
出版時(shí)間:2011-8  出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社  作者:羅雨青 著  頁(yè)數(shù):256  




Unit 1 Communication Skills1.1 Basic concepts of communication skills1.2 Technical communication1.3 Communication in a globalized world1.4 Communication in a digitized world1.5 SummaryKey termsExercisesReferencesUnit 2 Oral Communication2.1 Researching before the speech2.2 Preparing speech script2.3 Speech delivery and rehearsal2.4 How to read formulas and equations2.5 SummaryKey termsExercisesReferencesUnit 3 Collective Communication3.1 Organization of a small group3.2 Holding group meetings3.3 Group skills3.4 SummaryKey termsExercisesReferencesUnit 4 Career Communication4.1 Creating resumes and personal statements4.2 Preparing cover letters and recommendation letters4.3 Going through job interviews4.4 SummaryKey termsExercisesReferencesUnit 5 Business Communication5.1 Writing letters and emails5.2 Writing proposals and feasibility studies5.3 SummaryKey termsExercisesReferencesUnit 6 Technical Communication6.1 Technical descriptions6.2 Process instructions6.3 Formal reports6.4 SummaryModel 6-1 Formal report exampleKey termsExercisesReferencesUnit 7 Academic Research and Writing7.1 Research process7.2 Features of academic paper7.3 Evaluating and interpreting information7.4 Components of academic writing7.5 Documentation of academic writing7.6 SummaryModel 7-1 Academic paper exampleKey termsExercisesReferencesUnit 8 International Conference Communication8.1 Understanding conference organization8.2 Organizing and preparing a conference8.3 Presentation and communication in a conference8.4 SummaryKey termsExercisesUnit 9 Visual Design9.1 Graphics9.2 Document design9.3 PowerPoint design9.4 SummaryKey termsExercisesReferencesSupplementary ReadingNew Concept of User DocAudience Analysis the Easy WayBehavioral Interviewing: Write a Story, Tell a StoryBusiness MannersThe Technical Writing ProcessEthics in Technical CommunicationThe Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers Written by Graduate Chinese Engineering StudentsAppendix A English Translation of Mathematics TermsAppendix B Useful Expressions to Describe Line ChartsAppendix C PowerPoint Skills 247



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