
出版時間:2008-3  出版社:山西出版集團,山西人民出版社  作者:李晨  頁數:100  


  You can learn Chinese easily. I would like to send this message to the world through this book.  In this book modem Chinese is broken down into 5 basic sentences tructures. Additionally, 6 types of modifiers and 5 types of function words which are most common and useful in Chinese expressions are picked out and added to the sentence structures. All of them are inone chart.With this chart, to a large extent, you will be able to express your ideas in Chinese.  The book includes a detailed explanation for each element of the chart. Sentence structures, sentence modifiers, sentence function words are supported with many standard examples, progressing from the simple to the more complex.  Throughout the book, Chinese is compared with English to give you anexcellent understanding of the structure of the Chinese language.


  以一張表概括了漢語的5個基本句型、6種修飾語和5種功能詞。一表在手,即可以使用漢語進行豐富的表達。對于表里的每一個元素做詳細講解,輔以大量例句,由淺入深。由簡單到綜合。  《漢語速成一表通(注音版)》貫徹中英對比的原則。所有漢字均附拼音。每章以著名的中文詩句開篇?!稘h語速成一表通(注音版)》來源于作者對外漢語教學的實踐,有效實用。




PrefaceChinese Grammar ChartQuick GuideMap of TermsChapter 1 Sentence StructureUnit 1.0 IntroductionUnit 1.1 Sentence Structure 1)Unit 1.2 Sentence Structure 2)Unit 1.3 Sentence Structure 3)Unit 1.4 Sentence Structure 4)Unit 1.5 Sentence Structure 5)Unit 1.6 SynthesisChapter 2 ModifierUnit 2.0 IntroductionUnit 2.1 AttributiveUnit 2.2 Adverbial (Time and Place)Unit 2.3 Adverbial (很)Unit 2.4 Supplementary WordsChapter 3 Function WordUnit 3.0 IntroductionUnit 3.1 Tense WordUnit 3.2 Modal WordUnit 3.3 Negative WordUnit 3.4 Question WordChapter 4 SuggestionUnit 4.0 IntroductionUnit 4.1 SuggestionChapter 5 SupplementUnit 5.0 IntroductionUnit 5.1 Punctuations in ParataxisUnit 5.2 ReasonChapter 6 Further ExamplesUnit 6.0 IntroductionUnit 6.1 Further ExamplesVocabulary



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