human experience?!  癆ccess Literature…introduces some of our most engaging literatu re--fiction,poetry,and drama——within lhe contexl of the worlds in which our students Iive。It doesn’t“dumb down”and it doesn’t marginalize the“classics?!盜nstead,it opens up the idea of literary texts in ways that will capture the students’imagination?!?——Derek Royal,Texas A&M University  “What llike best about it iS the really comprehensive and astute selection of short stories and poems lt manages to include familiar,traditional works that stilI seem relevant(rather than“standards”which have Iost their vitality)。and a…range of more modern and contemporary works,which represent some of the most interesting,engaging and challenging examples of the Iiterature of ou r fimes?!薄  狶e0nLewis。Appalachian State University  “The deft handling of pop-culture materials,and the wide selection of world and non-traditional materials makes this a very useable textbook frOm the point of view of the teacher。Each reading is embedded in multiple possible openings for discussion and analysis。” ——Liz Kleinfeld。Red Rocks Community College


作者:(美國)芭芭拉·巴納德 (美國)戴維·F .溫


Chapter 1 Getting into LitPART 1 Fiction Chapter 2 Profile of a Fiction Writer-Flannery O'Connor Chapter 3 Plot Chapter 4 Characterization Chapter 5 Setting Chapter 6 Point of View Chapter 7 Style, Tone of Voice, and Irony Chapter 8 Metaphor, Image, and Symbol Chapter 9 Myth and Fiction Chapter 10 Theme Chapter 11 Cutting Edges: Metafiction and Avant-Pop Chapter 12 A Bookshelf of Short Fiction PART 2 Poetry 555 Chapter 13 Profile of a Poet-Langston Hughes Chapter 14 Word Choice, Word Order, and Tone Chap[er 15 Imagery and Symbolism Chapter 16 Figures of Speech Chapter 17 Sound, Rhythm, and Meter ……


Part3 Getting into DramaCHAPTER 25 Profile of a Playwright-David lvesThree monkeys sitting at typewriters trying to write Hamet; people speaking in a new"universal language",in which a word processor is a"verboblender,""velcro"means。welcome,and when you're "spinichless,'you're speecnbles;and characters waking up to find themselves !ocated in states of mind rather than geographical locatlOns—these are some of the zany,and USUally hilarious,scenarios David Ives's characters find themselves。David lves was born in Chicago and received his education at Northwestern University and the Yale Drama school。He writes for television,film and opera as well as for stage,and many of his plays have enjoyed on and off Broadway productions in New York City.






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