出版時間:2003-5 出版社:第1版 (2003年5月1日) 作者:顧建光 頁數(shù):254 字數(shù):187000
公共管理是一項專業(yè)化的工作,需要專業(yè)化的人才能勝任。開展MPA教育,有利于優(yōu)化公務員隊伍的學歷結構、知識結構和專業(yè)結構,有利于建設一支高素質、專業(yè)化的公務員隊伍,有利于提高公共管理的水平和效率,對加速培養(yǎng)適應新世紀經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展需要的高層次復合型公共管理人才起到積極、重要的作用。 上海人民出版社出版的這套MPA系列教材,相信對于我國剛剛起步的MPA教育,定會起到推動作用。 本教材在全國MPA試點學校中是惟一的一本專用教材。由于這是一本專業(yè)英語教材,所以在內容設置方面它同時突出了專業(yè)知識和語言能力這兩個重點,并以專題的形式將全書分為七個單元,包括:公共行政與管理信息技術與電子政府、國際經(jīng)濟制度、地區(qū)與城市發(fā)展、社會保障與社區(qū)發(fā)展、公共健康、技術與教育。單元以下為各相關文章。本書的課文均選自在國際上權威的專業(yè)雜志以世界銀行等專業(yè)機構分開發(fā)表的文章。學生通過學習本教材,一方面能夠提高自己閱讀、理解英語專業(yè)文獻的能力以及口頭表達能力,另一方面也能了解國外在公共管理方面研究的新進展。
UNIT ONE Public administration and management 1.1 the big questions of public management 1.2 the giving of orders 1.3 urban governanceUNIT TWO international economic institutions 2.1 international economic institutions(1) 2.2 international economic institutions(2)UNIT THREE information technology and E-Government 3.1 broken windows and production targets 3.2 defensible space:a new physical planning tool for the urban revitalization 3.3 desktop technology in government 3.4 specialists are building walls to beat the hackersUNIT FOUR Regional and urban development 4.1 the changing context of urban development 4.2 urban strategy of sustainable cities 4.3 urban infrastructure and services 4.4 confronting the urban environmental challenge 4.5 challenges and opportunities for enhancing agricultural growth and sustainabilityUNIT FIVE Social security and community development 5.1 social risk management:A new conceptual Framework for social protection ,and beyond 5.2 strategies for improved social protection in asia:labor market policies 5.3 community development theory 5.4 characteristics of community developmentUNIT SIX public health 6.1 the role of the hospital in a changing environment 6.2 improving the health and health care of older americans 6.3 sector strategy:health,nutrition,&populationUNIT SEVEN thchnology and education 7.1 today's technological transformations:Creating the network age(1) 7.2 today's technological transformations:Creating the network age(2) 7.3 education in a changing world