
出版時間:2006-8  出版社:中國人民大學出版社  作者:王蘇生  頁數(shù):358  


This book covers microeconomic theory at the Master's and Ph.Dlevels for students in business schools and economics departments.It concisely covers major mainstream microeconomic theories today,including neoclassical microeconomics, game theory, and informa tion economics.


  The author graduated from Nankai University in 1985, got his first job at Mathematics Department of Nankai University, obtained his Ph.D degree in economics at University of Toronto in 1991, and then became an assistant professor at Concordia University in Canada. He moved to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 1993 and has been there since.


Chapter 1  Producer Theory 1.1  Technology 1.2  The Firm's Problem 1.3  Short-Run and Long-Run Cost Functions 1.4  Properties   1.5  Production Plans with Multiple Outputs  1.6  Aggregation Notes ExercisesChapter 2  Consumer Theory 2.1  Existence of the Utility Function 2.2  The Consumer's Problem 2.3  Properties   2.4  Aggregation 2.5 Integrability  2.6  Revealed Preferences 2.7  Intertemporal Analysis Notes ExercisesChapter 3  Risk Theory  3.1  Introduction 3.2  Expected Utility   3.3  Measurement o{ Risk Aversion 3.4  Demand {or Insurance 3.5  Demand for Money and Risky Assets 3.6  Portfolio Analysis 3.7  Stochastic Dominance   Notes Exercises  Chapter 4 Equilibrium Theory  4.1 The Equilibrium Concept  4.2 General Equilibrium in a Pure Exchange Econo  4.3 Pareto Optimality of Equilibria  4.4 Social Optimality of Equilibria-  4.5  General Equilibrium with Production  4.6 General Equilibrium with Uncertainty  Notes  Exercises  Chapter 5 Financial Theory?  5.1 Security Markets 5.2 Static Asset Pricing   5.3 Representative Agent Pricing 5.4 The Capital Asset Pricing Model 5.5 Dynamic Asset Pricing 5.6 Continuous—Time Stochastic Programming- 5.7 The Black—Scholes Pricing Formula NotesChapter 6 Industrial Organizations  6.1 A Competitive Output Market  6.2 A Monopoly  6.3 Allocative Efficiency  6.4 Monopolistic Competition  6.5 Oligopoly  6.6 A Competitive Input Market  6.7 A Monopsony  6.8 Vertical Relationships    Notes  Exercses  Chapter 7 Game Theory  7.1 Two Game Forms 7.2  Simultaneous—Move Games 7.3 Dynamic Games Notes Exercises  Chapter 8 Adverse Selection,Signalling and ScreeningChapter 9 Mechanism DesignChapter 10 Incentives and ContractsChapter 11 Cooperative GamesAppendix A General OptimizationAppendix B Dynamic OptimizationReferencesGlossary




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