
出版時(shí)間:2008-7  出版社:中國人民大學(xué)出版社  作者:斯蒂芬·P·羅賓斯  頁數(shù):456  字?jǐn)?shù):729000  


本書是美國最暢銷的組織行為學(xué)教科書之一,被全球500多所大學(xué)選作教材,受到世界各地管理學(xué)界師生和企業(yè)界管理者的好評?! ”景嬖诒3至艘郧鞍姹緝?yōu)點(diǎn)的基礎(chǔ)上,增加了許多新的內(nèi)容,如增加了“情緒和心境”一章,增加了對于影響工作滿意度要素的討論,增加了個(gè)人與組織匹配的新內(nèi)容,并且內(nèi)容更加實(shí)際,幾乎每個(gè)概念和理論都有現(xiàn)實(shí)中的故事來詮釋和注解?! ”緯鴥?nèi)容經(jīng)典,篇幅適中,非常適合作為我國高校的雙語教學(xué)教材,也可作為企業(yè)管理人員在職學(xué)習(xí)和培訓(xùn)用書


第1篇 引言 第1章 組織行為學(xué)導(dǎo)論第2篇 組織中的個(gè)體 第2章 個(gè)體行為的基礎(chǔ) 第3章 態(tài)度和工作滿意度 第4章 人格與價(jià)值觀 第5章 知覺和個(gè)體決策 第6章 基本的動機(jī)概念 第7章 動機(jī):從概念到應(yīng)用 第8章 情緒和心境第3篇 組織中的群體 第9章 群體行為的基礎(chǔ) 第10章 理解工作團(tuán)隊(duì)第11章 溝通 第12章 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的基本觀點(diǎn)  第13章 當(dāng)代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)問題 第14章 權(quán)力與政治 第15章 沖突與談判第4篇 組織系統(tǒng) 第16章 組織結(jié)構(gòu)的基礎(chǔ) 第17章 組織文化 第18章 人力資源政策與實(shí)踐第5篇 組織動力 第19章 組織變革與壓力管理


The Individual in the O rganizationRei nforcement TheoryA counterpoint to goal-setting theory is reinforcement theory.The former is acognmve approach,proposing'that an individual's purposes direct his or heraction.In reinforcement theory,we have a behavioristic approach,which arguesthat reinforcement conditions behavior.The two are clearly at odds philosophi-cally.Reinforcement theorists see behavior as being environmentally caused.Y'ouneed not be concerned,they would argue,with internal cognitive events;whatcontrols behavior are reinforcers——any consequence that,when immediately f01.10wing a response,increases the probability that the behavior will be reDeated.  Reinforcement theory ignores the inner state of the individual and concen-trates solely on what happens to a person when he or she takes some action.Because it does not concern itself with what initiates behavior,it is not.strictlvspeaking,a theory of motivation.But it does provide a powerful means of analy-SlS of what controls behavior,and it is for this reason that it is typically consid.ered in discussions of motivation.54We discussed the reinforcement process in detailin Chapter 2.Although it's clear that so。called reinforcers like pay can motivate people,it's iust as clear thatfor people the process is much more complicated than stimulus-response.In its pure torm,reinforcement theory ignores feelings,attitudes,expectations,and other cognmve variables that are known to impact behavior.In fact,some researchers look at the same experiments that reinforcement theorists use tosupport their position and interpret the findings in a cognitive framework.55  Reinforcement is undoubtedly an important influence on behavior,but fewscholars are prepared to argue that it is the only influence.The behaviors youengage in at work and the amount of effort you allocate to each task areaffected by the consequences that follow from your behavior.For instance,ifyou re consistently reprimanded for outproducing your colleagues.you'11 likelyreduce your productivity.But your lower productivity may also be explained interms of goals,inequity,or expectancies.   Equity TheoryJ ane Pearson graduated last year from the State University with a degree in accounting.Alter Interviews with a number of organizations on campus,she accepted a position with a top public accounting firm and was assigned to their Boston office.Jane was very pleased with the offer she received:challenging work with a presuglous firm,an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experi.ence,and the highest salary any accounting major at State was offered last year一$4,550 a month.ButJane was the top student in her class;she was articu.1ate and mature and thlly expected to receive a commensurate salary.  Twelve months have passed since.『ane joined her employer.The work has proved to be as challenging and satisfying as she had hoped.Her employer isextremely pleased with her performance;in fact,she recently received a$200.a(chǎn)-month raise.However,Jane's motivational level has dropped dramatically in the past few weeks.Why}Her employer has just hired a flesh college gradu'ate outof State University,who lacks the 1-year experience Iane has gained,for$4,800a month——S50 more than Jane now makes!It would be an understatement todescribe Jane in any other terms than irate.Jane is even talking about lookingfor anotherjob.J ane s situation lllustrates the role that equity plays in motivation.Employeesmake comparisons of their job inputs(for example,effort,experience.educa-tlon,competence)and outcomes(for example,salary levels,raises,recogni.tion)relative to those of others.We perceive what we get from a iob situationloutcomes)in relation to what we put into it(inputs),and then we compareour outcome-input ratio with the outcome-input ratio of relevant others.






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用戶評論 (總計(jì)10條)


  •   比原版的便宜N倍,雖然內(nèi)容精簡了一些。。篇幅涵蓋還是挺廣的。。內(nèi)容嘛作者是權(quán)威,例子簡單易懂有趣,是學(xué)習(xí)的好書。。
  •   雖然我買這本書的主要原因是學(xué)習(xí)英語,但不得不說,它管理學(xué)的知識吸引了我。
  •   物流再給力點(diǎn),不要從北京移個(gè)倉到上海都2,3天。區(qū)域購買很不爽,加點(diǎn)運(yùn)費(fèi)也可以接受,想買的買不到。
  •   臟的。。。第一次從當(dāng)當(dāng)買到臟的書
  •   中英雙語也行啊,怎么搞了個(gè)都不認(rèn)得的。全書就封面和目錄用了中文。。。這不忽悠人么。。。
    要我買回來學(xué)英語?。?! 這是對消費(fèi)者的不負(fù)責(zé)任!
  •   比國內(nèi)的教材實(shí)用,更具有趣味性。
  •   說實(shí)話,書買回來一看,那么厚,還是全英文的,就望而卻步了,還沒仔細(xì)看呢。不過質(zhì)量什么的都還是不錯(cuò)的。
  •   羅賓斯的書值得推薦看,全英文的,不過課文不是很難。建議要管理企業(yè)或者想學(xué)管理的人買來看。不過需要英語功底,否則白買。
  •   其實(shí)我都忘了這本書什么樣子了..不過這個(gè)出版社這個(gè)系列的書還不錯(cuò)..
  •   送的及時(shí),服務(wù)周到!

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