
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:四川人民出版社  作者:沈玉如 編  頁數(shù):208  


  本書是根據(jù)教育部頒發(fā)的《大學(xué)英語課程教學(xué)要求》及《高職高專教育英語課程教學(xué)基本要求》,緊扣《四川省大學(xué)英語二、三級考試大綱》,專門為藝體類及高職高專學(xué)生編寫的融基礎(chǔ)性和實用性為一體的銜接教材,適用于藝體類及高職高專學(xué)生入學(xué)后的第一學(xué)期使用。     該書充分研究了英語教材的編寫原則與特點,吸納了國內(nèi)教材的優(yōu)點,突出教學(xué)內(nèi)容的實用性和針對性。在注重教材的思想性、人文性、科學(xué)性、信息性、趣味性以及語言的規(guī)范性和文本的多樣性的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)藝體類及高職高專學(xué)生實際,又注入了應(yīng)用型、實用型教學(xué)的特點,特別重視英語語言基礎(chǔ)知識和基本技能的綜合訓(xùn)練,同時注意將文化內(nèi)容與語言材料相融合,激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣,為其后續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)打下堅實的基礎(chǔ)。


Unit 1  Read and Imitate  Read and Explore    Passage A    Passage B  Comprehensive Practice    Phonetics    Grammar      The Simple Present Tense      The Present Progressive Tense      The Present Perfect Tense      Basic Sentence Patterns    Reading Skills    Guided Writing      Part Ⅰ  Coordination: Using Connectives      Part Ⅱ  Paragraph Writing      Part Ⅲ  Practical Writing--Self-introductionUnit 2  Read and Imitate  Read and Explore    Passage A    Passage B  Comprehensive Practice    Phonetics    Grammar      The Past Tense      The Past Progressive Tense      The Past Perfect Tense    Reading Skills    Guided Writing      Part Ⅰ  Subordination: Combining Two Simple Sentences      Part Ⅱ  Paragraph Writing      Part Ⅲ  Practical Writing--Formats of Letters and EnvelopesUnit 3  Read and Imitate  Read and Explore    Passage A    Passage B  Comprehensive Practice    Phonetics    Grammar      The Simple Future Tense      The Past Future Tense      The Future Perfect Tense    Reading Skills    Guided Writing      Part Ⅰ  Contraction: Ellipsis      Part Ⅱ  Paragraph Writing      Part Ⅲ  Practical Writing--Letters of InvitationUnit 4  Read and Imitate  Read and Explore    Passage A    Passage B  Comprehensive Practice    Phonetics    Grammar    Reading Skills    Guided Writing      Part Ⅰ  Contraction: Avoiding Redundancy      Part Ⅱ  Paragraph Writing      Part Ⅲ  Practical Writing--Thank-you Letters  Test Yourseff: Test Paper 1Unit 5  Read and imitate  Read and Explore    Passage A    Passage B  Comprehensive Practice    Phonetics    Grammar    Reading Skills    Guided Writing      Part Ⅰ  Combination. The Appositive      Part Ⅱ  Paragraph Writing      Part Ⅲ  Practical Writing--Letters of ApologyUnit 6  Read and Imitate  Read and Explore    Passage A    Passage B  Comprehensive Practice    Phonetics    Grammar    Reading Skills    Guided Writing      Part Ⅰ  Coherence      Part Ⅱ  Paragraph Writing      Part Ⅲ  Practical Writing--Letters of ComplaintUnit 7  Read and Imitate  Read and Explore    Passage A    Passage B  Comprehensive Practice    Phonetics    Grammar    Reading Skills    Guided Writing      Part Ⅰ  Transition Ⅰ      Part Ⅱ  Paragraph Writing      Part Ⅲ  Practical Writing--Letters of ApplicationUnit 8  Read and Imitate  Read and Explore    Passage A    Passage B  Comprehensive Practice    Phonetics    Grammar    Reading Skills    Guided Writing      Part Ⅰ  Transition II      Part Ⅱ  Paragraph Writing      Part Ⅲ  Practical Writing--Notices/Announcements  Test Yourself: Test Paper 2Appendixes  I  Glossary  II  List of Phrases and Expressions  Ill  Proper Names  IV  Primary References


  Paragraph 2  Londons weather is very strange. It can rain several times a day; each time the rain may come suddenly after the sun is shining brightly. The air is damp and chill right through July. On one March afternoon on Hampton Heath last year it rained three times, there was one hail storm, and the sun shone brilliantly-all this within two hours time. It is not unusual to see men and women rushing down the street on a sunny morning with umbrellas on their arms. No one knows what the next few moments will bring.  Paragraph 3  It is good for students to try some part-time jobs while studying at college. First, by doing part-time jobs, a student can learn how to be responsible. As an employee, a student has to go to work on time. Second, a student will get to know the value of money through part-time jobs. Many students depend on their parents for money, but they do not know how hard their parents have worked to support their study. When a student tries to make money by himself, he will realize that "money doesnt grow on trees. " Third, a part-time job enables students to learn how to work together with others. Usually, a job requires the efforts of different members of a working team. In the team, everyone should learn to be helpful, to care for others and be cared for by others. Working as a member of a team will build strong character in students, and the experiences will surely help them a great deal after their graduation and benefit them throughout their lives.



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