
出版時間:2012-7  出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社  作者:關(guān)云霞,緱慶偉 主編  頁數(shù):159  字?jǐn)?shù):234000  


  本書分為四個部分:汽車總體構(gòu)造(Unit 1)、汽車主要系統(tǒng)的基本結(jié)構(gòu)與原理(Unit 2~Unit
8)、汽車的維護(hù)與修理(Unit 9和Unit 10)、汽車商務(wù)英語(Unit 11~Unit


Unit 1 The Basic Structure of an Automobile
Reading Material—History of the Automobile
Unit 2 The Basic Principle of Engine
Text A Classification and Main Components of Engine
Text B Engine Operating Principles
Reading Material—Wankel engine
Unit 3 Crank and Connecting Rod Mechanism and Valve Train
Text A Classification and Main Components of Engine
Text B Valve Gear
Reading Material—Piston
Unit 4 Fuel Supply System
Text A Introduction of Fuel Supply Sytem
Text B Principle and Construction
Text C EFI
Reading Material—Gasoline Direct Injection
Unit 5 Cooling System and Lubrication System
Text A Cooling System
Text B Lubrication System
Reading Material—Then and Now: Water Pumps
Unit 6 Chassis
Text A Drive Train
Text B Steering System
Text C Brake System
Text D Suspension System
Reading Material—Hydrodynamic Torque Converter
Unit 7 Engine Electrical System
Text B Starting System
Text C Charging System
Reading Material—The Main Composition of Alternator
Unit 8 Body Electrical System
Text A Air Conditioning
Text B Lighting System
Text C Combination Meters and Gauges
Text D Controller Area Network(CAN)
Reading Material—Understanding Your Dashboard Gauges
Unit 9 Periodic Maintenance
Reading Material—Engine’s Mainly Maintenance
Unit 10 Auto Repair
Reading Material—Engine Compression Pressure Check (Fig.10.9)
Unit 11 Establishment of Business Relations
Text A Importer Writes to Exporter
Text B Exporter Writes to Importer
Text C A Sales Letter
Reading Material—How to Develop Its Exporting market
Unit 12 Inquiries and Replies
Text A A General Inquiry and Reply
Text B A Specific Inquiry and Reply
Text C Inquiry for Components of Automobiles
Reading Material—Inquiry
Unit 13 Offers
Text A A Non-firm Offer
Text B A Firm Offer
Reading Material—More about Offers
Unit 14 Counter Offers
Text A Counter Offer on Lower Price
Text B Counter Offer on Declining Price Reduction
Text C Counter Offer on Concession on Price
Reading Material—The Detail of Counter Offer
Unit 15 Orders
Text A Placing an Order
Text B Acceptance of Order
Text C Declining the Order
Reading Material—About Order
Unit 16 Payment Terms
Part One Letter of Credit
Text A Urging the Establishing of L/C
Text B Applying for L/C
Text C Advising the Establishing of L/C
Text D Application for Amendment of L/C
Text E Asking for Extension of L/C
Part Two Payment Terms
Text A Asking for Easier Terms
Text B Requesting for Payment by D/A
Text C Requesting for Payment by D/P
Reading Material—Procedure of Payment by L/C
Unit 17 Shipment and Insurance
Part One Shipment
Text A Packing Requirement
Text B Shipping Advice
Text C Urging Shipment
Text D Proposing Part Shipment and Transshipment
Part Two Insurance
Text A Exporter Writes to Importer
Text B Importer Writes to Exporter
Reading Material—Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of China
Clauses (CIC)
Unit 18 Complaints and Claims
Text A Complaint for Delay Delivery
Text B Complaint for Wrong Goods Delivered
Text C Claim for Inferior Quality and Reply
Text D Claim for Inferior Packing and Reply
Reading Material—Claim Related to Imports
附錄A 單詞匯總表



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