
出版時間:2011-1  出版社:化學工業(yè)出版社  作者:朱紅軍,呂志敏 主編  頁數(shù):257  


本教材用英語介紹了一般科技論文的寫法,包括標題、摘要、文獻等,同時還介紹了從事化學工作的基礎知識,如實驗室工作的注意事項、安全要求、反應的跟蹤、產(chǎn)物分離和表征等; 分單元介紹了無機化學、有機化學、物理化學、分析化學、材料化學、環(huán)境化學、生物化學、皮革化學、印染化學和藥物化學等專業(yè)知識。本次修訂,對新單詞加注了音標,便于讀者閱讀,為國際交流打下基礎;同時在材料化學部分增加電子發(fā)光和分子電子材料兩部分的內(nèi)容,以使本教材更貼近學科發(fā)展前沿。     本書可作為化學類及其相關專業(yè)如輕化工程、環(huán)境工程、食品、生物工程等專業(yè)的教材,也可作為科技英語的入門讀物。


Unit 1  Scientific Paper and Literature Lesson 1  Writing a Scientific Paper  Lesson 2  The Abstract Lesson 3  The Introduction, the Body and the Conclusions Lesson 4  Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research Lesson 5  The Chemical Literature Lesson 6  Technical Communications for Graduate Students Unit 2  Work in Chemical Laboratory Lesson 7  General Instructions for Work in the Laboratory Lesson 8  The Importance of Record Keeping Lesson 9  A General Safety ConsiderationsUnit 3  Nomenclature Lesson 10  Nomenclature of Organic Compounds  Lesson 11  Nomenclature of Inorganic CompoundsUnit 4  Elementary Techniques of Experiment Lesson 12  Reaction Monitoring  Lesson 13  Some Methods of Separation Lesson 14  Characterization Unit 5  Inorganic Chemistry  Lesson 15  Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry Lesson 16  Coordination ChemistryUnit 6  Analytical Chemistry  Lesson 17  Introduction of Analytical Chemistry Lesson 18  Electronic Effects of Substituents in Reactions, Acidity Constant Determination Lesson 19  Forensic Chemistry: Detecting Traces of Blood Lesson 20  Standard Test Method for Water in Liquid Petroleum Products by Karl Fischer Reagent Lesson 21  Isolation of an Alkaloid: CaffeineUnit 7  Physical Chemistry Lesson 22  First Law of Thermodynamics Lesson 23  Enthalpy Lesson 24  Bond Energies Lesson 25  Second Law of Thermodynamics Lesson 26  Heat of Reaction: Measurement of Resonance Energy Lesson 27  Kinetic and Thermodynamic Reaction Conditions Lesson 28  Electrochemistry Lesson 29  Asymmetric Synthesis Lesson 30  Linus Pauling Lesson 31 SurfactantsUnit 8  Organic Chemistry Lesson 32  Cyclohexylmethanol Lesson 33  Methyl Red Lesson 34  Addition across Carbon-Carbon -Bonds Lesson 35  Discovery of the Diels-Alder Reaction Lesson 36  Discovery of the Friedel-Crafts Reaction Lesson 37  The Wittig Reaction Lesson 38  Grignard and the Beginnings of Modem Organometallic Chemistry Lesson 39  Discovery of Stereoisomers Lesson 40  Natural ProductsUnit 9  Biochemistry Lesson 41  Biochemical Engineering, Cells and Bacteria Lesson 42  Emil Fischer: Carbohydrate Chemist Extraordinaire Lesson 43  Biological Treatment of the EffluentUnit 10  Materials Science Lesson 44  Polymers Lesson 45  Discovery of Polyethylene and Nylon Lesson 46  Corrosion and Process Safety Lesson 47  Organic Light Emitting Devices Lesson 48  Molecular ElectronicsUnit 11  Water Treatment and Environmental Science Lesson 49  Activated Sludge Processes Lesson 50  Coagulation and Flocculation Lesson 51  Reverse Osmosis Lesson 52  Water and Wastewater Treatment Methods Lesson 53  Water Supply  7"" Lesson 54  Clean Energy for 10 Billion Humans in the 21st Centuryi Is it Possible? ..Unit 12  Pharmacy Lesson 55  Discovery of Sulfa Drugs Lesson 56  Medical Diagnostics via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyUnit 13  Chemistry and Engineering of Textiles Lesson 57  Textiles ……Unit 14 LeatherAppendixBibliography



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