
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:化學工業(yè)出版社  作者:劉慶文,王麗紅,曾咪 主編  頁數(shù):174  


本教材是為提高商品檢驗技術專業(yè)學生閱讀英文商品檢驗資料的能力,為商品檢驗崗位培養(yǎng)高素質(zhì)的技能型人才而編寫的。     本教材由三個部分22個單元組成,每個單元均由課文、難點注釋、詞匯表、課后練習、科技英語翻譯技巧和閱讀材料組成。課文主要內(nèi)容有商品檢驗基本知識、化學基礎知識和商品分析知識。書后附有總詞匯表、化學化工常用構詞、常用化工產(chǎn)品英文縮寫與中文名稱對照表和常用分析儀器英文名稱表可供查閱。     本教材語言精練、操作性強、覆蓋面廣、難度適中,可作為高職高專商品檢驗技術專業(yè)英語教材,也可作為從事商品檢驗工作人員的參考書。


Part One Basic Knowledge of Commodity Inspection  Unit One Commodity Inspection  Unit Two Inspection and Quarantine Authorities  Unit Three Entry?Exit Inspection and Quarantine  Unit Four Customs DeclarationPart Two Basic Knowledge of Chemistry  Unit Five Acids and Bases   Unit Six Chemical Equilibrium  Unit Seven Ionization Equilibrium   Unit Eight Concepts of Organic Chemistry  Unit Nine Types of Organic Chemistry Reactions and Identification of Organic Compounds  Unit Ten Types of PolymersPart Three Knowledge of Commodity Analysis  Unit Eleven Titrimetric Determination of Sodium Carbonate Unit Twelve Determination of Calcium Magnesium by EDTA Titratio Unit Thirteen Determination of COD in Water Unit Fourteen Determination of Peroxide Value in Food Lipids  Unit Fifteen Determination of Active Ingredient in Dipterex Unit Sixteen Determination of Aspirin  Unit Seventeen Pesticide Residue Monitoring and Food Safety Unit Eighteen Safety Regulation of Food Additives and Preservatives Unit Nineteen Regulations for Heavy Metals in Fertilizers Unit Twenty Recent Developments in Vegetable Oil Authentication Unit Twenty?OneOn?line Process NMR Used by Polypropylene Manufacturers  Unit Twenty?TwoPharmaceutical ImpuritiesVocabularyAppendixesReferences



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  •   多時實驗室的一些檢測內(nèi)容,


250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
