
出版時間:2007-4  出版社:中國人民大學  作者:陳大明,徐汝舟主  頁數(shù):575  字數(shù):903000  






Science Text 1 Can We Really Understand Matter ? 1?         WRITING · TO THE STUDENTS?To the Students 7?  Text 2 How to Go Back in Time? 9?         WRITING · SKILLS?Definition 15?  Text 3 Supporting Science 18?         WRITING · SKILLS?Exemplification and Illustration 28?  Text 4 Why Must Scientist Become More Ethically Sensitive Than They Used to Be ? 30?      WRITING · SKILLS?Comparison, Contrast and Analogy 39?  Text 5 Beauty, Charm, and Strangeness: Science as Metaphor 42?         WRITING · SKILLS?Cause and Effect 51?  Text 6 Is Science Evil? 53?         WRITING · SKILLS?Division and Classification 62 Engineering?  Text 7 Engineers’ Dream of Practical Star Flight 66?         WRITING · SKILLS?Generalization and Specification 73?  Text 8 Blinded by the Light 75?         WRITING · SKILLS?Combination of Writing Strategies 81?  Text 9 Take a Trip into the Future on the Electronic Superhighway 83?         WRITING · RHETORIC?Simile 90?  Text 10 Dynamic Negotiation in the Privacy Wars 92?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Metaphor 96?  Text 11 Quantum Computing Makes Solid Progress 100?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Metonymy 106?  Text 12 Down to the Sea in Robots 108?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Synecdoche 116?  Text 13 NANO TECH: Borrowing from Biology to Power the Petite 117?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Personification 123?  Text 14 The Third Culture 125?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Hyperbole 134 Language and Culture ?  Text 15 The English Language 136?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Euphemism 143?  Text 16 Americanism 146?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Understatement 154?  Text 17 The Norse World 155?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Epigram 164?  Text 18 Mediterranean Heritage 165?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Paradox 171?  Text 19 Beethoven 172?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Oxymoron 182?  Text 20 The Riddle of Postmodernism 184?          WRITING · RHETORIC?Pun 192 Social Life?  Text 21 Feminism Is Motherhood 194?          WRITING · PRINCIPLES?Unity and Coherence 203?  Text 22 Domestic Violence in America 205?          WRITING · PRINCIPLES?Economy and Clarity 214?  Text 23 African?Americans in the Development of Technology 216?          WRITING · PRINCIPLES?Manuscript Form and Style 224?  Text 24 If You Really Want to Succeed 228?          WRITING · TYPES?Description 235?  Text 25 Intelligence Tests 238?          WRITING · TYPES?Narration 245?  Text 26 An Old University Hits the High?Tech Roads 250?          WRITING · TYPES?Exposition 258 Life Science ?  Text 27 The Genetic Revolution 260?          WRITING · TYPES?Argumentation 269?  Text 28 Gene Tomatoes 272          WRITING · PRACTICAL WRITING?Resume 278?  Text 29 Keeping up with the Clones 285?          WRITING · PRACTICAL WRITING?Memos 290?  Text 30 A Book Review 292?          WRITING · PRACTICAL WRITINGE?mail 298?  Text 31 A Book Review 301          WRITING · PRACTICAL WRITING?Book Review 307?  Text 32 The New Therapy 310?          WRITING · PRACTICAL WRITING?Summary 318?  Text 33 Alternative Medicine—the Risks of Untested and Unregulated Remedies 321?          WRITING · PRACTICAL WRITING?Outline 330? Economics ?  Text 34 Riding the Venture Capital Tiger 334?          WRITING · RESEARCH PAPER? Research Paper Writing Process 339?  Text 35 When an Internet Company Goes Public, Will Its Stock Price?Dictate Strategy ?          WRITING · RESEARCH PAPER?Research Paper Writing Process (Continued) 349? Text 36 No Checks. No Cash. No Fuss ? 351?          WRITING · RESEARCH PAPER?Format of a Research Paper 359?  Text 37 Better Your Business: Benchmark it 364?          WRITING · RESEARCH PAPER?Sample Research Paper 1 372?  Text 38 Jobs in an Age of Insecurity 381?          WRITING · RESEARCH PAPER?Sample Research Paper 2 391?  Text 39 The Rise of Intellectual Property Protection in the American? University          WRITING · RESEARCH PAPER?Sample Research Paper 2 (Continued) 407?  Text 40 Why Are We So Afraid of Growth ? 410?          WRITING · RESEARCH PAPER?Sample Research Paper 2 (Continued) 424? APPENDIXⅠ KEY TO THE EXERCISES 432? APPENDIXⅡ 課文參考譯文 483?




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