出版時間:2007-8 出版社:黃頌杰、 談崢 上海人民出版社 (2007-08出版) 作者:黃頌杰,等 編 頁數:173
Drfohnson's full stop to a question mark-the remark is hereby quoted with aview to showing that although a tradition,that of Samuel Johnson’s included,isoften“out of sight.”it percolates down and is not“l(fā)ost forever.”Time beinga continuum.a11 vagaries of fashion notwithstanding,we 1ive to some extent inthe shadow of what is“out of sight.”In the field of lexicography we thereforewrite,using a double entendre,in the past as well as the present and futuretenses. However.if one cares to 100k ahead across the lexicographic landscape,whatcatches the eye。I presume,iS the future tense writ large.Living in the computeraxe,when we ConsuIt a dictionary most of US“click,look and listen.”“。True,the trend unmistakably and irreversibly makes for dictionaries whoseinformation is transmitted through such electronic media as computers,the Internet,or plug-in memory chips.A good many of them enable asDeedier 100k-up of a wealth of data and are much user-friendlier with amultimedia COmbination of texts.