出版時(shí)間:2011-9  出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社  作者:(美)米切爾 著,龐冬 編譯  頁(yè)數(shù):342  




chapter 1 scarlett's jealousy
第一章 嫉妒的斯嘉麗
chapter 2 scarlett's first marriage
第二章 斯嘉麗的第一次婚姻
chapter 3 scarlett's second contact with butter
第三章 斯嘉麗再見瑞德
chapter 4 escape from atlanta
第四章 逃離亞特蘭大
chapter 5 back to tara 1
第五章 回到塔拉
chapter 6 raising of the tax
第六章 提稅
chapter 7 scarlett's second marriage
第七章 斯嘉麗的第二次婚姻
chapter 8 frank's death
第八章 弗蘭克之死
chapter 9 scarlett and rhett
第九章 斯嘉麗和瑞德
chapter 10 tara, land of hope
.第十章 塔拉,希望升起的地方


  disappointed, for he had wanted a son, but he neverthelesswas pleased enough over his small black-haired daughter toserve rum to every slave at Tara and to get roaringly, happilydrunk himself.  If Ellen had ever regretted her sudden deasion to marryhim, no one ever knew it, certainly not Gerald, who almostburst with pride whenever he looked at her. She had putSavannah and its memories behind her when she left thatgently mannered aty by the sea, and, from the moment of herarrivalin the County, north Georgia was her home.  She became the best-loved neighbor in the County. Shewas a thrifty and kind mistress, a good mother and a devotedwife.  When Scarlett was a year old, and more healthy andvigorouso. than a girl baby had any right to be, in Mammy‘sopinion, Ellens second child, named Susan Elinor, butalways called Suellen, was born, and in due time cameCarreen, listed in the family Bible as Caroline Irene. Thenfollowed three little boys, each of whom died before he hadlearned to walk-three little boys who now lay under thetwisted cedars in the burying ground a hundred yards fromthe house, beneath three stones, each bearing the name of“ Gerald O’Hara, Jr.”   ……



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  •   SCARLLET是我很喜歡和欣賞的女性,這本書值得收藏。
  •   朋友為了學(xué)英語(yǔ)買的,對(duì)于我們英語(yǔ)不太好的人來說,讀起來還真是困難重重,不過這書確實(shí)不錯(cuò)
  •   翻譯得不錯(cuò),而且內(nèi)容比較全!
  •   肯定不是英文完整版,要收藏的親,還是不要選這本吧!!
  •   不適合泛讀
  •   書不是全本,應(yīng)該是簡(jiǎn)寫的。里面有標(biāo)注部分的四六級(jí)單詞。但是,我剛看到第五頁(yè)和第七頁(yè)就發(fā)現(xiàn)了兩個(gè)編輯錯(cuò)誤。甚至第七頁(yè)標(biāo)出來momentarily的讀音還是錯(cuò)誤的。雖然說會(huì)看這樣的書的人不至于被這個(gè)單詞標(biāo)注錯(cuò)誤了就誤導(dǎo),但是感覺不夠嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)。

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