出版時間:2012-3 出版社:安徽人民出版社 作者:[美]凱瑟琳 頁數(shù):240 譯者:汪菲菲
“雙語魅力美文(英漢對照)”系列書全套共八本,分別為:《找回迷失的自己》《幸福住在你心上》《仰望生命的陽光》《重遇未知的自己》《感謝歲月曾經(jīng)來過》《致終將逝去的青春》《淡定的人生不寂寞》《你若安好便是晴天》。 本套作品為英漢對照讀物,每一本都涉及現(xiàn)實生活中的種種熱門話題,并深刻揭示了人生哲理與人性思考。讀者可以透過書中精選的經(jīng)典哲理散文、優(yōu)美動人的詩歌、寓意深刻的哲理小故事、權(quán)威有力的演講等文章,對人生和生活有一種全新的認識和思考,其實,生命中的細微感動,始終都在身旁?! ∥覀兿M@套系列書的面世,能帶給讀者一絲清新美好的感覺,撫慰都市生活中每一顆渴求溫暖的心靈。而我們也一定會以更大的努力,做好這套書的出版工作,竭誠以待,絕不辜負讀者朋友們的期望?! 【庉嫴?/pre>內(nèi)容概要
出版說明Embracing Warm Sunshine擁抱溫暖的陽光Love: The One Creative Force愛:能夠創(chuàng)造奇跡的力量Bright Heart明亮的心For Three Solid Years' Waiting整整三年的等待Never Put off Till Some Other Time不要推遲到改天The Power of Your Actions簡單的舉止改變?nèi)说囊簧?0 Things Can Be Done in Only 30 Seconds30秒可以完成的30件事情A Coke and a Smile可樂與微笑Grandpa's Valentine爺爺?shù)那槿丝‵or Moms…寫給母親們……Catching Each Splendid Moment捕捉每個精彩時刻At the Seaside在海邊The Words From the Heart孩子的心聲There Is a Pot of Gold Hidden in the Orchard藏在果園里的金子Grandpa's Bee祖父的蜜蜂Three Reasons to Love Someone愛上某人的三個原因All You Remember你所記得的一切Teaching Children Money Habits for Life樹立孩子一生的金錢觀The Orange Rock橙形石頭Following the Goal of Dreams緊緊握住夢想的航標Never Give Up永不放棄Correct Principles Are Lighthouses正確的原則猶如燈塔If the Dream Is Big Enough心中有目標Focus on the Joy注重歡樂Making the Tacks制作鞋釘One Life, Three Paths and Two Choices一種人生,三條路,兩種選擇Career and Vocation工作與事業(yè)How to Catch the Success如何把握成功Measures of Success When You're Unemployed尋找失業(yè)的成就感Stepping on the Stormy Waves將風浪踏在腳下Helen Keller海倫·凱勒The Things That Keep Us From Succeeding通往成功之路的障礙Words of Wisdom for the Modern Age年輕一代現(xiàn)代生活單句睿語Weakness or Strength將弱項變?yōu)閺婍桯aving Hearts in His Eyes眼里有心Norah Jones: From Waitress to Superstar瓊斯:從侍者到歌壇巨星If I Were Obama假如我是奧巴馬The Grapes of Wrath憤怒的葡萄A Bright Mirror to the Heart賜予心靈一面明鏡Take Others as Your Mirror以他人為鏡The Smile微笑The Selling of a Soul出賣靈魂The Importance of Being Honest誠信的意義A Pair of Socks一雙襪子Of Friendship論友誼A Thief小偷Confidence自信Differences不同Decoding Life解讀生命的密碼The Secret of Life生命的秘密A Father, a Son and an Answer父親、兒子與答案Captain! My Captain!船長!我的船長!My Best Friend Arnold我的摯友阿諾德My Safe Child我那安全的孩子The Last Week in Her Life生命的最后一周后記章節(jié)摘錄
明亮的心 Bright Heart Last year around Halloween, I was invited to participate in a carnival for Tuesday's Child, an organization that helps children with the AIDS virus. I was asked to attend because I'm on a television show; I went because I care. I don't think that most of the kids recognize me as a celebrity. They just thought of me as a big kid who came to play with them for the day. I think I liked it better that way. At the carnival they had all kinds of booths. I was drawn to one in particular because of all the children that had gathered there. At this booth, anyone who wanted to could paint a square. Later that square was going to be sewn together with the others, to make a quilt. The quilt would be presented to a man who had dedicated his life to this organization and would soon be retiring. They gave everyone fabric paints in bright, beautiful colors and asked the kids to paint something that would make the quilt beautiful. As I looked around at all the squares, I saw pink hearts and bright blue clouds, beautiful orange sunrises and green and purple flowers. The pictures were all