
出版時間:2012-7  出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社  作者:南相浩  頁數(shù):316  字數(shù):537000  




Part OneAuthentication Technology
Chapter 1Basic Concepts
1?1Physical World and Digital World
1?2A World with Order and without Order
1?3Self?assured Proof and 3rd Party Proof
1?4Certification Chain and Trust Chain
1?5Centralized and Decentralized Management
1?6Physical Signature and Digital Signature
Chapter 2Authentication Logics
2?1Belief Logic
2?1?1The Model
2?1?2The Formulae
2?1?3The Characteristics of Belief Logic
2?2Trust Logic
2?2?1Direct Trust
2?2?2Axiomatic Trust
2?2?3Inference Trust
2?2?4Behavior Based Trust
2?2?5Characteristics of Trust Logic
2?3Truth Logic
2?3?1The Needs of "Pre?proof"
2?3?2Entity Authenticity
2?3?3The Characteristics of Truth Logic
2?4Authentication Protocols
2?4?1Standard Protocol
2?4?2CPK Protocol
2?5Authentication Systems
2?5?1PKI Certification System
2?5?2CPK Authentication System
Chapter 3Identity Authentication
3?1Communication Identity Authentication
3?2Software Identity Authentication
3?3Electronic Tag Authentication
3?4Network Management
3?5Holistic Security
Part TwoCryptosystems
Chapter 4Combined Public Key (v6?0)
4?2Mapping Functoin
4?3Computation of Keys
4?3?1Computation of Identity?key
4?3?2Computation of Separating?key
4?3?3Computation of General?key
4?3?4Computation of District?key
4?4Digital Signature and Key Delivery
4?4?1Digital Signature
4?4?2Key Delivery
Chapter 5Cryptosystem and Authentication
5?1New Requirements for Cryptosystem
5?2Development of Cryptosystems
5?3Identity Authentication Schemes
5?3?1Identity Authentication with IBC
5?3?2Identity Authentication with CPK
5?3?3Identity Authentication with PKI
5?3?4Identity Authentication with IB?RSA
5?3?5Identity Authentication with mRSA
5?3?6Comparison of Schemes
5?4Key Delivery Schemes
5?4?1IBE Key Delivery
5?4?2CPK Key Delivery
5?4?3Other Key Delivery Schemes
5?4?4Performance Comparison
5?5Discussion on Trust Root
Chapter 6Bytes Encryption
6?1Coding Structure
6?1?1Permutation Table (disk)
6?1?2Substitution Table (subst)
6?1?3Key Structure
6?2Working Flow
6?2?1Given Conditions
6?2?2Key Derivation
6?2?3Data Expansion
6?2?4Compound of Data and Key
6?2?5Left Shift Accumulation
6?2?7Right Shift Accumulation
6?2?8Data Concentration
6?2?9Single Substitution
6?2?10Compound of Data and Key
6?3Security Analysis
Part ThreeCPK System
Chapter 7CPK Key Management
7?1CPK Key Distribution
7?1?1Authentication Network
7?1?2Communication Key
7?1?3Classification of Keys
7?2CPK Signature
7?2?1Digital Signature and Verification
7?2?2Signature Format
7?3CPK Key Delivery
7?4CPK Data Encryption
7?5Key Protection
7?5?1Password Verification
7?5?2Password Change
Chapter 8CPK?chip Design
8?2Main Technology
8?3Chip Structure
8?4Main Functions
8?4?1Digital Signature
8?4?2Data Encryption
Chapter 9CPK ID?card
9?2ID?card Structure
9?2?1The Part of Main Body
9?2?2The Part of Variables
9?3ID?card Data Format
9?4ID?card Management
9?4?1Administrative Organization
9?4?2Application for ID?card
9?4?3Registration Department
9?4?4Production Department
9?4?5Issuing Department
Part FourSoftware Authentication
Chapter 10Software ID Authentication
10?1Technical Background
10?2Main Technology
10?3Signing Module
10?4Verifying Module
10?5The Feature of Code Signing
Chapter 11Windows Code Authentication
11?2PE File
11?3?1NT I/O Subsystem
11?3?2File Filter Driving
11?4Code Authentication of Windows
11?4?1The System Framework
11?4?2Characteristics Collecting
Chapter 12Linux Code Authentication
12?1General Description
12?2ELF File
12?3Linux Security Module (LSM) Framework
Part FiveCommunication Authentication
Chapter 13Phone Authentication
13?1Main Technologies
13?2Connecting Procedure
13?3Data Encryption
13?4Data Decryption
Chapter 14SSL Communication Authentication
14?1Layers of Communication
14?2Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
14?3Authenticated Socket Layer (ASL)
14?4ASL Working Principle
14?5ASL Address Authentication
Chapter 15Router Communication Authentication
15?1Principle of Router
15?2Requirements of Authenticated Connection
15?3Fundamental Technology
15?4Origin Address Authentication
15?5Encryption Function
15?5?1Encryption Process
15?5?2Decryption Process
15?6Requirement of Header Format
15?7Computing Environment
15?7?1Evidence of Software Code
15?7?2Authentication of Software Code
Part Sixe?Commerce Authentication
Chapter 16e?Bank Authentication
16?2Counter Business
16?3Business Layer
16?4Basic Technology
16?5Business at ATM
16?6Communication Between ATM and Portal
16?7The Advantages
Chapter 17e?Bill Authentication
17?1Bill Authentication Network
17?2Main Technologies
17?3Application for Bills
17?4Circulation of Bills
17?5Verification of Check
Part SevenLogistics Authentication
Chapter 18e?Tag Authentication
18?2Main Technology
18?3Embodiment (Ⅰ)
18?4Embodiment (Ⅱ)
Chapter 19The Design of Mywallet(v1?0)
19?1Two Kinds of Authentication Concept
19?2System Configuration
19?3Tag Structure
19?3?1Structure of Data Region
19?3?2Structure of Control Region
19?4Tag Data Generation and Authentication
19?4?3Writer and Reader
19?5Protocol Design
Part EightStored File Authentication
Chapter 20Storage Authentication
20?1Security Requirements
20?2Basic Technology
20?3File Uploading Protocol
20?4File Downloading Protocol
20?5Data Storing
20?5?1Establishment of Key File
20?5?2Storage of Key File
20?5?3Documental Database Encryption
20?5?4Relational Database Encryption
Chapter 21Secure File Box
21?2System Framework
21?3Features of the System
21?4System Implementation
Chapter 22Classification Seal Authentication
22?1Background Technology
22?2Main Technologies
22?3Working Flow
Part NineMoving Data Authentication
Chapter 23e?Mail Authentication
23?1Main Technologies
23?2Sending Process
23?3Receiving Process
Chapter 24Digital Right Authentication
24?1Technical Background
24?2Main Technologies
24?3Manufacturer′s Digital Right
24?4Enterprise′s Right of Operation
24?5Client′s Right of Usage
Part TenNetwork Authentication
Chapter 25Pass Authentication
25?2Working Principles
25?3The Diagram of Gate?guard
25?4Gate?guard for Individual PC
25?5Guarding Policy
Chapter 26Address Authentication
26?2Main Problems
26?3Technical Approach
26?3?1CPK Cryptosystem
26?3?2New Routing Protocol
26?3?3Computing Environment
26?4New Prototype of Router
Part ElevenNew Progress
Chapter 27Measures against Exhaustion Attack
27?1Exhausting Capability
27?2Basic Analysis
27?3Main Objectives
27?4Technical Approach
27?5Module Design
Chapter 28CPK Cryptosystem
28?5Public and Private Network Key
28?6Digital Signature Protocol
28?7Key Delivery Protocol
Chapter 29On?line Key Distribution Protocol
Chapter 30The Design of Mywallet (v2?0)
30?1Technical Requirements
30?1?1Two Kinds of Authentication Concept
30?1?2Two Kinds of Authentication Networks
30?1?3Two Kinds of Business Requirements
30?2System Structure
30?2?1Key Distribution
30?2?2Data Structure
30?2?3Controller Structure
30?3Protocol Design
30?3?1Authentication Protocol
30?3?2Decryption and Verification Protocol
30?3?3Encryption and Signature Protocol
PostscriptFrom Information Security to Gyber Security
Appendix A
Walk Out of Mysterious "Black Chamber"
Appendix B
Identity Authentication Opening a New Land for Information
Appendix C
Searching for Safe "Silver Bullet"
Appendix D
"Electronic?ID Card" Attracts International Attention
Appendix E
CPK System Goes to the World
Appendix F
Identity Authentication Based on CPK System
Appendix G
CPK Cryptosystem
Technical Terms


