
出版時(shí)間:2008-7  出版社:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社  作者:劉松淼  頁數(shù):105  


本書共12個(gè)單元,主要介紹了焊接的基本原理、焊接方法、焊接設(shè)備、先進(jìn)的焊接方法和技術(shù)、最前沿的焊接方法和技術(shù)等方面的焊接技術(shù)知識(shí)。本書取材基本上源于英、美文獻(xiàn)原著,美國焊機(jī)制造廠商文件和國內(nèi)外全英文的前沿學(xué)術(shù)資料。內(nèi)容由淺入深、循序漸進(jìn),實(shí)用性很強(qiáng)。    本書可作為高職院校不同基礎(chǔ)英語水平的焊接專業(yè)學(xué)生的教材,也可作為焊接工程技術(shù)人員培養(yǎng)英文資料閱讀能力的參考書。


Unit One    Part ATechnical Words and Phrases  Part BReading Material——Typical Sentences  Part CSupplementary ReadingUnit Two  Part ATechnical Words and Phrases  Part BReading Material——Passages  Part CSupplementary ReadingUnit Three   Part ATechnical Words and Phrases  Part BReading Material(Basic Requirements of the Welding Processes)  Part CSupplementary Reading(Expansion in Welding)Unit Four   Part A  Technical Words and Phrases  Part B  Reading Material(General Characteristics of the Welding Arc)  Part C  Supplementary Reading(Thermal Effects)Unit Five   Part A  Technical Words and Phrases  Part B  Reading Material(Flux?Shielded Arc Welding)   Part C  Supplementary Reading(Types of Covering)Unit Six   Part A Technical Words and Phrases  Part B Reading Material(Edge Preparation and Penetration Control for Arc Welding)  Part C Supplementary Reading(Prepared Joints)Unit Seven   Part A Technical Words and Phrases  Part B Reading Material(The Historical Background of Gas?Shield Arc Welding)   Part C Supplementary Reading(Gas?shielded Arc Welding)Unit Eight  Part A Technical Words and Phrases  Part B Reading Material(Electron? Beam Welding)  Part C Supplementary Reading[Automatic Welding(Ⅰ)]Unit Nine  Part A Technical Words and Phrases  Part B Reading Material(Resistance Butt Welding)  Part C Supplementary Reading(Mechanizing Relative Motion)Unit Ten   Part A Technical Words and Phrases  Part B Reading Material(Welding in the Century of Information Technology)  Part C Supplementary Reading(Gas Shielded Welder)Unit Eleven   Part A Technical Words and Phrases  Part B Reading Material[Welding Automation and Mechatronics (機(jī)電一體化)in Small Batch Production]  Part CSupplementary Reading(Welding Inverter)Unit Twelve  Part A Technical Words and Phrases  Part B Reading Material(Economic Robot Welding Production)  Part C Supplementary Reading(Welding Automation and Mechatronics in the Production of Railway Waggons)Prepare For This CourseComprehensive Reading MaterialsAppendix A  Technical VocabularyAppendix B  VocabularyReferences





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  •   很不錯(cuò)的專業(yè)書籍,適合焊接專業(yè)的學(xué)生教師使用
  •   物流有點(diǎn)慢,還好在使用前幾小時(shí)內(nèi)到。是老師規(guī)定的書,聽老師講這書對(duì)于焊接專業(yè)的足夠了。
  •   還不錯(cuò)吧很專業(yè)一些日常用的單詞都有
  •   內(nèi)容可讀性強(qiáng),是我愛讀的書呦!
  •   還好,只是針對(duì)高職技校生而言的。
  •   書的內(nèi)容很合適,相關(guān)的知識(shí)點(diǎn),和適度對(duì)照的圖解很好,值得一看。
  •   還不錯(cuò)吧其他也沒看到焊接字典
  •   內(nèi)容豐富,還不錯(cuò)。
  •   可以供參考資料用。
  •   不符合我的期待!
  •   沒有譯文,內(nèi)容不是很充實(shí)

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
