
出版時間:2008-2  出版社:中國人民大學出版社  作者:斯坦利·J·巴蘭,Stanley J. Baran  頁數:418  




PART ONE  LAYING THE GRoUNDWoRK 1 Mass Communication,Culture,and Media Literacy Media Literacy  What Is Mass Communication?   Communication Defined   Mass Communication Defined  What Is Culture?   Culture as Socially Constructed Shared Meaning   Functions and Effects of Culture  Mass Communication and Culture  Mass Media as Cultural Storytellers  Mass Communication as Cultural Forum  Scope and Nature of Mass Media   The Role of Technology   The Role of Money  Cultural Forum: Audience as Consumer or Audience as Product?  Changes   Concentration of Ownership and Conglomeration   Globalization   Audience Fragmentation   Hypercommercialism   Erosion of Distinctions among Media: Convergence  Mass Communication, Culture, and Media Literacy   Oral Culture   The Invention of Writing   Literate Culture   The Gutenberg Revolution   The Industrial Revolution  Media Literacy   Elements of Media Literacy   Media Literacy Skills  Living Media Literacy: Living a Media Literate Life   Resources for Review and Discussion   Chapter Review   Key Terms   Questions for Review   Questions for Critical Thinking and DiscussionPART TWO  MEDIA,MEDIA INDUSTRIES,AND MEDIA AUDIENCES  2 Books  Book Timeline A Short History of Books Books in Colonial North America  Books and Their Audiences   The Cultural Value of the Book  Media Echoes: The Role of Books in Social Movements Using Media to Make a Difference: Our Bodies, Ourselves  Censorship  Scope and Structure of the Book Industry   Categories of Books  From Idea to Publication  Trends and Convergence in Book Publishing   Convergence   Conglomeration   Demand for Profits and Hypercommercialism   Growth of Small Presses   Restructuring of Book Retailing  Cultural Forum: Freedom to Read  Developing Media Literacy Skills: The Lessons of Harry Potter  Living Media Literacy: Start a Citywide Book Conversation  Resources for Review and Discussion   Chapter Review   Key Terms   Questions for Review   Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion3 Newspapers4 Magazines5 Film6 Radio and Sound Recording7 Television8 The Internet and the World Wide Web:Changingthe ParadigmPART THREE  MASS-MEDlATED CULTURE IN THE INFORMATIoN AGE9 TheorieS and Efiects of Mass Communication1O Media Freedom,Regulation,and EthicsGlossary




    傳播學專業(yè)英語教程 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計15條)


  •   老師推薦的比較正宗的傳播學英語教程
  •   學英語的好書,尤其是傳媒。還有媒介文化方面,也是一部很好的教材。
  •   質量不錯,我不是傳播專業(yè)的,英語也很爛。所以就不誤導大家了。但是紙張不錯。對學英語應該有幫助的
  •   買書時參考人家的讀書效果是決定買否的一大因素,所以我認為好東西要一起分享。這是很專業(yè)的一本書,買前的目的是想通過讀它來熟悉更多的相關國外的媒介素養(yǎng)教育。拿到手之后仔細讀讀幫助不小。英文版的比翻譯版的更能讓人意會,這對本人的論文撰寫是有益的。一直還在搜索其他有關媒介素養(yǎng)的外文正版書,希望書友們能共享讀書樂趣。
  •   條例很清晰,案例也很實用。
  •   書非常不錯,包裝好,確實是經典
  •   很喜歡!是英文原版書!就課后單詞是編者加上去的,其余全是原版!紙質也很好!
  •   算是團購,給班里很多同學一起買的,還有折扣,不錯!
  •   不錯,我們做課本用
  •   buybuybuy!
  •   傳播學專業(yè)的可以看看
  •   作為傳播學專業(yè)的學生,一定要讀些書來打基礎,這本書就是其中之一。
  •   感覺都是一些介紹性的比較淺顯的東西~
  •   其實買來后都沒有看過,不過是全英文的哦!希望明年把它看完。
  •   真是狂暈!

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