bright, positive and uplifting. All except for one. The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart, but it was dark, empty, and lifeless. It lacked the bright, vibrant colors that his fellow artists had used. At first I thought maybe he took the only paint that was left and it just happened to be dark. But when I asked him about it, he said his heart was that color because his own heart felt dark. I asked him why and he told me that he was very sick. Not only was he very sick, but his mom was very sick also. He said that his sickness was not ever going to get better and neither was his mom's. He looked straight into my eyes and said, “There is nothing anyone can do that will help.” 去年大約在萬圣節(jié)前夕,我應邀參加了一個由“TUESDAY'S CHILD”主辦的嘉年華,該組織旨在幫助那些感染了艾滋病的兒童。我之所以受邀是因為我是一個電視節(jié)目的主持人;我之所以參加是因為我也很關(guān)注他們。我想絕大多數(shù)孩子并不會把我當做一位名人。他們只會把我當做一個在這里陪他們玩的大孩子而已。我想我更喜歡這樣?! ≡诩文耆A上,孩子們有各種各樣的棚子。我看到所有孩子都聚在一個棚子下面,我也被他們吸引了過去。在棚下,大家都想畫一個棉桃。一會兒,棉桃彼此錯綜在一起,做成了一個被子,這個被子將被送給將其一生奉獻給這個組織的人,他不久將會退休?! ∷麄儼氧r艷的、色彩各異的顏料發(fā)給每個孩子,讓孩子在這個被子上畫點什么東西把它弄好看。我在場地轉(zhuǎn)悠,看到他們畫的有紅色的心,湛藍色的云彩,橘黃色的日出,翠綠的綠葉和紫羅蘭色的花朵。所有的圖案都是那么明亮,樂觀和向上??芍挥幸环??! ∽谖业呐赃叺哪莻€男孩,正在畫一個心形,可這個心卻是暗淡的,空蕩蕩的,死氣沉沉的。它沒有他的“大作家”伙伴們所畫的那樣色彩明亮,富有活力?! told him I was sorry that he was sick and I could certainly understand why he was so sad. I could even understand why he had made his heart a dark color. But...I told him that it isn't true that there is nothing anyone can do to help. Other people may not be able to make him or his mom better...but we can do things like give bear hugs, which in my experience can really help when you are feeling sad. I told him that if he would like, I would be happy to give him one so he could see what I meant. He instantly crawled into my lap and I thought my own heart would burst with the love I felt for this sweet little boy. He sat there for a long time and when he had had enough, he jumped down to finish his coloring. I asked him if he felt any better and he said that he did, but he was still sick and nothing would change that. I told him I understood. I walked away feeling sad, but recommitted to this cause. I would do whatever I could to help. As the day was coming to an end and I was getting ready to head home, I felt a tug on my jacket. I turned around and standing there with a smile on his face was the little boy. He said, "My heart is changing colors. It is getting brighter...I think those bear hugs really do work." On my way home I felt my own heart and realized it, too, had changed to a brighter color. 起初,我還認為是他碰巧畫了這么一幅色調(diào)暗淡的圖畫,但當我問他時,他說他的心就是這種顏色的,因為他感到生活的灰暗。當我問他為什么時,他說他的身體有病,而且他媽媽病情也很重。他注視著我的雙眼說:“對于這樣的情況,誰也無能為力?!薄 ∥覍λf聽到他生病的情況我也很難過。我非常理解他的悲傷,甚至都能明白他為什么把心繪成灰色的原因。但是……我告訴他不是“誰都無能為力”。其他人可能不能讓他和他媽媽的身體好一點,但我們可以做一些自己力所能及的事情,比如一個溫暖的擁抱,特別是當他們感到悲傷時,一個擁抱能發(fā)揮意想不到的作用。我告訴他如果他愿意的話,我會很高興擁抱他一下的,讓他明白我的用心。他立即跳到我的腿上。此刻,就是這個可愛男孩,使我感覺心里已經(jīng)充滿了愛?! ∷谖彝壬洗撕镁?,坐到心滿意足后,才跳下去完成自己的涂色工作。我問他是否感覺舒服多了,他說是的,可自己的病還是沒有好,一切都無法改變。我對他說我知道。我離開時心情很悲傷,但我會再為這件事作些努力的,盡自己的一切力量幫助他?! √炜旌跁r,我正準備回家。這時,我感到有人在拽我的夾克衫,我回頭一望,原來是他,站在那里,稚嫩的臉蛋上掛著燦爛的微笑。他說:“我心里的顏色在變,它將變得越來越亮……我想那溫暖的擁抱真的有用?!薄 』丶业穆飞?,我觸摸著我的心臟,意識到它的顏色也變得越來越亮了。 ……媒體關(guān)注與評論
態(tài)度決定成敗,無論情況好壞,都要抱著積極的態(tài)度,莫讓沮喪取代熱心。生命可以價值極高,也可以一無是處,隨你怎么去選擇?! \動員瑞恩·吉格斯編輯推薦