
出版時間:2008-2  出版社:7-122  作者:張達球  頁數(shù):144  


本書為前期已經(jīng)出版的《會展英語》的配套教材,旨在《會展英語》理論知識基礎上,為培養(yǎng)會展經(jīng)濟專業(yè)學生及會展從業(yè)人員在實際操作過程中的英語應用能力做一種探索。本書分10個單元,內容涉及會議和展覽的各主要環(huán)節(jié)的運作細節(jié),包括會展接待與食宿安排、招標與投標勝算、參展與辦展注意事項、策劃預算與管理、參展手冊與文檔管理、撤展與安全保障等。為幫助學習者消化理解內容,每個單元均附有專業(yè)術語詞表和行業(yè)語句翻譯練習;為了幫助課堂師生互動,進一步體驗實踐效果,本書每個單元還設計了相關環(huán)節(jié)的模擬演練與討論。    本書大多取材于西方成熟市場的經(jīng)驗,語言地道而又明了易懂,可作為高等院校會展經(jīng)濟專業(yè)的教材,也可作為會展專業(yè)高職高專的參考教材,并可供成人教育相關專業(yè)學員以及會展經(jīng)濟從業(yè)人員學習參考。


Unit 1  How to Conduct a Productive Effective and Interesting Meeti  Part A  Prepare a Meeting  Part B  Dos and Don'ts for a Meeting  Part C  How to Take Minutes--an Example  Part D  Closing the Meeting and Following up  Part E  Discussion and PracticeUnit 2  Get Ready for an Exhibition  Part A  A Brief Introduction to What to Be Prepared  Part B  Get the Ball Rolling on  Part C  Event Planning Tips  Part D  Tips for Bringing the Event to Life--Another Scenario  Part E  Discussion and PracticeUnit 3  How to Organize a Convention  Part A  Planning a Checklist  Part B  An Exhibition at MECC--an Example  Part C  Guide for Overseas Exhibitors  Part D  Discussion and PracticeUnit 4  How to Win a Bidding.   Part A  Preparation  Part B  Feasibility Study  Part C  Proposal Documents  Part D  Discussion and PracticeUnit 5  How to Plan an Event  Part A  Objectives for Different Types of Events  Part B  Budgeting  Part C  Initial Planning  Part D  Budget Breakdown  Part E  Discussion and PracticeUnit 6  How to Create Event Management Manual  Part A  What Can a Management Manual Help?  Part B  Corporate Event Operations Manual Checklist  Part C  Manual Design Part D  Checklists Part E  Discussion and PracticeUnit 7  The Event Management Process  Part A  Event Management Life Cycle  Part B  Proper Scheduling Benefits  Part C  Corporate Events, Fund-Raisers, Special Events  Part D  Create Critical Paths  Part E  Discussion and PracticeUnit 8  Event Signage and Shutdown Procedure  Part A  Event Signage  Part B  Event Shutdown Procedure  Part C  Discussion and PracticeUnit 9  Evaluation through Measurement and Analysis  Part A  Evaluation Process  Part B  Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Methods    Part C  Cost-Benefit  Part D  Discussion and PracticeUnit 10  Event Office Documentation  Part A  How to File Office Documents  Part B  How to Establish the Filing Systems  Part C  Corporate Event Office Requirements  Part D  Documentation and Risk  Part E  Discussion and Practice翻譯練習參考答案References



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