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:   Development and spread of horizontally structured networking and end to end transmission technology such as store-forward communication and packet switching raise many new issues to the authentication system.The issues can be summarized as follows:scalability of proof and immediacy of verification in digital signature.Different domains and classifications were defined in the networks in the past but now the horizontal management i.e.the management over the Grid authentication network has become the new trends.To meet the new requirement it must be supported by new technology and theory. 7.1.2 Communication Key Since the authentication network is a grid network with no center,and the modern communication is individualized and end to end communication,on the open public network(such as Internet,telephone network),it is redundant to divide the network or data into function domains(e.g.longitudinal multi-layered division,horizontal internal-external network division),and to divide personnel and data into different classifications(except for private network). Despite all that,in view of the actual situation of coexistence of private network and public network,it is acceptable to remain function domain division of keys and registration classification of personnel. Communication key is a main parameter variable that ensures commumcation between the communicating parties.The keys are divided into symmetric keys and asymmetric keys. 1)Symmetric Key:A common key shared by both communicating parties. 2)Asymmetric Key:The decryption key is owned by the designated party. 7.1.3 Classification of Keys In generally,there is no need to define different classifications for the communication network and computer facilities in public network.It is the same as above mentioned authentication network.But if the keys are used in file management then files may be classified different levels to realize different encryption. The keys are classified by roles and domain.Role is divided into 1)System administrator 2)Senior employees 3)Mid-level employees 4)General employees 5)Customers Domain is divided into 1)Global domain 2)District domain Different keys are distributed to different classes and domain for enabling different access control.





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