出版時間:2008-5 出版社:化學工業(yè) 作者:許學書//謝靜莉 頁數(shù):259
本書順應(yīng)新形勢下對食品從業(yè)人員專業(yè)英語的能力要求而編寫,突破了以往專業(yè)英語的撰寫模式,在擴大閱讀面的同時,增加了職業(yè)口語交流和協(xié)作內(nèi)容,并穿插了作業(yè)和基本句型范例?! ∪珪?個單元,分別為職業(yè)交流、閱讀理解和寫作方法。其中第1單元介紹了職業(yè)交流和學術(shù)交流需要的英語知識,第2單元訓練閱讀能力,積累寫作句型和詞匯,第3單元訓練寫作能力。本書還提供了部分會議和食品國際組織及標準的網(wǎng)址,書后的作業(yè)會在網(wǎng)上提供答案?! ”緯勺鳛槭称房茖W與工程、食品質(zhì)量與安全專業(yè)本科生、研究生專業(yè)英語教材和相關(guān)科研人員參考書。
UNIT ONEPROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONCHAPTER 1 INTERVIEWSECTION ⅠWhat is the Most Important Information You Should Give to the Interviewer?SECTION ⅡCommon Questions during the InterviewSECTION ⅢAdditional PointersSECTION ⅣPatternsCHAPTER 2 RESUME15SECTION ⅠWhat Should Be Included in a Resume?SECTION ⅡGetting Starter ResumeSECTION ⅢChoosing a Resume FormatSECTION ⅣResume TemplateCHAPTER 3 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS,CONFERENCESSECTION ⅠBackground InformationSECTION ⅡPatternsSECTION ⅢExamples of Announcement in Food AreaUNIT TWOREADING & COMPREHENSIONCHAPTER 4 CUISINE CULTURESECTION ⅠBritish CuisineSECTION ⅡFrench CuisineSECTION ⅢChinese CuisineCHAPTER 5 TABLE SETTINGSECTION ⅠTable CoveringsSECTION ⅡTable SettingsSECTION ⅢThe Individual PlacesCHAPTER 6 UTENSILS SMALL EQUIPMENTSECTION ⅠMeasuring EquipmentSECTION ⅡSpatulas, Skimmers, and SpoonsCHAPTER 7 SENSORY EVALUATIONSECTION ⅠSensory Evaluation PracticesSECTION ⅡTaste and Smell InteractionsCHAPTER 8 FOOD ADDITIVESECTION ⅠFDA Requirements for Food Additives in the USACHAPTER 9 FOOD SAFETYSECTION ⅠChemical Risk Factors in FoodCHAPTER 10 FUNCTIONAL FOODSECTION ⅠFunctional Food:at the Frontier between Food and PharmaSECTION ⅡMushroomsSECTION ⅢLentinanSECTION ⅣBioactive Components in GinsengSECTION ⅤModified ProteinSECTION ⅥDefinition of Dietary FiberSECTION ⅦOligosaccharidesCHAPTER 11 NUTRITIONSECTION ⅠNutritional Quality in Formulated FoodsSECTION ⅡVitamin ASECTION ⅢActions of Unconsidered FactorsSECTION ⅣThe Effect of Intakes of Calcium and Potassium and Vitamins A and CCHAPTER 12 MICROBIOLOGICAL PRODUCTION OF FOODSECTION ⅠFermented Dairy ProductsSECTION ⅡLeavening of BreadSECTION ⅢAlcoholic BeveragesSECTION ⅣVinegarSECTION ⅤFermented VegetablesSECTION ⅥSoy SauceSECTION ⅦSingle?cell ProteinCHAPTER 13 FOOD LAWSECTION ⅠA Description of the U?S?Food Safety SystemSECTION ⅡHistory of the FDASECTION ⅢThese Little Pigs Get Special Care from NorwegiansCHAPTER 14 PROCESSING187SECTION ⅠOverview of Processing of Agricultural CommoditiesSECTION ⅡLaboratory/Pilot Processing of Agricultural CommoditiesSECTION ⅢGood Laboratory Practice(GLP)Regulations and Their Impact onthe Small?scale Processing ProceduresCHAPTER 15 FOOD ECONOMYSECTION ⅠThe Impact of Macro?Economic Policy on Food Security:A Framework for AnalysisSECTION ⅡBringing the Food Economy HomeUNIT THREESCIENTIFIC WRITING GUIDECHAPTER 16 ABSTRACT WRITINGSECTION ⅠWhat Should Be Included?SECTION ⅡPatternsSECTION ⅢSome ExamplesCHAPTER 17 DESCRIPTIONSECTION ⅠSamples of Method DescriptionSECTION ⅡSamples of Data DescriptionSECTION ⅢPatternsCHAPTER 18 REPORT ORGANIZATIONSECTION ⅠResearch ReportSECTION ⅡRaw Data NotebookSECTION ⅢSummary Report of Processing ProceduresAPPENDIX ⅠPrefix,suffix and stem of academic vocabularyAPPENDIX ⅡNatural amino acidsAPPENDIX ⅢReading suggestion for English food?related journals