
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:中國人民大學(xué)出版社  作者:德布拉·蒂奇曼(美)  頁數(shù):163  


This iS the onlY book about Pride and Prejudice to combine both analysis of the novel and excerpts from significant primary documents of Austen’S OWn time These materials will help the reader to understand the complexities of both the novel and English society at the beginning of the l9th century,and tO compare those issues to contemporary.society.Teachman provides commentary and primary materialS On inheritance.marriage,and women’S roles in society at the time of Austen’S life.Excerpts from l 8th—and l 9th—century etiquette books,moral treatises、histories of women.1egal documents and comrnentary。newspapers,magazines,and collections of letters provide evidence of the social and legal differences between Austen’S time and our own--enabling the reader tO understand the legal,historic',d,social.a(chǎn)nd cultural context of the nova.


  DEBRA TEACHMAN teaches Ehglish literature and composition at New Mexico State University,Alamogordo.


Introduction1.Literary Analysis:Pride and Prejudice2.Law and Custom:Inheritance and Marriage FROM: George C.Brodrick,English Land and English Landlords(1881) Sir William Blackstone,Commentaries on the Laws of England(1765) William Alexander,The History of Women from the Earliest Antiquity,to the Present Time(1779) Sir Frederick Ponock and Frederic Wmiam Maitland,Tbe History of English Law Before the Time ofEdward I(1898)3.Eighteenth—Century Views of Marriage FROM: Samuel Johnson,The Rambler(1750) Daniel Defoe,Conjugal Lewdness(1727) John Gregory,A Father's Legacy to His Daughters(1774) Lady Sarah Pennington,An Unfortunate Mother's Advice to Her Absent Daughters(1761) Thomas Gisborne,An Enquiry into the Duties of the Female Sex(1797) William Godwin,Enquiry Concerning Political Justice(1793) Mary Wollstonecraft,Maria,or The Wrongs of Woman(1798)4.Unmarried Women:Conduct and Law FRoM: William Hayley,A Philosophical,Historical,and Moral Essay on old Maids(1785) Jane west,Letters to a Young Lady(1806) Mary WoUstonecrkft.Thoughts on the Education of Daughters(1787) Mary WoUstonecraft,A Vindication of the eights of Woman(1792) Wmiam Alexander.The History of Women from the Earliest Antiquity,to the Present Time(1779)5.Women’S Education and Moral Conduct FRoM: William Alexander,The History of Women from the Earliest Antiquity,to the Present Time(1779) Hester Chapone,On the Improvement of the Mind(17700 Lady Sarah Pennington,An Unfortunate Mother's Advice to Her Absent Daughters(1761) Jane West,Letters to a Young Lady(1806) Catherine Macaulay Graham,Letters on Education(1790)6.Pride and Prejudice:Issues in the l980s and 1990sIndex




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